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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. I think this is a pi** take aimed at public ally shaming the inadequacies of the Thai police force and the country.

    Think about it, what in western countries would have been a simple crime to solve, the crime supposedly is caught on video, but the Thai police don't know what to do with the tape !! as a result no one is caught / the crime is not resolved.

    So, all the Spaniard can do is walk out of the police station stunned that the police don't give a s**t - but later comes up with a plan to shame them.

    Wonder what the embassy said when he handed over the cent??

  2. Blame the farang. Nothing changes.

    My family's happiness rating has gone through the roof. Now they eat properly, the kids won't be snatched out of school so as to earn a crust, they are adequately clothed, they live in comfortable accomodation, etc etc. This is because of my farang influence - and at times, compulsion. Some have even begun to think for themselves. Yeah. The Western influence has ruined Thailand.

    Sure their situation has improved......but what is the true definition of happiness in this situation.....many people grow to quickly accept their improved situation......didn't have transport for 20 years....buy a motorsi...great improvement.....buy a car....great improvement.....now cannot do without a car.....more expense.......worry about paying the repair bills/petrol etc......

    Happiness for improved situations is transient.....educational benefits will only be appreciated later in life....

    Do you enjoy your life?....diffferent matter.....and it appears the 'westernised' people in BKK are the ones who are not so happy...according to the report......

    What utter s**t. People in Thailand are unhappy because their country is in a complete mess. It has nothing to do with the west. How can it? The westerners have no political influence in Thailand. All the decisions made here are by THAIS for the benefit of THAIS. And lets be brutally honest what is your working definition for 'westernized people in bangkok?' How does this western influence work??

    People are unhappy cause of a myriad of negative factors - Swine flu, falling incomes, political problems and social division throughout society.

    Bugger all to do with the western influence.

    Happiness is usually judged by people meeting their 'expectations'.......western influence can knowingly or unknowingly raise that level of expectation.......as stated above by influence through media or TV or other factors........the fact that Thai politics does not perhaps assist in meeting this level of expectation does not mean westernised ideals do not affect it.....

    And the media you are talking about would be, TV radio magazines.... which are all THAI controlled media outlets. Thai media copied western media and copied it without knowing the consequences. They control what goes into their media they deal with the ramifications of this. Their choice entirely. No western influence there other than being copied and how can you be blamed when your model is copied. If Thais are so fiercely independent they should have though of inventive and creative Thai media models that best reflected the values and culture of their people. People have a choice to say yes or no, to buy or not buy. You take responsibility for your own life and if it goes tits up. It's your fault and no one else s.

    You don't sit their saying "We're unhappy because we copied the west and western expectations and now it's all gone pear shaped."

  3. Blame the farang. Nothing changes.

    My family's happiness rating has gone through the roof. Now they eat properly, the kids won't be snatched out of school so as to earn a crust, they are adequately clothed, they live in comfortable accomodation, etc etc. This is because of my farang influence - and at times, compulsion. Some have even begun to think for themselves. Yeah. The Western influence has ruined Thailand.

    Sure their situation has improved......but what is the true definition of happiness in this situation.....many people grow to quickly accept their improved situation......didn't have transport for 20 years....buy a motorsi...great improvement.....buy a car....great improvement.....now cannot do without a car.....more expense.......worry about paying the repair bills/petrol etc......

    Happiness for improved situations is transient.....educational benefits will only be appreciated later in life....

    Do you enjoy your life?....diffferent matter.....and it appears the 'westernised' people in BKK are the ones who are not so happy...according to the report......

    What utter s**t. People in Thailand are unhappy because their country is in a complete mess. It has nothing to do with the west. How can it? The westerners have no political influence in Thailand. All the decisions made here are by THAIS for the benefit of THAIS. And lets be brutally honest what is your working definition for 'westernized people in bangkok?' How does this western influence work??

    People are unhappy cause of a myriad of negative factors - Swine flu, falling incomes, political problems and social division throughout society.

    Bugger all to do with the western influence.

  4. 3 kg of Heroin, not cheap - Wonder where and from who he bought that little packet from in Thailand. I'm sure he's singing like a bird in prison. Do you think the BiB will be acting on any information?? He obviously isn't a one man cartel, you don't go from 'store man to international trafficker with 12 million baht of heroin unless someone is pay rolling you

    Be nice to see this drugs ring smashed with the aussie buyer and probable Thai supplier caught, which would have more effect in the overall supply of drugs than catching the courier.

