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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. I am not an aviation expert.... but that configuration looks rather inefficient, both economically and spatially. Wouldn't it be better just to remove all the seats and then fill the cabin roof to bottom with cargo...like a real cargo plane perhaps? Or do they mean sticking passenger and cargo together in the same cabin - box / person / box / person - type config.
  2. Well I would hope the court recent rulings against members of the last elected government will set a precedent on how the courts deal with those in the current government who have wasted taxpayers money with erroneous judgements and actions. Maybe certain current government members are thinking of heading to Dubai on a Macedonian passport.
  3. This surely cannot apply to residents? So if i choose to leave Thailand, then the renetry process is; 1) Spend 1 night at a hotel (Day 1) 2) Go home and then go to work ...say I am a school teacher for arguments sake. (Days 2, 3, and 4) 3) Take a day off work and spend it in a hotel (Day 5) I'm thinking there is a slight hole in this plan sherlock? This cannot be for foreign residents here surely?
  4. I reckon it's the teachers. I have some very fond drunken memories of school trips .....as a teacher with my Thai colleagues on the annual school trips. It was at those camps that I understood just how male 'dominated' thai society was. The female teachers took care of the students...and the male teachers got smashed and played 'bok-bok' and had no interested in looking after the students.....until we arrived back at the school.
  5. I guess its just a crude term for kids of mix hertiage or ancestry. Oddly as I have been here for more years than I care to share, when I do share with Thai friends they all say I must be half Thai as well as i have been here for so long. Told that tory to immigration once....they were less than impressed lol.
  6. Before they start worrying about phones being used...maybe start making sure the vehicles on the road are serviced and you know small things like brakes which work, Tyres with a tread, and stickers not plastered over the windscreen leaving the narrowest of gaps for the driver to peek through.
  7. Sounds to me like the gentleman in question is doing a very good job of immersing himself in the local culture and way of doing things. Well done I say !!
  8. Well that seems to screw all grab, food panda, robin hood etc drivers as the are constantly using their phones while moving..some even have nice little umbrellas to keep to rain and sunshine off the screens.
  9. Clearly you have no respect for you either human life or the law. Do this country a favour and leave.
  10. Whether people are annoyed or not with the alleged actions of this bloke.....murder, by virtue of trying to cut the head off one of them with a rusty scythe is not (and never is) an appropriate response. Or do you think murder is a correct response to people who annoy you?
  11. Common sense - Judging by the content of your post in the past 24 hours, I would say that, that is highly debatable at best. Although i suppose at 3am you are asleep so that is probably when you make the most sense as you are not awake and spouting utter nonsense.
  12. Back at ya mate - Trying to justify this attack because Thailands health system has failed the killer is truely idiotic in the extreme. You could argue he has some diminished responsibility but that at best would be for a judge to decide..not you. He is still responsible for his actions. Trying to justify the attack as they were allegedly drinking and playing loud music late into the evening, whilst possibly annoying and inconsiderate (if true), is perfectly legal - you ever attended a wedding, funeral or celebration for a person entering monkhood - All loud and involve drinking late into the night with loud music. You need to reflect on your own words and apply come critical thinking skills of your own and develop a more accurate moral compass. Deflecting the blame for this onto the victims is dispicable and has no consideration for the family members of the voctims who maybe reading this. You do Thailand a dis-service with your comments. Zip it.
  13. Bangkok was once famous and celebrated for its vibrant nightlife and exteneded drinking hours - who remember the tables and chairs which would pop up along Sukhumvit and open at midnight so the night owls could keep on drinking, partying and socializing till the sun rose and the office workers came out? I understand it was a residential area, but this fixation with the volume of the music and the lateness of the drinking as some sort of justification for murder is shameful. The rightwing loonies seem to have taken TVF. If music and late drinking is justification for murder then something seriously is worng with teh society in which we live. Neeranam - not pointing this at you or suggesting you are a right wing loony ????
  14. Nice one blame the victim. Drinking until 3am is not against the law if done in your own residence, irresepctive of you own personal view. . Trying to decapitate a person with a scythe i think is against the law. If I am wrong please let me know. The blame for this lies squarely with the person with the scythe. End of story.
  15. I look forward to him making a full public apology to the Saudi people for the discracful coverup, theft and murder, that is the "Blue diamond affair".
  16. And yet here it states "use all parts..." Clear as mud i think is the correct phrase. - however Lazada seems to be doing a good trade in the sale of seeds...and i don't mean hemp seeds.
  17. If I read this right you can grow weed at home and smoke it the THC content is irrelevant. The OP states "cannabis extracts with a THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content exceeding 0.2% by weight." If you grow and smoke it - you have not extracted THC to make an oil or another processed derivative. THC is a naturally forming part of the flower. It is not an extract unless in the form of an oil, wax or vape juice and so forth. https://www.ccsa.ca/sites/default/files/2019-07/CCSA-Things-You-Need-to-Know-about-Cannabis-Extracts-2019-en.pdf
  18. 5 Thai lads at home with beer and whiskey usually results in a fight or someone getting shot. 5 Thai lads at home with a bag of weed usually results in a pizza being ordered and them forming a band. Choose.
  19. I have never forked out a dime with mine or my families health insurance at any hospital we have used in Thailand over last 20 years or so. We present our insurance card, they contact the agent in Thailand and that's it I think the largest claim was circa 700,000.
  20. So if my wife and I book to tickets to Thailand through say 'skyscanner' her ticket will be 300 baht cheaper than mine? I have a feeling Thais as well will be paying this extra as well. There will be no difference in price.
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