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Posts posted by deejah

  1. she basically would follow me

    she might allow me to leash her

    but she does not let others close easily

    she would probably hate a doctors visit

    however she is very bright and in her own little dog way might have been asking me for help

    i know this might sound strange

    but people who know animals might understand this

    i have seen her in trouble before and how she approaches me after, looking for sympathy

  2. there is some great stuff in here

    thanks all

    she usually sleeps on the beach

    north beach near amari

    but wanders and can sometimes be found as far south as soi 6

    looks like i have my work curt out for me

    but if someone on here has some time and wants to get involved

    please let me know


  3. I can't help out except to give you a thumbs up for caring. thumbsup.gif


    what i see in one eye might be spreading to the other

    and i was told from a friend how critical sight is in survival

    so i am super concerned

    i have known this dog for about three years

    and she is very bright and clean too

    like a cat

    i will try to check back here often

  4. she has some kind of eye problem or infection

    i am thinking either i get a leash and take her to a vet

    or someone who knows basic vet medicine to come with me and take a look at her and i will cover the cost


    thanks in advance

    she is a smart and sensitive creature and i fear for her well being

    please help

    i don't know any vets yet offhand

    is jori still around?

    post and/or pm me

    if you're less then concerned please move on to another thread

  5. deejah ..

    you are close to the correct upper concentration. When I retired from dental supply sales, the upper limit then was a 30% gel .... not a solution. There has to be control of where the hydrogen peroxide is placed.

    There is also carbamide (sp) gel, but that breaks down to hydrogen peroxide in the mouth. You will need to have impressions of your mouth made and the resulting soft trays (almost like mouthguards) are then relieved

    to leave space for the gel in the areas where you want the gel to be in contact with the teeth to be bleached. The trays go home with you to be used again whenever you want to have a `touch-up'. Once a year or 2 ...

    I personally would avoid any light activated process. It works ... but the possible damage is what I want to avoid. Brite Smile and Zoom can be very dangerous if the 400 nanometer Blue light is not properly aimed to

    avoid any skin contact or the skin has not been isolated ... severe `Sunburn' and the same for a `laser' treatment. Both systems still use a bleaching gel and the purpose of the `light' is to greatly speed the bleaching process

    thru the heat generated by the gel's reaction to the `light'. The heat is also transfered to the pulp (nerve) of the tooth. Sometimes resulting in pain after the treatment (same pain if the person is sensitive to a 30% gel, a 10% is

    available for home use). When done properly, either `light' or `laser' process is safe and works very well - with properly trained operators. I personally use the the home tray system and I do a `touch-up' about every 2

    years. Just enough to match the 4 Upper Anterior Crowns - they can not be bleached and will be `pitted' by the bleach if it comes in contact with the porcelain crown. I bleach my 2 upper cuspids and the lower 8 anteriors.

    I buy -1- 30% syringe of bleaching gel (I try to buy Colgate Brand) as I know what to expect and Colgate has a slight buffering agent for sensitive teeth (or it did have it in 2007 - when I retired). I get 2 treatments from the

    one syringe, wearing the trays for about an hour each time (even though I know the bleach is depleted in a half hour).

    If your teeth have a `yellow' shading (not yellow stain), then you are an excellent candidate for bleaching. If your teeth have a `gray' shading, don't even bother. It will be a long frustrating and maybe painful process to show

    little or no results. Yellow teeth are much easier to bleach.

    Hope this helps ............... sorry for the long 1 sentence ....


    nicely done thanks

    i checked and yes it is 35%

    opalesence brand

    and for those that doubt how well bleaching and trays might work for them

    i can still see a diff between uppers (bleached years ago) and lowers not bleached

    you mentioned something about pits and damage

    should i be concerned?

    not sure i followed completely

    My mention of `pitting' .... having the bleaching gel come in contact with a porcelain crown - will probably `etch' the porcelain leaving a `pitted' appearance. The trays that were made for you have not been adjusted to allow room for the gel where there are porcelain crowns, they have been adjusted to allow room for the gel to be in contact with the teeth to be bleached and hopefully no room for the bleach to come in contact with the gingival tissue (gums) - they will turn white to show you that you have bleached your tissue as well as the teeth .. can be a little painful and I have forgotten the antidote .... will return to proper color in a few days (or hours ... depending)

    Beaching treatments, using whatever equipment to speed the procedure, by trained personnel should be safe and routine. I have no problem with that ... just pointing out what can happen when people are not trained. And the end result of either a light system or a at home tray system is the same. Light systems are faster and I feel the tray systems are a lot safer.

    Seems to me that the 1 hour laser treatment required a 2 hour appointment .... the first hour or so is preparing you for the treatment. Isolating all tissue so there is no chance there will be any burning of your tissue .... ask for a demo before have a treatment ... this is not England or the USA or Canada or Australia .... this is Pattaya .....

    i have porcelain upper crowns

    i guess i dont know what pitting is

    holes or groves in the crowns?

    seriously noticeable???

    that can not be a good thing

    i wonder why my dentist did not warn me about this

    he put in some crowns

  6. deejah ..

    you are close to the correct upper concentration. When I retired from dental supply sales, the upper limit then was a 30% gel .... not a solution. There has to be control of where the hydrogen peroxide is placed.

