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Everything posted by Somnambulist

  1. If you don’t want to stink, scrub your under arms with a soapy bath towel to exfoliate the old skin that holds in the stinky bacteria.
  2. Would you be interested in dealing my guitar to someone for me? It's a 1960 Gibson L-4C. Or point me in the direction of a good dealer?
  3. Wow, that sucks. I won't do that then. Thanks.
  4. I just found out that since last year, Paypal no longer accepts 'foreigner' sign-ups, unless they have a business in Thailand with appropriate documents. You have to sign up with paypal in your own country, but that can be difficult from Thailand, even using a VPN. You've got to ask someone in your country to sign up for you.
  5. Thank you very much. Now I have another question. I'm trying to sign up for PayPal but it keeps asking for a Thai ID number even though I'm using a VPN. Any idea how to get around this?
  6. I'm going to list a vintage guitar on Ebay and then ship it to (probably) North America, Europe, or Japan. What shipping firm would you suggest? I know DHL and FedEx are best avoided when shipping to Thailand but is shipping in the other direction better? Or is there another way to ship? I prefer by air because it's so much faster. Packing: I know how to pack the guitar inside the case but the shipping firm will need to provide an outer carton and bubble wrap etc. Insurance: How much would they charge to insure up to 170,000 baht?
  7. This is why I take care of myself.
  8. Well, if "Sin City" is too harsh, albeit true, how about a more friendly sobriquet such as "Sexual Amusement Park".
  9. I gave that a try a couple of hours ago and so far, so good. Many thanks!
  10. My M1 MacBookAir is on the fritz. Can you recommend a good shop or repairman?
  11. This info about hospitals is news to me, so I appreciate those posts, too.
  12. I need to see a doctor but I hate dual pricing. Can you point me toward one that doesn't do that.
  13. My girl sells smoothies in South Pattaya. Biz had been dead for a long time, but four or five days ago it suddenly got much better.
  14. I dropped off my bag today. He's going to work on both arm straps for 120 baht and it'll be ready in one day.
  15. That's close to me. Thank you 🙏
  16. My shoes are fine but my old but trusty daypack needs a strap replaced and I thought a shoe repair shop might be a good place to go? But I don't know Pattaya very well. Any ideas?
  17. I just bought one at the DIY at The Avenue for 49 baht and it works. Happy ending. :--) The package said it was a flash drive lol. So I was slightly worried but it looked like what I wanted and it was/is.
  18. Oh, no, I didn't think to go look in there. Thanks. For that price, one could break every month and I wouldn't even mind lol.
  19. I need a USB Type C (male) to Micro USB (female) adapter. I've bought two adaptors at Tukcom but they both broke within a month. Powerbuy doesn't sell them. I bought from two shops on the same floor. I don't know if I just had bad luck or if they sell cheap junk. So, where else in Pattaya can I buy one, or should I go to Lazada?
  20. I have been taking saw palmetto for years. It works. Also zinc. Most of the zinc in a man's body is in his prostate. Those with enlarged prostates have a lot less of it there than those whose prostates are in better shape. Zinc is great for the libido, too.
  21. What are they requiring these days for a certificate of residence to open a bank account?
  22. Oh, that's good to know. I am moving in December but am staying in the Pratamnak/Jomtien area because it has become home. But maybe someday I'll consider Skybeach again because I love the architecture and location.
  23. Before choosing Pratamnak, I was interested in Sky Beach, but was warned that the elevators are very slow. True? But now I live in Unixx and the elevators are slow haha.
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