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Everything posted by jonclark

  1. Sorry to be a grammar Nazi, but third world is not a phrase to describe economic development. It refers to political alignment. 1st world USA etc. 2nd world russian / China. 3rd world non aligned countries.
  2. In a rescue situation putting oneself back in danger by jumping back into the water, in this instance, is a stupid thing to do. I hope he is found safe and well (again).
  3. Let's get one thing straight. There were the correct number of life jackets. It's just that that there were the incorrect number of crew.
  4. Having some of that. Always found claiming tax rebates relatively simple here.
  5. As respectable and socially conscious as all companies profess to be I would have thought that they would be willing shut up and pay....rather than suggesting that their customers..aka the taxpayer bails them out again.
  6. Most of the Thai TV 'analysis' of the incident is putting alot of emphasis on multiple 'reports' of there being a number of repairs being either substandard or delayed. As there was pressure to move the budget for the purchase of the submarines.
  7. Apparently god is white, loud, brash and cocky....so good luck with that one mate.
  8. A very narrow and massively erroneous view. My gran used to go on weekend trip to Amsterdam...she loved tulips and clogs. What have you got against my gran???
  9. Bob, I hate to burst your bubble but these types of people have been coming to Thailand for at least the 20 odd years I have been living here. Its also probably very likely that at some point in your time here in Thailand you have been within earshot of Chinese, Malays, Indians who were talking about the exact same thing....but you just never picked up on it. When I first came to Thailand back in the early 90's as a much younger (and less wiser) person, drugs and chicks were my two priorities in life. I also think you do yourself a disservice by describing people you don't actually know as 'white trash'. And as for being loud, brash and cocky....well maybe you just misunderstood their level of confidence in themselves. We live in a pluralistic society and need to accept that we are all different. There is no right or wrong..
  10. Sorry you think 90% of the population prefer Chinese (criminals?) visiting Thailand over backpackers. I would find that figure very hard to believe. What is the source for the number - or did you make it up?
  11. Sorry aren't these the quality tourists Thailand and TAT has been wooing for the past decade? Quality in Thailand equates to rich....and these foreigners are rich..so Thailand should be celebrating their marketing success in attracting so many. Or maybe they are slowly realising those cheap Charlie backpackers from days of old weren't actually so bad?
  12. Doing away with visa agents though does not solve the problem. The problem is corruption within the immigration service that allows (and probably promotes) the use of agents and 'gifts' from their customers. The tightening of rules will make no long term difference to the root issue here which is the endemic corruption within the Immigration bureau. Until corruption is eradicated from the Immigration bureau people will always have the 'grey' option to circumnavigate any rules, no matter how tight they are. This is not about foreigners flouting the rules. This is about the immigration bureau and its officers allowing (and possibly encouraging?) foreigners to flout the rules. There is a difference. To use an analogy. If a teacher knowingly and actively allows and encourages a capable, intelligent student to fail school. Do you give the student more work (aka tighten the rules) and allow the teacher to continue without correction? Or do you remove and punish the teacher for allowing this situation to be created? The vast majority of foreigners comply with rules. Punishing all foreigners with tighter rules is a dreadful idea as you are punishing everyone for the actions of a few. This tightening of rules (in my opinion) is clearly a knee jerk reaction to deflect from the core, unanswered issue of this situation (corruption within the immigration bureau) and is aimed cultivating a more positive public image for the immigration bureau when they are faced with a PR nightmare.
  13. So raising wages will result in more inflation, more cost to the consumer and reduce competitiveness. But the pursuit of increasing profits for shareholders / stakeholders, and increased bonuses for top executives will not result in inflation, more cost for the consumer and reduced competitiveness.
  14. It doesn't forbid it. A number of my Thai mates do not eat it and whenever I have asked why they reply they have given up beef for a religious vow / wish / merit kinda thing. Cows and beef seem to be frequent benefactors of this ritual.
  15. Most Thais don't eat beef for religious reasons. I have had a number of really good beef dishes here especially the soups.
  16. Is this openness, inclusiveness etc why China is using a map written millennia ago to justify its island building, militarization and massive territorial claims in the South China Sea. Old Winnie needs to learn that words and action must be as one.
  17. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this will stop nothing, Cannabis will be regulated just like alcohol and cigarettes' which is a logical and sensible middle ground. Too many Thai people enjoy a good smoke and like cultivating it. The anti-weed haters and over zealous pro choice cannabis junkies will need to find an accommodation so we can all live together.
  18. Wow what a choice. Would sir prefer a kick in the nuts or having a rather large pineapple shoved up his <deleted>. The outcome in either case will joyless...but the effects long lasting.
  19. Woke !!!! I have never been so insulted in all my life. Goodbye.
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