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Posts posted by ksamuiguy

  1. It is happening again, the squirrels are disappearing from Samui.

    I live in a large coconut plantation and after the last big die off of coconut trees it was determined that the absence of "Natural Enemy" of the larva that was killing the trees were disappearing on the island.

    When the squirrels were reintroduced to our island the dying of of the Coconut trees slowed down and seemed to stop. What happened to the squirrels (this subject was covered on this forum 5 or 6 years ago.


    Over the last 6  months the squirrels have disappeared again. I use to observe 10 to 20 squirrels a day in my yard, whole families playing and transiting our property and all over the coconut trees.

    About 2 months ago the Squirrels disappeared! I have also noted that many coconut trees have a orange band around them indicating that chemical have been used on the tree.


    Bring the Squirrels back. As we know people have short memories. It was band to harm these creatures but now no one seems to care. The chemicals used will eventually taint the reputation of the coconut industry.


    • Thanks 1
  2. Solar cells are still very inefficient to provide a economical option.

    Power is CHEAP here in Thailand, as long as the cost is so low there is no intensive to invest in more costly and maintenance intensive technology. Pay back , yes we design and manufacture Solar systems, but they are a "protection" from power fluctuation and failures in 80% of the cases.


    There is also a limit as to how big a system can be for your installation. 

    There is no working plan to buy back excessive power you may generate.

    ROI is very low, but as a protection or back up the systems work as designed.

  3. To far the cost of the transmission lines would be a big additional cost and maintenance headache.

    just ask Australia, power plant cheap, coal plentiful cost of getting power to the customer is the problem.

    Laos and Cambodia supply a lot of power to Thailand. Many gas fired plants were scheduled to be built. A dedicated pipeline was built across Burma to Thailand to deliver Natural Gas, the plants were never built but Thailand still pays for the gas it does not use under the contract with BP.


  4. I defer to those of you who have lost parents, brothers, sisters defending "Our Freedom", yes the freedom of the world.

    No one cares anymore, no one knows the history of the sacrifices made to give you the freedoms you enjoy today.

    When the next conflict comes and it will you will again call on those brave men and women to protect Your Freedom even at the costs of their own lives.



    19 hours ago, hansnl said:



    One of the hardest fought battles of WW2, we lost a lot of men taking Okinawa.

    Bottom line We WON , You LOST, we own that island forever and I would fight for it again if necessary.


    Not even part of Japan , during the war just another road block to delay the coming defeat.


    Asian You Lost,  We whipped your ass, get over it.  Read the surrender paper WE OWN YOU!



  6. My observation over the last few months.

    The Tour companies arrange everything, hotel, local tours, big buffet food tables, Big shopping center tours, everything is taken care of.

    One exception may be 7-11 and Family Marts as they seem to need a lot of snacks.


    With the arrangement like above less than 30-40% of local Thai businesses benefit from these "Tour Groups", just look around do you see any on their own? Oh you may see a group , but most likely they have been bused to a place to shop and are on a schedule via their tour group bus.


    This leaves well over 50% of the businesses on Samui who gain basically nothing from this tourist boom. A perfect example is Natorn, tour buses are waiting at the pier to whisk the New arrivals on their per booked tours and hotels.


    Just take a look around they don't travel in hordes any longer, they are in organized groups.


    The locals, with few exceptions see none of this business just the big hotels and tour organizer.

    Need proof just come to Natorn, even when a cruse ship comes in  they are whisked away in prearranged buses and vans waiting for them as the tour ?? has already been arranged on the ship.


  7. So being legal, paying taxes, jumping through government hoops at every turn, teaching my Thai Employees proper engineering skills. I could go on, but Evidently it was all for nothing when I could have done everything from NaNa Plaza (1984) and never needed to worry about being legal. More difficult then due to technology limitations at the time.

    Visa extensions just a shout away, easy and cheap.


    After I did things by the rules every thing became a nightmare, book keeper, immigration, labor,

    office, being scammed by book keepers was popular back than also.


    After over 40 years I think back and i would have been better off being illegal, liegal they can trace you, scam you, intimidate you, threaten you. Why you are easy to find and they can always find a problem. This got better when they were required to have a warrant, not to just barge in and search your place of business. 


    To bad as I had High Hopes for Thailand in those days, never happened and appears it never will. And no one seems care anymore.






    • Like 2
  8. My book keeper has informed me that I am requiter to apply for a NEW Work permit. She tells me that they will no longer renew work permits over 10 years old.


    I am also told that if the work permit includes more than one job description I have to pay Income tax on each listed job.


    I have had a work permit continuously since 1993 here in Thailand, A new book was stapled to my old work permit book 2 renewals ago. I was told that be sure and not loose the old work permit book as they can not find my past records (I have copies).


    So is this now the law a work permit over 10 years old can not be renewed and you must apply for a new one!


    My company is a Thai American Amity Treaty registered company in business since 1992 here in "The Kingdom"

  9. I am told by my book keeper I need to apply for a new  permit because mine is over 10 years old and they won't renew Work Permits over 10 years old.


    I am also told that you must pay taxes on each job description in the Work Permit


    I have had a work permit continually since 1993.


    Is the new law? I am renewing my work permit this month.


    The only records they have is my old work permit book stapled to my "New Book" the old on was falling apart.


    They say they can not find my records!


    I have my records going all the way back to when I set up my company and applied for my work permit.


    are these new requirements?





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