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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Thailand must have one of the most inept police forces in the world. They are corrupt to the point of criminally negligent as can be seen by the daily death toll. If they got off their collective <deleted> and confiscated 1000 vehicles a month, they would eradicate dangerous drivers (even the slow learning Thais) within a year.
  2. He doesn't wear that bulletproof jacket as a fashion statement.
  3. The thread is newsworthy only because Pattaya Plod showed signs of life after years of being diagnosed as terminally dead.
  4. Tickets are never issued for these brands. I tucked in behind a BMW driving from Surin; he sailed through all police checkpoints untroubled.
  5. 1 Get a police force. I spotted a rare cop on Suk in Pattaya. He was following a pickup belching black smoke that could have been seen in Chiang Mai (on a clear day!) He took no action. 2 Ban all slow moving speaker vans that hold up traffic to relay a message that no one can hear. 3 Follow the smoke from burning fields and jail the owner.
  6. The number of complaints will cause it to crash. Thais don't listen to advice (particularly from farangs) as they know it all.
  7. Sounds like every Bank Holiday I ever spent in UK.
  8. It has been very humid lately; I suspect he was airing/cooling his testicles, little thinking anyone would be about at 2am.
  9. The sad thing is that Plod will accept this as a legitimate reason for his dangerous driving and no prosecution will take place.
  10. And 92% will be ignored by Thai drivers and Thai police.
  11. From 2000 to 3700 is a lot more than 5% rise? Ditto fuel from 600 to 1000.
  12. To gain a better life after death? Went to the wat on Wednesday - it looked like 98% were female. All were carrying food for the dogs.
  13. Literally asking for a friend; (recently moved house & can't get on to Thaivisa site.) He's had Solar panels fitted. The contractor told him about the above saying PEA must provide one. PEA have said 'cannot.!' I think he's getting too much energy & wants to sell it on like you can in UK.? He doesn't have storage. Any assistance please.
  14. The Ukrainian President was a comedian before he entered politics; Prayuth is considering retraining as one. This is a bigger joke than Big Joke. To say RTP needs more time off from asphyxiating suspects; ignoring road casualties and beating up students is laughable if it weren't so tragic.
  15. These could be instantly available if all mega-stores like Macro/HomePro/all Tesebans & the like sacked 60% of its redundant work force.
  16. But Thailand's armed forces must be the best equipped in the world; they have more generals with lots of medals to deter all surrounding countries from attacking.
  17. Lots of unemployed Thais who prefer to watch rice grow rather than take a proper job. Lots of employed Thais who do nothing but enjoy free A/C; (I'm not just thinking of police here.)
  18. whilst providing opportunities for graft to the chosen.
  19. It's a national characteristic - it starts with the cops and goes up to the tops.
  20. Ah - there's the rub. It's what Thai cops do best; turning a blind eye with the proper medication.
  21. I've been here 20 yrs to be near my son. It is the best single decision of my life. I love the sun; the girls; the cost of living (even on a UK pension.) I've spent millions here and it entitles me to grumble. This particular one is about the Thai inability to keep things simple; everything must be over-complicated with layers of administration which allows for grey areas and commission collecting. Does your comment mean you are happy to see packs of marauding wild dogs? Bent coppers? Corrupt Government? Army coups? Years ago blacks were enslaved; women couldn't vote; without protest nothing changes.
  22. Health & Safety will never catch on in Thailand. It requires vigilance; aforethought; intelligence but most importantly financial investment.
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