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Posts posted by Membrane

  1. The terrorists want us to convert to Islam and that's reason enough for me not to. On top of that, we should all commit ourselves to stopping any further spread of the terrorist's "brand" of Islam. We should point out the error of their ways, how they have distorted and ruined Islam and made it an instrument of war, anguish and bullying methods to further their own political agenda--instead of a religion of peace, love and understanding, and of worshipping their god Allah.

    Of course, for me, my Truth is that Allah doesn't exist. He's a made up figment of their imagination. But like any other religion, if someone gains strength, solace and comfort by believing in something greater than him/herself, then it "works", (for them). It doesn't make it real in the objective, literal sense, only in the subjective perception of the believer.

  2. How about the abolition of ALL RELIGIONS, world-wide?

    I think that is what your Government is trying to do - but with a gun and a bible in hand - no christians to be harmed, was the shout as the slaughter began!

    Oh, so now you're going to start with me too? Fighting with G-P wasn't enough for you?

    You "think" wrong--there is no war on Islam, other than the war the Islamics are trying so desparately to start with anyone and everyone they can. It's only then that they can rally their believers, whip them into an angry frenzy and have a good time killing innocent men, women and children, like the desparate savages they are. They have twisted, warped and infected one of the world's great religions into a political movement--or they are attempting to, at any rate.

    They will be stopped. Unfortunately, since THEY will not come to the negotiating table, there is no communication with them and no way to arrive at peace. Which is of course what they DON'T want. They thrive on hatred, anger, and frustration. They prey on the uneducated, misinformed, gullible and disenfranchised poor of the world. That's why they are trying to make more converts in Africa now. The more poor converts they have to their movement, the more suicide bombers they have, that would be willing to give up their lives to leave this world and move on to the paradise they think awaits them on the other side.


  3. This has nothing to do with Bush this time.

    This has nothing to do with the plight of the Palestinians this time.

    This time, it's all because the French don't want little Muslim school girls to wear their headscarves to school...

    From CNN:

    Muslim group threatens France

    Group plans to inflict 'terror into the heart of the French people'

    Wednesday, March 17, 2004 Posted: 12:50 AM EST (0550 GMT)

    PARIS, France (CNN) -- French police have opened an investigation after a Paris newspaper received a letter from a Muslim group threatening spectacular attacks that would make "blood run to (its) borders."

    The letter, from a previously unknown group calling itself the "Servants of Allah the Mighty and the Wise," said it planned to take action after Muslim girls were banned from wearing headscarves in schools.

    The bill was passed last month by the National Assembly.

    "You have let loose on yourself a river of hate and ignorance, not only toward Muslims but toward Islam itself," the letter, addressed to Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said.

    "We will plunge France into terror and remorse, and we will make blood run to your borders."

    Describing France as a country of "wine, pigs, loose morals and nudity," the group said it planned to use attack techniques imported from Gaza and Chechnya that "have never been used in the West until now."

    The letter, postmarked from Paris and sent to the chief editor of "Le Parisien," urged Muslims to stay out of crowded areas.

    "Europe is a new war zone for the Jihad," it says. "Know that our fight has only just begun."

    'Not be secure'

    The French Justice Department is working with the anti-terror criminal brigade, while authorities are still trying to confirm the letter's authenticity.

    The paper had planned not to run the letter, but did so after authorities urged them to publish it.

    In it, the group mentions the September 11 terror attacks against the United States and the recent train bombings in Spain that killed 201 people.

    The group claims its members are in France, "ready to give their lives" and inflict "terror into the heart of the French people."

    "France will not be secure in its own country nor at its interests abroad."

    The group said it was waiting for three signs before moving forward: the headscarf vote; a "clear and explicit" signal from Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's second in command; and a third signal it cannot reveal.

    Last month, al-Zawahiri released an audiotape in which he criticized France for banning headscarves in schools, saying it is: "Another proof of the crusaders' hatred toward Muslims."

    "When you are France, the land of freedom, you are free to get naked but you are not free to be decent and cover yourself up," he said.

    The letter urges the National Assembly to reverse the headscarf bill or face the consequences.

