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Posts posted by rhythmworx

  1. https://fstoppers.com/lightroom/adobe-releases-lightroom-20-android-introduces-full-raw-capture-and-further-116383

    Great news for Lightroom users on Android: Adobe has just updated the app to version 2.0, introducing an in-app camera with DNG raw file capture, shoot-through non-destructive presets, split toning, and more.

    Those looking for a more complete mobile photography solution that allows one to take advantage of the latitude inherent in raw files will want to give the new version of Lightroom a try. Adobe has given the app a major overhaul, introducing many new features:

    • In-app capture with DNG raw file support
    • Nondestructive presets with real-time shooting previews
    • Split toning capabilities
    • Point curve mode in Tone Curve tool, with access to individual color channels
    • Dehazing capabilities
    • Targeted Adjustment Tool, which allows for tuning of colors in specific areas of a photo
    • Video creation in tandem with Adobe Premiere Clip

    As mobile platforms become more and more powerful, it's great to see raw capture and editing abilities being augmented. Photographers who are on the go and constantly looking to provide instant content will appreciate the fine-tuning possibilities that come with raw capture and editing. I personally use Photoshop Express as part of my mobile workflow, but alas, the walled garden of Apple does not allow the user access to true raw files. Check out some before and after edits (taken by Colby Brown) from the new app below.

  2. Large built structures including houses which are sited on clay soils can be affected by a tree's removal of moisture.

    Clay soil shrinks as water is extracted from it and this can lead to subsidence.

    If a building has been built on clay soil near an existing tree, and that tree is then removed, the soil may expand which can cause heave.

    The risk of such damage may be greater with older properties. Modern building standards mean that the risk to newer buildings is less.

  3. Puppy is not ideal for anyone new to linux if they want to stay secure, everything is ran as root by default.

    I ran Tahrpup for a while but it annoyed me, ended up settling with mint.

    Have you ever tried Zorin? It seems like it's a lightweight distro, theres also Zorin lite. Think I'll try it out in VM and then try it on the laptop if its any good.

    What are the minimum system requirements that I need to install Zorin OS?

    For the standard desktop editions of Zorin OS:
    1 GHz x86 processor
    10 GB of Hard Drive space
    512 MB of system memory (RAM)
    Graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution

    For Zorin OS Lite:
    266 MHz x86 processor
    5GB of Hard Drive space
    256 MB of system memory (RAM)
    Graphics card capable of 640x480 resolution

  4. Just a heads up for anyone that may have the update v3.5.0.206

    Here’s a major warning to those of you who use Adobe Creative Cloud on a Mac: the latest version of Creative Cloud has a bug that deletes unrelated data from your root directory without warning.

    The bug in Adobe Creative Cloud version was discovered by the cloud backup service Backblaze, whose customers were having their data deleted by Adobe’s app.

    Here’s what’s going on: Creative Cloud appears to be deleting the contents of the 1st folder in your Mac’s root directory, in alphabetical order. For Backblaze customers, this folder was often the Backblaze directory called .bzvol. If you have a different folder that comes earlier alphabetically, something like .appdata, for example, then that folder will be affected.

    This video released by Backblaze shows how an update or fresh install of Creative Cloud abruptly deletes all the contents of their hidden .bzvol folder:

    Read more http://petapixel.com/2016/02/13/warning-adobe-creative-cloud-deletes-data-in-your-mac-root-directory/

  5. Interesting article here, may be of some help to someone who doesnt have or has forgot to bring an ND grad filter

    Here’s a simple trick for landscape photos: when shooting a landscape photo that needs a hard edge graduated ND filter, you can use your hand. Yes your hand! It’s a technique I’ve been using in my own work recently.

    I haven’t purchased a graduated ND filter because I’ve relied on Lightroom and Photoshop to even out the exposure of skies when I need too. But I am liking the result I’m getting by using my hand. Here is an example of a situation in which I would use this technique:


  6. "Meanwhile, Mrs Wanporn Srilert, director of Food Hygiene Office, said that examination of the Japanese food at a restaurant suspected to have caused health problem to consumers showed that the problem originated from the foreign fish supplier.

    The pressing question is though, will it affect tourism?

    Only foreign fish can go off or be contaminated.

    No liver flikes on our fish in Khon Kaen.coffee1.gif

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