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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. There'll be a queue of buyers round the block!
  2. Why would any International company invest anything in Thailand to immediately lose 51% of their shareholding in a country riddled from top to bottom with corruption in every walk of life?
  3. They've been talking about it for 15 years.
  4. It's Bonanza time for Pattaya Plod. Lots of 'fines' for bikers; lots of punitive 'measures' against (some) renters. We'll see even less of the invisible force for a few weeks as they get to spend their loot.
  5. Next they'll be demolishing all the illegal restaurants/Go-Go bars on the beach side?
  6. So they've learned from last week's incident when a corpse was found the following day?
  7. I thought Pattaya Plod had cleared the streets of these boy racers?
  8. It was a Daily Mail story. Thailand's fame reaches the International stage.
  9. 470 quid = over 20K baht! You could get the real thing for a month in Pattaya; so I've heard.
  10. Pol. Col. Sakchai has obviously been to college or just bought a new pair of specs.
  11. Kinyara - don't read this. I wonder how many days in a year the RTP manages to besmirch the reputation of its uniform?
  12. I wonder when the Health & Safety Movement will hit Thailand?
  13. Six cops + a few lengths of spiked chain = problem solved. The real problem is finding six cops and forcing them to come out after dark.
  14. Cycling on dog-infested roads? Check out Death Wish movies.
  15. Beware travelling Finnair; they don't do overhead luggage space. Both 14 hour flights I had to travel with my bag between my knees. (AND no free booze!)
  16. I asked & received a recommendation for a taxi on here as I had no means of getting my luggage to Jomtien except another taxi. I used an all-female company called Nam/Nam. They were terrific; 1000 baht for small car; emails in good English/driver identity/contact number in advance. Collection from BKK similarly trouble free. BKK was a doddle compared to the sh1thole of Manchester. Coming back I went to a Priority lane 'cos I was old & got excellent treatment.
  17. ' passengers will face face a fine of 2,000 baht each (commuted to 200 on the spot.)
  18. And the determination to promote Thailand's own vinegar industry. Anything for farangs is fair game.
  19. UK are crying out for it. There's an export idea to boost Prayuth's retirement pot.
  20. Can one be electrocuted not to death?
  21. I've been here 18 of 20 years and have not noticed any improvement in general services - still largely invisible criminal justice administration - still mainly done by sleight of hand at road blocks protection of life and properties - except on public holidays; weekends from 1pm Friday; every night after 4pm; never before 10am management of traffic - road casualty figures higher than Covid deaths personnel administration and development - few women allowed into police college; waistline development continues apace practices of police technical tactics - like using unwieldy grappling tongs on fleeing farangs?
  22. I'm guessing the pickpocketeer is the one sitting down - difficult to tell with no pointing from the other faceless ones. The story is not about necklace snatching per se so the many cases of the disappearing gold could still be an insurance scam?
  23. RTP are considering recruiting goldfish as an extra weapon in their war on crime.
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