  5. The People's Alliance for Democracy on Monday filed a lawsuit with the Criminal Court against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban and Police Chief Gen Patcharawat Wongsuwan for abuse of authority.

    The lawsuit was filed by lawyer Nathaporn Toprayoon, who was appointed by Chaiwat Sinsuwong of the People's Alliance for Democracy, to represent the 36 PAD leaders who have been summoned to hear criminal charges, including act of terrorism, in connection with the PAD's seizures of Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports late last year.

    Mr Abhisit, Mr Suthep and Pol Gen Patcharawat, who were responsible for overseeing police, failed to properly perform their duties allowing police investigators to have made too severe charges against the PAD leaders since the protests at the two airports were only political gatherings.

    The court set Aug 24 for examination of the lawsuit.


    -- Bangkok Post 13/07/09http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/148819/pm-sued-by-pad

    Is this real? So sorry to say it is.LOL Thailand.

    Since when was it the job of a prime minister (any prime minister) to oversee police investigations?If the PAD win then I'm suing the PM too. The fine of 500 baht i received last week for speeding was much too severe. The PM failed in his duties by allowing investigators to make too severe a charge. Anyone know a good lawyer?

    55555555555555 +++++

  6. If Thai Airways was smart they'd reconfigure these things for high volume seating and try to entice tons of budget travellers to come to Thailand. Forget about the Thaksin-era dreams of planeloads of wealthy tourists and get back to what works. Another alternative is to sell or lease the A380s to another airline.

    855 unwashed backpackers each with 200GBP to spend. How do they pay for the airline ticket?

    With money....

    Why does the word backpackers always have the word unwashed before it in Thailand??? When I went backpacking around the world many moons ago I had a shower every morning and night, as did pretty much everyone else I met.

    The only time I didn't wash was when the places I was staying were so dirty that washing would have made me dirtier, so maybe that's the answer - washing in Thailand makes you dirtier. - Sorry a bit off topic

  7. Antiviral for all with chronic disease

    By Pongphon Sarnsamak

    The Nation

    Published on July 10, 2009

    Level 2: Fatality rate at 0.10.5 per cent of all confirmed cases; Thailand's rate is now at 0.4 per cent

    Ya what ???? Looks like it's back to the cram school for you for some basic maths training - DOH !!

    BTW if 2.4 million people are to be given access to the drugs without testing. That must mean Thailand has a potentially whopping stockpile of ARVs stashed away somewhere, and those ARVs are going to be sold to the hospital by whom and at what price........... I bet someone's gonna make a pretty packet out of this one. Now the muddy waters clear and we see why the media cirus has built this up - Money.

    Remember the Longon fruit debacle - where did that money go after all the spin. I don't mean to be cynical but TiT.

  8. Prediction for a possible story in one of the papers next week

    Thermal Scanners to be installed at Kao San Road to stop the great unwashed, youth of the west spreading the disease.

    Now that's gotta be a vote winner. Young, Foreign and Dirty.

    Absolutely no evidence to support this and it's a flimsy as this story.......... so it should work!

  9. Can't see the point of tutorial schools being asked to shut. Surely if you wanted to close places where students or young people gather then, schools, universities, shopping malls, pubs (i know, i know) and clubs would be better starting points.

    Oh yes I forgot - This whole story is just a charade so that the government appears to be doing something to prevent the PANDEMIC.

    On second thoughts, you know what it wouldn't surprise me if in the next month pubs and clubs are ordered shut.

    Lunatics in charge of the asylum me thinks.

  10. GENEVA, Switzerland, June 23 (UPI) -- The World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, says there have been 231 confirmed deaths worldwide attributed to the H1N1 virus.


    Compare to 36,000 deaths yearly from the standard seasonal flu in the US alone.... the figure above of 231 is worldwide.

    Someone is trying hard to cause an unnecessary panic over a comparatively weak flu strain.

    P.s. by the way, my son - 11 y/o - got the swine flu 2 weeks ago (found out in the hospital), we took care as according to the doctors, as a common flu. He recovered in 5 days. School informed by hospital according the regulations but did not close .

    Like I said on the previous page. This flu is nothing to panic about, but the WHO is causing a stir for some reason... gee, what reason could they have? They need money? They want more power? The selling of toxic flu shots?

    Please, be careful of the WHO panic-stirring and the media's reckless fear mongering (it sure sells newspapers, though).

    I certainly don't buy any of it... and guaranteed, I'll never accept any mercury-laden flu shot.

    Please watch the video - a physician's take on the matter.

