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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Agreed, But, No one talks so how do you "get to know each other" Cell phones are here no one needs to Talk, you just "Listen Now"

    When is the last time you sat down and had a conservation "in person" with an employee or even a family member?


    We use to here in Thailand, company sponsored at a local restaurant, employee recognition, new company goals (15  minutes Max) than socializing and imbibing the rest of the evening, Good Times.

    The last time we did this was 2006, why everyone was to "busy" to attend.

    Tried again on several occasions but same thing "To Busy" I purposely Did NOT make the attendance mandatory, what good would it do to force cooperation and friend ship!

    Prior to 2006 we had a very large work force in Bangkok we needed more workers so we hired many Thai's from "other regions" of Thailand.

    Let the integration and segregation begin, yes even the Thai's were predigest, we soon had a segregated work force. Luckily I had a Thai as a Personal Manager he was able to straighten things out after a while, but the divisions still remained. After (up to than) over 16 years I saw a side of Thailand I never knew existed, yes they acted like most other countries do!

    So prejudice and segregation is endemic here in Thailand as it is everywhere!

  2. How do I get a copy of this publication? Is it , does it follow the law?


    translation in Burmese, Lao, Cambodian, Vietnamese and English would be needed to be effective in dealing with migrant workers. So I won't hold my breath for that but a /the Thai version would be nice, my staff will translate the Thai to English.


    We have capable migrants around to do the translation in their languages and have proof readers to back check the translation, will take a while but well worth it.

    So where and when is this "Interpreter Handbook" available?

  3. 14 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

    As one who did not vote for either flawed US Presidential major party nominees, I agree with you. A bit of a dilemma with me. I want to believe in a participatory democracy but ...(whoa, a shiver just ran down my spine). I am holding my breath awaiting the November US election. If the American citizens do not turn out en masse and elect progressive candidates I will have to resign myself that my country is lost and that it will not have any hope to recover in the time I have left in this life. As has been observed, the problem with democracy is counting heads, not what is in those heads. I do understand the justified frustration/anger of the working middle class (not limited to the US) but they are reacting with gut emotions, not reason....

    And who would that be?

  4. A rush to start, same as all projects, never completed or tested before put in operation. Than completion and testing forgotten about. Projects forced open even though not completed is the norm here. I foresee a complete failure of the transportation system in the very near future! 


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  5. "Every" country has a patrol car at the road  block, check point with a computer that can check anything on line, facial recognition, passport or ID number. In fact in most countries every patrol car is equipped with these basic NCIS computers. Have been for years, they even work when the vehicle is moving, but they do keep a record of what is requested and usually want answers to why quires were made and the disposition of the request.

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