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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. I am a teacher and i have all the required documents (work permit etc.) I have been offeed a much improved job and am keen to accept. But what do i need to do in order to change visa's as i know my current visa will die the moment i switch jobs.

    Last time i changed jobs a rather curt immigration lady explained that i needed a letter confirming my cancellation of my current contract / job and then when i produced it - cancalled my visa there and then, explained i had to now leave the country or get a 7 day extension and leave the country. And if i did this ever again i wouldn't be issued with a new non B.

    Can this be right?

    I don't want to change jobs and then have no chance of getting a new non imm B etc.

  2. You all know what I'm talking about!

    Tell the truth only! And that's what isn't done in most of the cases here, it's just a repeating of readed reports pp, which in most of the cases not true or even censored for those who done the censor!

    Don't forget that a foreigner will never understand the mentality, culture and character of Thais.

    Don't forget that foreigner, and that's the most of you, are Guest in this country.

    If you don't like what's going on here, go back to your country, but don't get involved as long as you stay in this country.

    I've listen many times from many foreigner from different countries, that they wouldn't allow Thais to get involved in their country affairs. Why you claim to get involved here? You don't have any more right as others.

    Be objective and don't "run" with the masses!

    And don't use that name again Mr. Noname, or Fiction or Beachcom... or who ever you are, I mean YOU: way to go Fritz. :D:o

    My god he's right !! ............But hang on I don't remember the thais telling foreigners NOT TO GET INVOLVED in the awful aftermath of the Tsunami, which was (although not exclusively) a thai affair. The hands of the thai were out of their pockets in a flash asking for help, money, volunteers to help them rebuild etc. from which ever foreign government would listen. And now the he has the audacity to suggest that we should go back to our own country and not get involved!!!! Remember the door swings both ways!!!

    Buddy i've got news for you. This is my country too!!!! It may not be the country of my birth but it's my country. I live here, my wife was born her, my three daughters were born here, I work here, i own a house here, i pay taxes here (which help run the government - you could say i'm one of many the many paymasters to the government, and taxes by default give me the right to get involved. After all why shouldn't i have an opinion about the people i help payroll through my taxes?) And i am certianly not a guest . I along with no doubt many thousands of other expats are active and valuable members of thai society. So please remember that your vicious comments upset your fellow country men.

    Peace and Equality for All !!


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