    A good video response from a US perspective. And the doctor / congressman seems pretty straight.

    Personally I think this whole border closure thing is political maneuvering designed to show the democrats as being pro active and decisive and to deflect attention away from the defeats of Bumjaithai in Issan. Will they ever close the borders - No!

    But if they did - how would that effect trade, rice exports etc. My guess is it would trash the Thai brand abroad as closing the border maybe interpreted and 'spun' by the foreign media as a quarantined country due to swine flu. Would you want to buy anything from a country under quarantine. Even if it's self imposed.

  11. "....Details of those talks remained under wraps as Commodore Bainimarama left for neighboring Vanuatu after his meeting with Sinawatra for this week’s one day retreat of leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) whether the Thai leader offered an investment package to Fiji in return for being accorded a safe haven, it could not be established...."

    investment package - now there's diplomatic speak for ..... if I give you lots of money can I stay here. Lets just hope the Fijians don't do a Thailand.

    Set the Rules

    Take the money

    Change the rules

    Tell the investor to leave

  12. These farang have some nerve to slander the King's good name. I hope all of these farang receive the full 15 year prison sentence for their actions here.

    Please explain yourself further -

    • which farang - Jakarop?? / The people on Thaivisa?
    • Slander - where / when/ what was said that was slanderous?

    Please backup your rhetoric laden statements with some fact.

  13. .

    With a gaggle of Asian actors, singers etc will follow a gaggle of asian photographers and video crews etc. The photos and video clips will likely then find there way into hundreds of popular asian magazines and onto popular asian tv slots etc= essentially FREE targeted mass advertising (less the comparatively small cost of bringing them here).

    Don't know many people who base their holiday plans around a shopping game show staring what may well turn out to be plastic pop stars. Maybe I'm wrong , but seeing Madonna running around the streets of Paris YSL and Armani shopping bags in hand wouldn't persuade me to go to France for my next holiday irrespective of what magazine I saw it in. Good food, wine, service, accommodation, beaches would persuade me. Boy bands shopping for jeans wouldn't.

    As you said though may turn out to be a free targeted mass advertising coup, I just think they are advertising the wrong stuff. But, i'm British and maybe the asians have a different set of ideas when booking a holiday.

    Chok Dee to you too.

    Cheers JC - actually, Asians seem to go gagga over fluffy actors and actresses and the market is usually affluent. Therefore I see the silly aspect but also the savvy aspect. Add in the other subtle aspects of the seemingly silly campaign of showing off a modern Bkk (shopping malls, elevated skytrain with connecting walks etc) all portrayed in a 'seemingly' safe environment, plus having them shop for Thai brands on top and all in all, damned clever really.

    As one not taken by all the 'star' glitz etc, I get your Madonna point. Mel Gibson was was filming back in my home town and a traffic cop stuck his head in my window and apologised for what would be a lengthy delay. I stuck my head out and shouted 'Hey Mel, act like a cop and get this traffic moving' (big grin from Mr Gibson;)

    However, if you've seen the clever 'I feel like a star' advert on CNN with Costner, bet many remember the airline... (good advert that, altho, bet Costner wouldn't want it seen in the west;) :)

    Yeah, must be an Asian thing cause I don't get it, so I guess all we can do is wish the project 'chok dee' and hope it puts some baht back in the pockets of the hoteliers and businesses that depend on all tourist to earn a daily wage, and that TAT hasn't wasted x millions of Thai tax payers money again.

    As they say; different strokes for different folks.

  14. .

    With a gaggle of Asian actors, singers etc will follow a gaggle of asian photographers and video crews etc. The photos and video clips will likely then find there way into hundreds of popular asian magazines and onto popular asian tv slots etc= essentially FREE targeted mass advertising (less the comparatively small cost of bringing them here).

    Don't know many people who base their holiday plans around a shopping game show staring what may well turn out to be plastic pop stars. Maybe I'm wrong , but seeing Madonna running around the streets of Paris YSL and Armani shopping bags in hand wouldn't persuade me to go to France for my next holiday irrespective of what magazine I saw it in. Good food, wine, service, accommodation, beaches would persuade me. Boy bands shopping for jeans wouldn't.

    As you said though may turn out to be a free targeted mass advertising coup, I just think they are advertising the wrong stuff. But, i'm British and maybe the asians have a different set of ideas when booking a holiday.

    Chok Dee to you too.

