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Posts posted by Regyai

  1. 6 hours ago, Lemsta69 said:

    no, he should use whatever address is easiest and what gets him the extension. why create a rod for your own back by slavishly following the rules to the letter?



    The cheapo hotel ruse seems ideal and keeps the photocopying folks one step away from your residence.

    Never endured a communist regime so cant understand the slavish willingness to 'register' your whereabouts.

  2. 56 minutes ago, BTB1977 said:

    Can't spend 500 million baht if dead. Snitches in the drug world most definitely end up dead. And sometimes there families. So he wants everyday delivery people to do the job his department and men can't.  Good luck with that plan. 

    Not really


    Thailand has been the L.O.S. (Land of Snitches) for as long as I can remember. If they're not found following the national pastime of dobbing each other in, they certainly can be relied upon to throw any and everyone to the wolves if captured - when their DNA seems to cause an inability to hold their own water.


    And to be honest the Thais aren't much better ????.

  3. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    One problem with narrow walls like this is if you want to hang anything on such a wall.

    If it's only a few cm thick and half of that is a hole, then wall plugs don't have much to told on.





    Another issue is security,. as I pointed out to an acquaintance with just such a build after the multi lock point doors and widow grills etc were fitted.


    He was bemused when I told him anyone with a lump hammer can walk up & come in through the wall of his choosing.


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  4. ???


    Of course, and presumably all my prior entries into/out of Thailand - as they have been to every other I.O. I've presented to in the past - without issue.


    The new passport was a throw-a-way response to the preceding post. The underlying issue to it all is how does changing horses from all those prior Visas to now just using Visa Exempts (albeit the dizzy heights of now having had two of them - four months apart) merit such surprising attention.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    What for? We know the story - she flipped through a passport full of Thailand stamps (even though they were years old) and her "you come too often" lightbulb went off. Didn't even bother to look at the dates - just knee-jerk reaction to the stamps. Funny enough if the OP came with a new clean passport she wouldn't have asked him anything.

    C'est ca in a nutshell


    And indeed due to the fast expiring passport, next trip I will be equipped with a pristine new unused one. (Yours truly will henceforth be avoiding any immigration queues leading to a stamp wielder devoid of  'Y' chromosome).

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