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Posts posted by Suszzy

  1. lol! So a wee bit of bad luck then mate?! Hope things get better for you! I will be moving back to the UK after a few years here in Thailand, acutally I am getting quite excited about going back - I must need my head checking! :D I wonder what 'surprises' will be in store for me when I return...lol! Mmm, can hear the fish and chips, pub grub, pints of real ale calling me.... :D

    yeap..everything is up every year.

    do you still want to come back? :D:D

    but not all bad though..still the best country i ever lived in

    especially..education.! best universities and colleges..

    i would say they are the best in the world :o

  2. I did not say "all Thais" I said the ones who dont look where they are going are stupid, applies the world over.

    How do you know I hold a low opininon of Thais from my post?

    How do you know I have had a bitter experience?

    Sure you arent one of these people who dont look where there walking???

    ok..smart guy!

    i just quote what you said "beacuse they're stupid" that all.

    i don't know anything about you that's why i asked. nothing more..nothing less.

    don't need to make it such a big issue. it's boring...you know!! :o

    christ..some people!!!! :D

  3. <br />I've seen it so many more times than back home in the Uk. Many Thais will be walking in one direction, but looking in another direction! The obvious end result is that they bump into other people. <br /><br />I see it all the time in the street, supermarket etc.<br /><br />So why don't they look where they are going? <img src="style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />Simon<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Because they are stupid!

    funny that some people hold very low opinion about thais.

    did you have a bad and bitter exerience with thai people?

    would you like to share it with me?

    why do you grade them as "stupid" people? :o

  4. Actually what happened to the OP has been around a long time. About 20 years ago, when I first came to Thailand I was warned not to wear gold necklaces because this was quite common at the time, at least in BKK. At that time, it was usually done to people crossing the street. The Motorcycle pulls out and cuts the person off, ripping off necklaces etc.

    They usually worked in groups of two. One drove and the other did the snatching. They even did it at stop lights from other people on Motorcycles. Usually giving the other cycle a quick push to make it fall over while they made their getaway.

    Quite a lot of variations of this one.

    it's true because it did happen to me long time ago when i was living

    in los. i was sitting in the tuk-tuk in the traffic jam when suddenly two guys on the motorbike pulled up alongside me and snatched my gold necklace. it was all over befor

    i knew what had happened.i was shock and angry with myself. never again. :o:D

  5. What about in the past? Many people did not have a bed. It did them no harm at all. Same as all those who slept 3 or 4 or more in a bed. I bet those mattresses never conformed to body shape!!!

    Maybe we are getting too soft these days

    i agree with you on this one.

    when i have a bad back i always sleep on the floor.

    and it did me good..no harm done!! :o

  6. hi,davidhouston :D

    i got your message..thanks.

    got to tell you that i like to read your post.

    seem to me you really do your homework with..

    the subjects you take on. you know what you're talking about.

    and i like that..!! Fantastic. and it's great to know someone who isn't thai

    but knows so much, so deep about thai culture and the language.

    i'm impressed..keep up the good work..! :o

  7. cheer up..every one..!! :o

    you guys sounds so depressed.

    if you not happy within yourself.. well

    i supposed you won't be happy where ever you are.

    and if you get bored why don't you take a trip to somewhere nice.

    a short break might help..don't you think! :D

  8. A common question, I obviously like Dr Who, I think I even wrote a story about how I named her. It's a mixture of two Thai Names, Dar and Lek, one of which is her real name, but put together, makes a creature that goes "DARLEKS DESTROY DARLEKS DESTROY" which as calm as she is, reminds me of her at times when I see her thinking of me.

    thank you..!

  9. Don't take the questions as an agressive assault on your homosexual status. Thais often ask questions they really don't need a complicated answer for. "Have you eaten yet?" can be answered yes. If you say no, expect a dialogue, "are you hungry?", etc. Where are you coming from? or Where are you going? can be answered very simply; they really don't want to know.

    that's so true and you're so right about that.

    did you get stressed with those questions from thais?

    don't think too deep..relax and enjoy your stay in los :o

  10. I think that it is a great shame that a country with a majority Buddhist population has the death penalty.

    I am 100% opposed to it in all cases and believe those involved are murderers.

    that's exactly what i thought.

    totally agree with you!

    life sentence would be better than death penalty!!

    haven siad that, my husband thinks child killers and police killers should die..!!

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