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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. Rain, especially slow steady rain refills the underground aqua-firs.

    If you live on an island like we do, There is no magic well, no rain no water to replenish the aqua-fir.

    if you have an open well just take a look in the well at the water level, observation will show you how the ground water varies with rain fall, no rain no water simple. rain needs to be steady and not to hard or most will wash into the sea using the Soi's as klongs. About 85% of the rain goes to the sea as we have no major dedicated catchment areas here on Samui.

    Want to know the water situation on Samui, just observe the water tanker truck activity it follows closely with the rain we get.


    Just a comment about spelling and grammar, English is not the native language of most of our member so can we ease up on the spelling and grammar comments.


    We are not school children!


  2. Here on Samui, no problems with 3BB, fast efficient service, drop outs, yes lately due to some very bad solar storms effecting a lot of the world for the last 2 weeks. Satellite disruption as well as GPS problems.

    I get what I pay for in speed, but again depends where you are downloading from and when. My dedicated download server downloads at over 100 mbs on most days.

  3. Justice or it will never stop as long as thy no there is no punishment for this cowardly and heinous crime.

    The victim will no undoubtedly be blamed as a willing participant, the usual ploy in these cases.

    We are talking about a Child who was taken advantage of. It is a crime, it appears that the process requires the Child victim to degrade her self in public to get justice. Again she is a minor and protected under the laws. Where are the Child Protection NGO's when needed. No one seems to care.



  4. Close them all, reopen and screen /vet the applicants. Check police records.

    Make them go through the registration and testing process again.

    Yes we employed graduated from technical schools and never had a problem, but we did interview the prospective employees as well as required references.


    4 of these employees were given time to attend further education and went on to graduate from university and have become Degreed  Engineers.

    They are all employed as either Structural or Electrical  Engineers here in Thailand.

    Interesting to note is None work for Thai Companies, all are employed by Foreign owned Companies.

  5. A long time ago, was invited to tour the plant. Operation was almost perfect, the operators and staff knew their job.

    The cost of operating and maintaining the plant was (i was told)  around 8 million a year, but no revenue was coming in and the plant was falling into disrepair, not enough garbage than.

    The Weight scale was the only certified scale on Samui, and may still be. I had to get my truck weighed when the engine was replaced, only the scale at the Incinerator plant was acceptable.

     Another problem was the design of the doors to the "pit" where the trucks dumped the garbage, the trucks were not, did not seal to the opening, so when the pit door were opened the odor quickly wafted out of the plant. Local residents were not happy, especially on a hot, rainy day.

    I must say that the plant was a marvel of Japanese Engineering for it's time, staff were proud to work there. 


    It was a long time ago so I don't have all the facts suffice to say "something happened".


    Garbage disposal is a problem all over the world, no one wants to admit it or Pay For Disposal. Until the problem is fixed we are facing a big problem, mostly contamination of our ground water, runoff into the Sea, dangerous diseases, just to name a few. 


    Sorry facts elude me as none were told to me at the time, just here say and rumors.

    Obviously nothing can be done for the "Old Plant"


    Eco friendly plants be dammed Burn The garbage and charge a price that will encourage less trash, ban plastic bags and bottles. or pay a premium to sort the plastic bottles for recycling.


    Lets see what happens  and good luck to us all, because no one seems to give a dam!


  6. I remember when we had to have a yellow vaccination book when we traveled.

    it listed all the shots we had and when boosters were due.

    I just had my booster shot for D & T and a flu shot at a local clinic.(no typhoid)  I was told easily cured??

    Yes, if they know what to look for.

    The problem no one looks for these old diseases any more.

    Many of the old diseases are coming back, no one gets immunized anymore.

    The sea is now a big source of many bacteria, old and new.

    We can not keep using our oceans as a trash dump and a septic tank.



  7. As you get older (over65) a few kg extra are good for you. Get sick of have injury best to have the extra back up to use in fighting what ever the problem is.


    Interesting look it up slightly overweight as you get older good, obese no.

    Seems the majority of (people) that die here seem to be unusually skinny by western standards.

    When I had Dingi Fever that extra weight sure helped in my recovery time.



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  8. There not there to do your paper work for you, you need your papers in order long in advance of your arrival.

    No they don't know, they are not experts, they are volunteers there to help with filling forms, translations.

    They are there to bridge the language barrier mostly.

    They can get answers to your questions for you, but you need to know what to ask.

    If you can not figure it out get a professional company to do the paper work for you and accompany you to immigration..

    The online requirements are on line and simple.



  9. Arriving visitor scans passport in reader, printer prints out ??? on the card, visitor signs card (?why), visitor fills in address where they are staying.


    I never understood why the airline doesn't do this, they know where they are going and the rules, they have all the equipment and can easily print out a filled in landing card as part of the boarding pass procedure.

    Resource abound but no one uses them.

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