    "This law is like a declaration of war directed at the Muslim world. If you don't retract that law immediately, we will respond strongly and severely with amazing intensity in your country."

    The letter was signed with the name "Commando Movsar Barayev," on behalf of the group.

    Movsar Barayev is the name of the Chechen rebel and alleged leader of a deadly hostage-taking raid on a theater in Moscow in October 2002.

    The raid ended when Russian special forces piped gas into the theater, and a shootout ensued. A total of 129 people -- most of them hostages -- were killed. Barayev was among those who died in the siege.

    Before news of the letter was released, French President Jacques Chirac said France was not under direct threat of attack "but, as are all the democracies, it is not safe from terrorist attacks."

    "Europe will protect its citizens," he said in Paris during a visit by German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

    "The international community must stick together to fight terrorism, with all its might and without stopping."

    The European Union is set to hold an emergency meeting of interior and justice ministers on Friday before a summit of European leaders on March 25-26, where terrorism is sure to overshadow scheduled talks on economic reforms.

    More proof there is no negotiating with the Islamic fundamentalist extremist terrorists.

    More proof of the insane irrational demands and bullying tactics of the Islamic fundamentalist extremist terrorists.

    More proof they must be stopped.

  4. Here's an interesting article about Spain giving in to the terrorists, further supporting my previous posts. From Yahoo:

    U.S. Official: Spain Gave in to Threats

    By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

    WASHINGTON - Spain gave in to threats and voted to "appease terrorists" in the election Sunday that turned out a top U.S. ally in the counterterror war, the top Republican in Congress said Wednesday.

    The comments by House Speaker Rep. Dennis Hastert strongly contrast with those of President Bush (news - web sites), who has sidestepped the question of whether the election results could encourage terrorists.

    Meanwhile, a top Bush administration official said the Spanish government was defeated in national elections in part because it initially held Basque separatists accountable for last week's train bombings and "didn't get what information did exist out to the public."

    Speaking to Capitol Hill reporters on another subject, Hastert, R-Ill., called Spain "a nation who succumbed ... to threats of terrorism, changed their government."

    Asked if he was referring to Spain, he said: "Well I'm saying, they changed their government because of the perception of threat."

    "Here's a country who stood against terrorism and had a huge terrorist act within their country and they chose to change their government and to in a sense appease terrorists," Hastert said.

    By comparison, when Bush was asked Tuesday whether the vote gave terrorists reason to believe that they can influence elections and policy, he replied: "I think terrorists will kill innocent life in order to try to get the world to cower. I think these are cold-blooded killers."

    Meanwhile Wednesday, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said he thought the vote "was a protest by the people against the handling of the terrorist event by the sitting government of Spain."

    "Probably part of it" was that the defeated conservative government of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar — a key U.S. ally — initially held Basque separatists accountable and "didn't get what information did exist out to the public," Armitage said in an interview on Philadelphia radio station WPHT.

    After initially pointing the finger at Basque separatists, the Spanish government has since said it is investigating a top suspect's possible links to the al-Qaida terrorist network.

    In two other interviews, as well, Armitage referred to what he described as the former government's "mishandling" of the terror attack, the bloodiest in Spain's history with 201 people dead.

    Still, the State Department's No. 2 official praised Aznar, who supported the U.S. war in Iraq (news - web sites) despite the opposition of most Spaniards, as being committed in principle to going after terrorists. "We'll have to give the new prime minister some time to get his sea legs and see how he comes out on things," Armitage said.

    On Wednesday in Madrid, Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodrigues Zapatero renewed a pledge to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq. He called the U.S.-led occupation a "fiasco."

    Zapatero also said Spanish police agencies had failed to prevent the bombings despite knowing the whereabouts and potential danger of a top suspect and his alleged links with al-Qaida, the terror network believed to have been instrumental in the bombings last Thursday.

    A senior U.S. official said Armitage's remarks reflected widespread criticism within the Bush administration of the Aznar government as pointing an accusing finger at Basque separatists, even though evidence was mounting that al-Qaida and not the separatists were involved in the bombing.