  15. Agreed - Surely you must admit guilt before you can be pardoned. Otherwise what will the king be pardoning??

    Take that aussie who recently got caught under the LM laws for a couple of sentences relating to the monarchy. He admitted his mistake and his majesty showing benevolence pardoned him. I'm sure if he claimed he was innocent and did nothing wrong he'd still be in jail.

    This is very distasteful, collecting signatures with the expectation that this will pressure his majesty into over ruling a courts decision. Can't this pressure be interpreted as insulting?

    His majesty is above this type of political bickering and any pardon should be left to his majesty and advisers to decide on privately when individuals have admitted wrong doing.

  16. TAT Deputy Governor for International Marketing Santichai Euachongprasit said the tourism agency had invited 53 celebrities from 11 Asian countries to participate in the event, including actors, singers, models and media professionals.

    By the way can anyone name a celebrity media professional for me. I'm not even sure i know what a celebrity media professional is?? What do they do? present things in the media in a professional way - Can't work for 'The Nation' then.........oooops :D

    Paris Hilton......................? :D:D

    What's a Paris Hilton?? A new French Hotel :) ......I'll get my coat.

  17. TAT Deputy Governor for International Marketing Santichai Euachongprasit said the tourism agency had invited 53 celebrities from 11 Asian countries to participate in the event, including actors, singers, models and media professionals.

    By the way can anyone name a celebrity media professional for me. I'm not even sure i know what a celebrity media professional is?? What do they do? present things in the media in a professional way - Can't work for 'The Nation' then.........oooops :)

  18. So how is this going to boost tourism??? Is it going to be televised in 11 Asian countries or just in Thailand if at all. If not how is it going to promote tourism.

    I have a feeling someone at TAT saw the amazing race asia, went out and had a few beers with his mates, had one of those drunken beer ideas, 'lets do the amazing race shopping in Bangkok', woke up the next day and actually put it into practice.

    Here's a better idea for promoting tourism - free travel on any and all government bus, coach or rail service for any foreign tourist when their passport is shown with the 30 day tourist visa (non immigrant holders and thais excluded) between the months of x and y and the waiving of all entrance fees to national parks.

    Sure the coaches etc may not be the best, but the idea that once you arrive in Thailand you can travel for free would hold an appeal, especially when times are hard and more money would go into the local economy rather than state coffers.

    Beats some teenage Korean pop star being given a wad of cash and told to go shop

  19. Of course he has been charged for that speech and subsequently forced out of office. What exactly pushed FCCT, a legal entity, to distribute copies of that speech is beyond me. Just how dumb you must be to get yourself drawn in a political struggle in a foreign country and caught selling what could be easily classifed as subversive propaganda after Jakrapob called for guerilla war?

    The content of that speech has been all over Internet already, there's no urgency to dissimenate the "news" whatsoever.

    Have I missed something here:

    • When did the FCCT distribute the speech? Before Jakrapob was charged or after?

    • If the FCCT distributed the speech before he was charged, did they do anything wrong?

    • Did they stop any and all distribution after he was charged?

    • Did they begin selling the DVDs only after Jakrapob called for guerilla war?

    • Did anyone actually buy the DVD?

    What a strange twist of fate that would be, the only person to buy the DVD is the person behind the charges.

  20. Just like the Economist distributor in thailand. Whenever there is an article within mentioning the King, the distributor in thailand don't distribute that issue to avoid such charges

    If the Economist distributor can do that, why can't FCCT? Farang never learn do they?

    Your last sentence is rather offensive to be honest - pigeon holing all westerners in the same slot and reinforcing typical Thai stereotypes of westerners.

    We never learned what??? The courage of speaking our mind? Free speech?? Believing and practicing the values which were instilled in us by parents and teachers?? Maths?? Thai???

    I think you'll find the distributor of the Economist was 'persuaded' to pull that edition. It wasn't an act of nationalism on his or her part.

    As a matter of interest, does anyone know if the DVDs were sold and distributed before or after the initial LM charges were brought against Jakrapob??

  21. like the wise one said long time ago,

    when you go to rome, just have fun and

    do not deviate too much from the romans.... cheers

    Hmmmm.... Not so sure that's such a good adage to use this is Thailand, if I'd followed the behavior of many of my fellow 'romans' over the last few years I think i'd have ended up in jail, as many times non-romans would be critisied for typical 'roman' behaviour. Think of dropping litter in Sukhumvit or JJ market - a happy and popular 'roman' past time - Non romans beware !!! do not do as the romans are doing !!!

    As to the rest of your post - The discussion is about the complaint against the FCCT not a discussion about the monarchy.

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