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Posts posted by rhythmworx

  1. Would be nice if members renamed their threads from "X's Daily life in Thailand and what I see" to something more fitting for their personal thread.

    Have a bit of creativity, "Shaggy's Issan" for example.

    Break out of the mold/mould.

    I can make the titles up for you all if your stuck of ideas.

    Not having a dig or anything, far from it, how abour "Jimbo's Samui Paradise?"

    Has a better ring to it IMO

  2. I'm not sure on that one.

    The best place for advice and problem solving is to load Hexchat it should automatically connect to #linuxmint-help theres lots of linux experts in there to help, it might vary depending on the time of day.

    For extra security:-

    1. Open the network list (HexChat > Network List)
    2. Highlight Spotchat
    3. Hit Edit
    4. Change the port to 6697 and check always use SSL for this connection
  3. I've just typed what you said:

    N: [pulseaudio] main.c: User-configured server at {5c6bb2063eebcbb180029b69572b39ce}unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native, which appears to be local. Probing deeper.

    Yeah thats OK ,,,try my suggestion above this post

  4. Try this ALT +F2 then type

    gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

    at the very botton.new line enter this

    options snd-hda-intel model=laptop

    Save then reboot check audio if not working try pulseaudio --start (note the double hyphen)


    If that doesnt work remove the line you added by running

    ALT +F2 then type

    gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

    delete line resave

  5. This is solvable its just a matter of patience. One thing I noticed is your ALSA is 3.13.0-24....im on 17.2 and mine is 3.16.038....have you done software updates since installation? I can see on the screenshot that there are some you still havent done.

    I recommend updating or at least seeing if theres an alsa update in the list....if you dont want to do that try this and then test the audio

    pulseaudio --start

  6. OK your is similar to mine but need more info, dont worry about the SPDIF for now

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install inxi

    then in full screen terminal

    inxi -F

    copy and paste the Audio: card, driver, sound, ver line

  7. in terminal type alsamixer and check the outputs are enabled and turned up....they should have green, white then red bars if turned up fully.

    Also before updating anything make sure you type sudo apt-get update in the terminal, otherwise when you update something it might use an outdated repository, which can sometimes cause problems.

    A lot of people dont do this and wonder why things stop working after updates.

  8. If you live in an aircon environment and step out into heat and humidity with your camera, it will condensate and will provide a good environment for mould to form.

    My advice would be to stick it in an airtight bag with air in and let the camera acclimatize before taking it out of the bag and using it.

    Just some advice should you live in a nice cool airconned residence.

  9. To the OP,

    What you will find is one day you have left your computer on and it has updated itself automatically without your permission.

    That is unless you have removed the necessary updates.

    The optional download was changed by MS to a recommended download.

    I written a basic batch file to remove the necessay updates but no longer have it and it may be outdated now anyway.

    MS are getting sneaky.

    Always read the support page for every single update before carrying it out.

    This may help but its on old post and there were more updates made available after it https://www.hackread.com/microsoft-updates-spy-on-windows7-8-users/

  10. Thanks Gobs, perhaps a good idea for people / members to revisit places ... and add to their WIS!

    But today, it's back to Samui, Soi one Maenam...

    We arrived just as the tour boats were coming back from Koh Toa and the National Marine Park.


    Fill 'er up ..ready for the morning...

    Clean the snorkeling masks

    The Tour boats go to sleep for the night!

    Boat powered by alien lifeforms, wearing hats that would electrocute them if they don't comply?

  11. 2 decent elastic bands of the right size is all you need shaggy, over back of your camera on eaxh side and onto the sides of the glass.

    Photo here http://www.alexwisephotography.net/blog/2013/07/07/create-yourself-a-neutral-density-filter-for-under-10/


    As for the scratches on the printed gels, thats a good point, glue some silk to cardboard and make a wallet for them. I'm not joking either. laugh.png

  12. You've just sparked an idea shaggy so i thought I'd share it.

    If you've ever looked at the Lee filters website they have all kinds of gradiated orange sunset filters, blue ocean filters etc...

    If you own a printer you can buy transparent sheets in A4 for printing onto, some are only 100 microns thick/thin.

    In theory you could load up photoshop create your own gradient that fades into 100% transparency and print it off.

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