    The official, who declined to be publicly identified, reinforced what the deputy secretary of state had said in interviews on Tuesday.

  5. I was going with how the incident was reported at the time, not using an article that was just written and published within the few hours (like you did). Of course it's possible for more info to come out later and then use it here, like you did.

    Who cares now, anyway, how far the previous Spanish government went in skewing the information in their favor? OK, they shouldn't have done it. Agreed. But that still doesn't negate my point--that the majority of the voting populace in Spain caved in to the terrorist's demands.

    adjan jb and Thaiquila--are you two the same person?? You sure hang out together alot here--where one posts, the other is quickly right there behind them Are you trying to encourage each other or just try to give the illusion of credibility to each other's posts? :o

  6. Oh Thaiquila, you are SO clever, so witty.. yawn...

    ...and you never tire of beating your anti-Bush drum. With the world, more and more, going up in flames--in Jakarta, in Madrid--you never focus on the real bad guys. The people who would gladly slit your American throat. The people who dispise you solely because you were born (or claim to be born) an American AND--AND--a JEW!! Whoa.... what a combination they'd love to get ahold of there!! (Remember Daniel Pearl)??

    Yeah, you are so apparently confident that the terrorists will come to the negotiating table, that we can somehow find what they want, somehow appease them, somehow make them happy. You are so confident in your thinking that "all we have to do is get rid of Bush"... and you are SO COMPLETELY WRONG, my misguided friend.

    The terrorists WANT YOU DEAD. Got it?? The terrorists want to DESTROY WESTERN SOCIETY. Understand? The terrorists want an ENTIRE PLANET FOR ALLAH. And if you disagree--then you DIE.

    So WAKE UP Thaiqila! And all the others out there who are not focussing on the real issue. America is NOT the bad guy. Even Bush, with his flaws, is NOT THE BAD GUY. Don't be so naive as to think you can negotiate with OBL. He wants you dead and your throat slit.

  7. The former president of Spain Aznar then very stupidly tried to lie to his people suggesting that the bombing was done by Basque seperatists.

    The voters of Spain should be respected for their choice. It is disgusting to characterize the people of Spain as cowards.

    1) The former government stated that it COULD have been the Basque separatists, not that is was--but that it COULD have been. It wasn't until a short time later that the tapes were found, indicating/confirming it was Al-Quaeda. By the way Thaiquila, your post only goes to indirectly prove my point even further. Your post suggests that the Spanish populace knew it was not the Basque separatists that were responsible for the bombings--that in fact, they knew it was Al-Quaeda that was responsible. So in other words, they logic must have been, we know it's Al-Quaeda, and we better do what they want, or there will be more bombings... In other words, they caved in to the terrorist's demands.

    2) Yes, it is disgusting to see the majority of Spanish voters CAVE IN to the terrorists. How cowardly! Shameful and disgusting. I fully realize it's a very "politically incorrect" thing to say, but the truth is the truth. Truly a low point in their history. It's easy to give in and give up, it's not easy to fight the bastards and drive them into the ground (before they put you INTO the ground).

    3) And to deal with another of your red herring posts: Just because there were no WMDs found in Iraq, A) It doesn't mean they never existed (they could have easily been moved over to Syria or some other hiding place) and :o It doesn't mean they can't still be found (Iraqis are good at hiding things--like the hundreds of Saddam's political opponents who were buried alive inside the concrete walls of bridges or buried in the ground, underneath freeways). And if they didn't exist--ol' Saddam had the opportunity to really embarrass the U.S. by letting the U.N. inspectors do their job--but he didn't do that, did he? He jerked the entire world off for years, bluffing and playing bully. The U.S. finally said--enough! Put up or shut up. The Russians, French, Chinese and Germans all were doing business with Saddam under the table and the U.S. knew it. Corruption in the U.N.? Very possible... And if that's the case, those countries would protect their ASSets in Iraq and the old regime 'till the very end. Which is what all those countries were hoping they could do (again, they did had been doing it already for years).

