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Posts posted by deejah

  1. Despite the change in dates, I thought the festival went really well. Good security, great sound systems and huge crowds. There's a review of this year's Pattaya International Music Festival 2012 here.

    Good security, more like insane security, never seen anything like it. They were confiscating pens and combs, they even wanted the stick out of mrs luk chin. Then they insisted on cutting the tops off of unopened small water bottles My small umbrella .came in for special attention but it got the ok from a superior, they seem to think my flashgun might be some sort of taser. Inside they were (very unusually) beer sellers going around with plastic glasses of chang, wow those plastic glasses could surely have been used to slash a throat or two! As normal though actually no security stage wise so the dummies start standing around it making it impossible for those behind to see which always leads to most having to stand in the end. Don't see why they call it the 'international' festival as no foreign acts that I saw and very few foreigners in the crowd. Good sound but crowds not especially large, it was free after all.

    Oh seems there were a Japanese and Korean band on somewhere, an estimated 400.000 is absolute nonsense, more like 40.000 over three days. But then only went to the main stage and one other, almost nobody at the small stage, not surprising judging by the racket. There were far fewer than 10.000 at the main stage last night, including the beer garden. Hopefully will not be going to this event again. Good performances by Cham Cham Ram and Nong Pawaolee, Got's dancers are always a joy to see, very professional and also very well paid.

    i saw a farang playing solo by the dusit friday night (around 11pm?)


    any know who?

  2. there is much wisdom from people on this thread

    except perhaps the last two posts w00t.gif

    i am especially impressed by those that subscribe to:

    to each his own and each must find his own way and what is right for them

    those are the kind of folks i would want in my corner

    i am not so sure why they are the exception and not the rule

    but that might make them even more special

    in the mean time i keep finding more things to add to THE list should anyone be interested

    • Like 1
  3. strenuous exercise

    eat a good meal

    stay away from dairy and bread products

    (a great thing about thialand)

    mega-dose on proper vitamins and supplements especially the b's

    be sure you are getting high quality protein (fish with essential oils)

    look into things like ginseng that boost your energy gently

    st john's wart etc there are so many supplements

    100% chocolate, no sugar, maca, etc...

    (caffeine will often cause a crash

    alcohol and sleeping pills can make one emotionally crazy)

    have extended sex

    meditate and learn how to breath

    study about Buddhism

    go swimming take a shower or a bath, water is HEALING

    music and dancing

    watch or listen to something funny

    watch 'what the bleep, down the rabbit hole' they talk about peptides

    read a great or self help book

    go to the movies

    talk to strangers or friends even

    help someone in worse shape then yourself



    take NOTHING seriously or personally

    try something you never did

    go somewhere you have never been

    learn about martial arts and the body/mind connection

    find the nearest roller coaster

    learn about positive self talk and affirmations, in fact start a list of your own affirmations

    be sure to read it when you need it

    try a day or so of sleep deprivation

    go for a massage god dam_n it!

    be thankful, become grateful, love yourself and others with no conditions

    find a belief system that harbors NO DOUBTS

    pray, ask god or the universe or your higher power for help

    be patient

    go feed some hungry street animals

    adopt one or get a kitten, etc

    if all else fails go searching for some special herbs

    this list is by no means complete

    it looks like some good souls have come out of the closet on this thread

    acratillo if you are still out there i would like to connect

  4. ironically enough

    maybe off topic maybe not:

    i find TV one of the slowest unresponsive sites i visit


    -where is the server?

    -is it of low/poor quality?

    i also notice a large number of other sites being accessed while TV loads

    not sure if this is typical or atypical of a commercial website but i find it disconcerting

    -is TV an extremely profitable affair?

    -about how many members and users?

    if anyone can shine some light here it would be greatly appreciated thanks

  5. for the record

    i do not watch

    steven segal movies

    maybe i am missing something


    duck center must be THE NUMBER ONE HOT SPOT

    i have been missing out on

    what is going on there besides akido on sundays

    that all of pattaya knows about besides me? tongue.png

  6. re-post and FYI:

    have you been going?

    can you say anything about what the meetings are like?

    how many have been showing up?

    how would this be for a complete beginner or would they be completely lost?

  7. Did you see Steven Seagull doing Aikido or did you see one of his action movies? The latter have some Aikido elements but I would not call that Aikido.

    As for Duck Square, well...I presumed it is one of the locations in town known to the general public, must have been mistaken.

    it is HIM preforming akido

    his is obviously a MASTER

    point number two

    you know what they say about 'assume'

    three- if anyone has some time, patience, and good spirit

    please answer my questions above as to what the meetings are like

    unless they have already been addressed

    and you can point me in that direction

    thanks in advance

  8. quite the sky right now

    started about 2 am

    Any chance of telling us what you mean?

    there was quite the sky show

    multiple lightening occurrences

    spread all across the sky

    all 99% inaudible some looking much less than 10-20 miles away

    with some horizontal lightening no where near touching a ground

    of a muted atypical color

    and some long straight lines

    i can not tell if this is somewhat unusual behavior or completely normal

    of course as soon as i posted it started to die down but prior to that it really made me wonder

  9. the mimi rant was prior

    last post WAS calm

    thanks for your post


    i just saw steven seagal

    preforming his akido master magic

    i must say very very impressive stuff

    he has a cop TV show on the CI channel around 87 on the newest sophon line up

  10. Just to let you know, there is a new dojo at duck square. Classes every Sunday at 6:30 (you may want to come a bit earlier for warm up). Classes last 1.5 to 2 hours and cost 150 Baht. The proceeds go entirely into purchasing mats, room rent and equipment.

    Great and inspiring teacher with lots of experience. Whoever is interested, just show up! For questions, ask them here or send me a pm cool.png

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    do you care to post where or what a duck square is please?

    or is that asking too much?

    and will get the old search for yourself reply typical of these forums

    for a community service

    whoever is running this has not been very forth coming about the details

    even via email (from other forum)

    hope that is not an indication of the quality and care of the meetings

    just my 25 satang worth

    Duck Square is on South Rd. at the side of Big C.


    have you been going?

    can you say anything about what the meetings are like?

    how many have been showing up?

    how would this be for a complete beginner or would they be completely lost?

    thanks again

    most importantly how does one find duck square

    guess i WILL do a search

    apologies for the mini rant

    bad mood sometimes

  11. Not to sure what you are looking for but I have a close friend (lady), Thai with her own car who regularly does the school runs around Patts, trips to the Airport and occassionally into Bangkok.

    She will pick up your GF and bring her to the Airport, wait you both, then bring you both back home.

    Excellent English

    Neat tidy car.

    Trustworthy 100%

    PM me (anyone, not just the OP) for her details and what job you have in mind.



    any more names numbers contacts highly recommended?

  12. That's a tough call. Sometimes, these package deals get great rates on hotels and transportation. Deals you can't match. Other times, you'd do better on your own...and have more flexibility.

    Where are you planning to go?

    good question thanks

    i am leaving it up to my visitors

    they were having issues trying to arrange this from outside thailand and want a good agent in pattaya

  13. guests coming

    interested in booking a possible package tourist eat sleep transportation deal form pattaya to elsewhere

    is this something worth pursuing or will you get a better deal if you arrange it yourself?

    any suggestions for agents in pattaya?


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