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Posts posted by Regyai

  1. 11 minutes ago, transam said:

    Yes, drat, said the BiB, that suit case has scuppered our suicide case...????

    Life imitates art



    I recall years ago, the glorious Pattaya Police proclamation of suicide (the victim cable tied to a chair and  Khmer Rouge style asphyxiated with carrier bag tied around neck) the declared rationale being as hotel room locked from the inside and only the deceased there = suicide. Y'know one of those push the button to lock (as you leave) door knobs.


    Mind you these days having possession of a single use plastic grocery bag would be sufficient justification for a death sentence anyhoo n'est ce pas

  2. 6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    So far innocent, but that doesn't stop them laying claim to his possessions?

    How does that work?

    Have you not noticed the two great precursors to police action in Thailand?   The newer  kid on the block  is embarrassing  viral social  media.  However it doesn't  begin to overshadow the grand old stalwart... The ready access to money/assets

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  3. 11 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    Bear with me a moment; i think this was at a certain gym that is notorious for steroid selling and using. I checked it out whilst looking for a gym back in January. Afrer touring the facility, the Thai front desk worker was out front smoking something that was either weed or meth. I didn't want to smell it, so left quickly.

    Your point being?

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  4. 2 hours ago, transam said:

    I find it odd, but somewhat amusing, that a few folk on here openly want to bury a farang for being a few days/weeks outside his visa... Very strange indeed....????

    Not at all strange, look at any repressive society now and throughout history


    there's always a cadre of hand wringers proclaiming their compliance and support


    in the vain hope of being overlooked in future ????

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