  8. It is now known that the main reason the wonderful voters of Spain tossed out their leaders was because THEY WERE LIED TO, about the need to go to war in Iraq, and about who was responsible for the Madrid bombings.

    WRONG! The "wonderful voters of Spain" tossed out their leaders because SPAIN CAVED IN TO AL-QUAEDA'S BOMBING ATTACK!! How could you interpret this ANY other way?

    BEFORE the bombings, the old party was the favorite and was fully expected to win.

    AFTER the bombings, the majority switched to the other party who did not support the regime change in Iraq.

    ...so it's SIMPLE, the voters in Spain acted as--are you ready--they acted as cowards, giving in to the terrorist's bullying methods. The terrorists actually were able to sway the politics of an entire nation, with a few well-placed bombs.


    For every article you can come up about GWB and the U.S.--given time and the inclination--I could find another, equally as bad about your government.

    In case you haven't a clue Gent, it means maybe it's time you used your skills and talents on fighting Al-Quaeda and the terrorists, rather than constantly trying to gnaw away at the U.S.

    Regardless of how you feel about G-P and the little back-and-forth games you are playing with him, the United States is your best friend in preserving YOUR way of life, protecting YOUR country--or would you rather have Osama as your best friend?

    Gent, all of your posts seem to be directed at demoralizing Americans, shaming them, ridiculing them and the current administration. Just what do you think you're doing, MATE? What the ###### is your AGENDA? You obviously have one! Why not just come clean and share it with all of us? And don't hide behind the facade of "I love America but can't stand George Bush" shit!


    For every article you can come up about GWB and the U.S.--given time and the inclination--I could find another, equally as bad about your government.

    In case you haven't a clue Gent, it means maybe it's time you used your skills and talents on fighting Al-Quaeda and the terrorists, rather than constantly trying to gnaw away at the U.S.

    Regardless of how you feel about G-P and the little back-and-forth games you are playing with him, the United States is your best friend in preserving YOUR way of life, protecting YOUR country--or would you rather have Osama as your best friend?

    Gent, all of your posts seem to be directed at demoralizing Americans, shaming them, ridiculing them and the current administration. Just what do you think you're doing, MATE? What the ###### is your AGENDA? You obviously have one! Why not just come clean and share it with all of us? And don't hide behind the facade of "I love America but can't stand George Bush" shit!


    For every article you can come up about GWB and the U.S.--given time and the inclination--I could find another, equally as bad about your government.

    In case you haven't a clue Gent, it means maybe it's time you used your skills and talents on fighting Al-Quaeda and the terrorists, rather than constantly trying to gnaw away at the U.S.

    Regardless of how you feel about G-P and the little back-and-forth games you are playing with him, the United States is your best friend in preserving YOUR way of life, protecting YOUR country--or would you rather have Osama as your best friend?

    Gent, all of your posts seem to be directed at demoralizing Americans, shaming them, ridiculing them and the current administration. Just what do you think you're doing, MATE? What the ###### is your AGENDA? You obviously have one! Why not just come clean and share it with all of us? And don't hide behind the facade of "I love America but can't stand George Bush" shit!


    For every article you can come up about GWB and the U.S.--given time and the inclination--I could find another, equally as bad about your government.

    In case you haven't a clue Gent, it means maybe it's time you used your skills and talents on fighting Al-Quaeda and the terrorists, rather than constantly trying to gnaw away at the U.S.

    Regardless of how you feel about G-P and the little back-and-forth games you are playing with him, the United States is your best friend in preserving YOUR way of life, protecting YOUR country--or would you rather have Osama as your best friend?

    Gent, all of your posts seem to be directed at demoralizing Americans, shaming them, ridiculing them and the current administration. Just what do you think you're doing, MATE? What the ###### is your AGENDA? You obviously have one! Why not just come clean and share it with all of us? And don't hide behind the facade of "I love America but can't stand George Bush" shit!

  13. yes - and?

    In case you haven't a clue Gent, it means maybe it's time you used your skills and talents on fighting Al-Quaeda and the terrorists, rather than constantly trying to gnaw away at the U.S.

