I, (UK Thailand ex-pat) went touring US with my daughter (UK). For the ESTA(?) I put down The Bellagio, Las Vegas (on my bucket list.) No questions asked. I did get to see the fountains but from another (cheaper) nearby hotel.
IF police did their jobs & enforced laws which include fines for riding without a helmet or licence or insurance; if this redounded on the parents then casualty rates would go down.
No flies on these guys.
Hardly a luxury goods shop if you can get that lot for 26K!
Pattaya police finally get their man when someone else does their work.
The police can put a cop every ten metres when a VIP comes to town. When it comes to enforcing helmet use; red light observance; speeding; they are invisible.
Pattaya police will now swing into action after a fuss on Social Media about their usual inaction. The CCTV is clear enough; an arrest will be made soon at the offender's mother's house.
Or a blowlamp/torch https://up.yimg.com/ib/th?id=OIP.h5AhhHRAWi-uACdOa2DjEgHaHY&pid=Api&rs=1&c=1&qlt=95&w=117&h=116
Agreed. I fell victim to a couple of these lawyer firms, losing my house in the process. One was headed by a farang 'lawyer', who, I found out later, was disbarred in UK. The Thai firm altered the shareholder proportions to suit my ex-wife.