    There is also carbamide (sp) gel, but that breaks down to hydrogen peroxide in the mouth. You will need to have impressions of your mouth made and the resulting soft trays (almost like mouthguards) are then relieved

    to leave space for the gel in the areas where you want the gel to be in contact with the teeth to be bleached. The trays go home with you to be used again whenever you want to have a `touch-up'. Once a year or 2 ...

    I personally would avoid any light activated process. It works ... but the possible damage is what I want to avoid. Brite Smile and Zoom can be very dangerous if the 400 nanometer Blue light is not properly aimed to

    avoid any skin contact or the skin has not been isolated ... severe `Sunburn' and the same for a `laser' treatment. Both systems still use a bleaching gel and the purpose of the `light' is to greatly speed the bleaching process

    thru the heat generated by the gel's reaction to the `light'. The heat is also transfered to the pulp (nerve) of the tooth. Sometimes resulting in pain after the treatment (same pain if the person is sensitive to a 30% gel, a 10% is

    available for home use). When done properly, either `light' or `laser' process is safe and works very well - with properly trained operators. I personally use the the home tray system and I do a `touch-up' about every 2

    years. Just enough to match the 4 Upper Anterior Crowns - they can not be bleached and will be `pitted' by the bleach if it comes in contact with the porcelain crown. I bleach my 2 upper cuspids and the lower 8 anteriors.

    I buy -1- 30% syringe of bleaching gel (I try to buy Colgate Brand) as I know what to expect and Colgate has a slight buffering agent for sensitive teeth (or it did have it in 2007 - when I retired). I get 2 treatments from the

    one syringe, wearing the trays for about an hour each time (even though I know the bleach is depleted in a half hour).

    If your teeth have a `yellow' shading (not yellow stain), then you are an excellent candidate for bleaching. If your teeth have a `gray' shading, don't even bother. It will be a long frustrating and maybe painful process to show

    little or no results. Yellow teeth are much easier to bleach.

    Hope this helps ............... sorry for the long 1 sentence ....


    nicely done thanks

    i checked and yes it is 35%

    opalesence brand

    and for those that doubt how well bleaching and trays might work for them

    i can still see a diff between uppers (bleached years ago) and lowers not bleached

    you mentioned something about pits and damage

    should i be concerned?

    not sure i followed completely

  7. get this:

    when i open my old laptop the tv acts up

    close the laptop and all is fine

    so there is something going on tv verses computer or tv verses wireless

    i also now suspect computer users in other units in my building may also have an effect on my tv screen but the flashing is more muted

    thanks for the intelligent responses

  8. I was treated there 2 weeks ago for a minor procedure - a Vasectomy.

    I was told the whole procedure would cost 12000 baht. I paid 5000 baht deposit and was very surprised to be charged just 2950 baht extra after the operation - a total of 8000 baht

    That seems very resonable. I actually paid more to have my dog castrated!

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

    thai math thumbsup.gif

  9. i wonder what they pay for their juice if anything at all

    corporations may pay considerably less than individuals

    in fact they may be encouraged to over use

    would it not make sense to find a middle temperature

    why should we have to bring extra CLOTHS with us when it is hot outside

    never mind rant over

    better to adapt than to ever expect anyone else to change

    disclosure: same issue in the west too

    no sense making sense when there is no sense

    I think everyone is blowing this out of proportion. I was in Cinema 8 from 10:30pm until 12:30am on Wednesday night. I was comfortable wearing a tank top and shorts. I get through a lot of movies wearing the same. The air conditioning is definitely set warmer than it used to be when the centre first opened. Same at Central - used to be a lot colder.

    Anyway, there is no way that any cinema is anywhere near 21C.

    you are right

    it is small potatoes

    but yes i saw the thermometer on the theater wall and it read 20 degrees no shit Sherlock

    maybe it was broken and more like 15 wink.png

  10. i think i found a simple trick:

    simple lower your voice talk slow and softly and use KRRRRRAAAAAP often

    it makes a world of a diff

    but after doing this i realized why the issan thais like to speak otherwise

  11. With my 4yr old Samsung tube tv, the engineer told me that they have had many problems

    like you have described so it's likely that the other one you substituted has the same problem.

    Problem is they didn't have any more replacement parts to repair it, so it's a scrap job.

    as far as i can see

    it is one only problem

    no, actually it is half a problem hehe


    i know how silly this is going to sound

    but in thailand where people are not so well off

    dont they keep old things for parts around

    to repair those they have


  12. i wonder what they pay for their juice if anything at all

    corporations may pay considerably less than individuals

    in fact they may be encouraged to over use

    would it not make sense to find a middle temperature

    why should we have to bring extra CLOTHS with us when it is hot outside

    never mind rant over

    better to adapt than to ever expect anyone else to change

    disclosure: same issue in the west too

    no sense making sense when there is no sense

  13. 1- would it not be the case

    that after some time or eventually

    you would see worms or eggs

    visibly in the excrement?

    though i know that would not be the case with bacterial infections

    on the same note

    2- what are the symptoms of liver fluke?


    3- anyone actually had a tape worm in thaland?

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