    Regardless of how you feel about G-P and the little back-and-forth games you are playing with him, the United States is your best friend in preserving YOUR way of life, protecting YOUR country--or would you rather have Osama as your best friend?

    Gent, all of your posts seem to be directed at demoralizing Americans, shaming them, ridiculing them and the current administration. Just what do you think you're doing, MATE? What the ###### is your AGENDA? You obviously have one! Why not just come clean and share it with all of us? And don't hide behind the facade of "I love America but can't stand George Bush" shit!

  14. Georgie Porgie is Ulysses G. - he is suspended, but allowed to post under a different nick, with the admins full knowledge! Many people have asked fo his IP to be checked to varify he is the same poster - no feed back from admin. :o




    C'mon now, "gentleman"... Aren't YOU "Ulysses TG"? Hmmm...? :D "TG"--as in "The Gentleman"??

  15. Membrane~

    I really think Taiquila is "trolling" - just trying to get us rational, objective thinkers pissed off.

    Yeah Boon Mee, he must be trolling. There's no other explanation for that kind of stupi--er--"thinking". He's foolishly missing the point of my post, i.e., that he's blaming everything the terrorists do from now on, on "Bush".

    I mean, it's so obvious the average man on the street in Spain is being manipulated and played by Al-Q (and very successfully). Al-Q wants the old Spanish government voted out of office because they cooperated with the U.S. in the fight against terrorism. So they bomb the trains, cause a huge public outcry and thereby coerce the average person into voting the old government out and a new one in, one that won't be so quick to cooperate with the U.S.

    So with one fell swoop, they ingeniously removed one entire countries support for the U.S.... Very clever.. And so very obvious! Why Thaiquila or anyone else would look at that and not see it, is beyond me.

    Freaking unbelievable!

    And another thing--Thaiquila and his kind claim to "abhor terrorism", etc., and yet they consistently focus their attention solely on "Bush", always complaining about "Bush", beating their drums against "Bush"... WHEN IN REALITY, IT'S THE TERRORISTS WHO ARE THE BAD GUYS! Why is it Thaiquila and his kind NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT THE TERRORISTS or their tactics?? Really! It's always a one-sided complaint: "America is the bad guy" or "Bush is the bad guy"--when really, the U.S. is simply reacting to what the terrorists have already started!

    Honestly, sometimes I halfway suspect this forum has been infiltrated by pro-Islamic terrorist supporters, whose job it is to raise doubt about the U.S.and it's intentions, generate fear, distrust and anger, propagate rumours and misinformation, etc. When you look at the posts of individuals like Thaiquila, Butterfly, and others, it starts to look like a planned, coordinated effort to do just that...

  16. Thaiquila, you never cease to amaze me.... How you twist world events to fit your anti-Bush views are laughable. The Islamic fundamentalist extremist terrorists are clearly on an agenda to make Americans unwelcome in any and every country that has anything to do with them. Hey--isn't it clear to you yet? LOOK--it's the AL-QUAEDA TERRORISTS who are the ones who are bullying and killing innocent people world-wide, and yet you DARE to ask if Bush has "more blood on his hands"?? What kind of stupid twisted "logic" is that?

    What has YOUR country done to stamp out terrorism? Or do you WANT it? You certainly seem to be here only to spread pro-terrorist/anti-Bush propaganda.

    And don't think you're being too clever, with trying to snake your sick reasoning inside of your other twisted views (your quote, not mine: "given that it is now clear that the Iraq war was uneccessary"). I'll ignore for a minute although I KNOW this is just red herring and say--Do you have to have everything explained to you? Saddam was/has been a "bad guy" for a long time, waging war on his neighbors and hard-headedly trying to build WMDs for future confrontations. Are you familiar with the "Bush Doctrine"? Basically, that says that--after 9/11--the U.S. now isn't going to wait to be hit again to nullify threats to itself before they have a chance to strike. Saddam was given a chance to show he had no WMDs, and he blew his chance. He was playing a dangerous bluffing game with a hard-headed, no-nonsense man from Texas--and he lost, he lost everything--his reign of terror, his wealth, his two sons.. he lost big-time....

    End of discussion.

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