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Posts posted by butterisbetter

  1. Our latest shipment of corned beef has arrived. Jewish Deli Style. Served on real deli rye bread. Accompanied by a slice of old fashioned homemade dill pickle.

    The supply of corned beef is very limited.

  2. I have had the corn beef at Butter is Better several times.

    I was not necessarily a fan of corn beef until I tried it at BiB.

    It is really great and nice serving... order includes 3 half size sandwiches.

    Thanks for the endorsement. Currently we don't have it all the time. We are working on that. When we have it again I'll post it on thaivisa.

  3. I sometimes like to surf if I have my laptop while I wait for my food but at B&B it's so nice that the other customers, often at the introduction of the owners, chat (kibbitz) w/each other. It's one of the reasons I love the place! I'll have to come in for one of the "new and improved" bagels and of course give one of my long and not sought after opinions on deli food!

    I have not found the comrade that you talk of. Often when I am in there the owner seems standoffish lately he has had his computer on and himself and ulysses g are talking about there new business venture.. Kind of like you are not in my circle. His wife on the other hand is very friendly and helpful.

    computers do not belong in restaurants or bakeries.

    Actually, I think yours is a fair comment. I don't usually bring the computer out there but I should be careful and try harder to resist the allure of ulyssesg.

  4. Not being able to sleep in not one of my problems, but I would enjoy being at Butter is Better when you guys have a discussion. By the way, does the "Jewish fold" have anything to do with circumcision? :D

    I thought it meant when your lawyer agrees to settle out of court.

  5. What do they serve that is really very good?

    as opposed to okay farang food

    I tried it the other day and 3 of the 4 things I ordered were not available "mot". So I just had a bagel, not special. The person I was with had a breakfast set and the only thing they found to be really good was the sausage patties. When asked if they would go back again they answered no and I felt the same.

    I like to think that all the things we serve are really really good, but of course, I may be slightly prejudiced. Some of the may boil down to taste. Take our bagels. About a month ago we changed the recipe. Before that, I would say they were good but lacking something. We started using a more time-consuming recipe and it was judged by most a big success. I tried it out on several fellow new yorkers, including those who gave a resounding eh to our bagels before, and they loved. Said they now tasted like new york bagels. But new york bagels are just one style of bagels. They're kind of chewy on the outside. Definitely not soft. You may have grown up eating some other kind of bagel. I have them pretty often for breakfast so I don't think the quality has fallen off.

    Since I don't know what the other people in your party had, it's kind of hard for me to give a useful response.

  6. You can but they are not like back home they need no help. On their own they are awesome.

    And as ulysses g says they are made with whole wheat.

    Trust UG to go for the healthy option, rolleyes.gif

    I resent your insinuation that our ginger crinkles are a healthy option. They are loaded with butter and, hence, cholesterol. Whole wheat flour interferes with the action of cholesterol on the body. Which, in my opinion, just makes the cholesterol angry. You don't want to make cholesterol angry. Especially, when you are letting it inside your body.

  7. Actually, the bun problem is easily solvable. We are a bakery, after all. A customer can substitute any kind of sliced bread for the buns. Your choices would include 100% whole wheat, 7 grain bread, deli rye with caraway seeds, multigrain whole wheat hearth bread (also known as 7 grain whole wheat bread), and..tada!!.. white bread. We also have challah and gluten free bread, but their shape would make it difficult to accomnodate hamburgers or hot dogs. Actually, there is a restaurant chain called Friendly's in the NE United States that serves its burgers on toast. Or at least, it used to. So no one needs to grapple barehanded with our burgers or hot dogs. Unless he or she wants to.

  8. Actually, we have made our own hamburger buns and hot dog buns. And I have eaten upscale buns elsewhere, too. The trouble is, they have too much flavor. It's like when you're trying to have a conversation with another adult and this bratty kid keeps on interrupting the flow and screaming "Isn't my crust chewy? Taste my how open my crumb is!. Admire my structure. Daddyyyyyy!!!!". Here's what I tell him."Shut up junior. I need to pay close attention to what Ms. Burger or Mr. Frankfurter are trying to tell me. You just soak up those delicious juices and be quiet!!! And by the way, have you ever considered running away from home?"

  9. Butter is Better isnow offering our all-beef hot dogs topped with Coney Island Chili. What is Coney Island Chili? Well, if you have to ask, then you're inexactly the same state of ignorance I was until about a week ago. I knew of it but had never eaten it. Now Ican tell you it's a tangy, made withground beef, but has no chile pepper or beans of any kind. It might be a bit intense to eat on its own,but it complements the flavor of our hot dogs perfectly.

  10. Does Big C (on 11) have a food court where i can sit down and tear up my chili dogs? (notice i said 'dogs' not dog)

    Dont want to go to Butter is Better and have the waitresses watch me eat , cant stand that.

    Are you accusing our waitresses of paying attention to our customers? At your request, we can always have them turn their backs on you.

    How about have them scan the room visually every 15 seconds without blatantly staring? Doesn't seem hard to do, you should teach them its not polite to stare.

    Anyway, im going to Dairy Queen at Big C, because the owner isn't a smartass prick and its cheaper.

    I only wish our problem was our waitresses paying too much attention to our customers. We often have to shoo them out from behind the counter to keep on eye on our guests. From what I hear from other restaurants, this problem is pretty much endemic in Thailand. Thais have this this irrational fear that westerners are very volatile and that they resort to calling people names such as "smartass prick" at the slightest provocation. Go figure.

  11. Mikes also has them, nimanheimin, kad suan gaew department store, chang moi road.

    But I like the one at the DQ located in Chiang mai airport better. Another thing to do is get a can of chili from tops and get some hot dogs at chester grill.

    But ours are all beef ny style hotdogs. Very different flavor from pork hot dogs.

  12. Does Big C (on 11) have a food court where i can sit down and tear up my chili dogs? (notice i said 'dogs' not dog)

    Dont want to go to Butter is Better and have the waitresses watch me eat , cant stand that.

    Are you accusing our waitresses of paying attention to our customers? At your request, we can always have them turn their backs on you.

  13. Sausage King has some delicious products. They are expensive if you are close enough to walk in and buy them, but worth it if you do not mind shopping on the "high end." But if you are out a little, and require shipping, the expense becomes prohibitive. I wish I could be a regular customer, but just cannot justify such high expense brought on by the need to ship.

    Using adjectives like "expensive", "cheap", and "reasonable" to qualify prices doesn't really convey any useful information. What is expensive to one person may be cheap or reasonable to another.

  14. BiB now have a branch in Nim City next ro Rim Ping Supermarket, which is where I nomally shop.

    I have looked in the window at thier mouthwatering pies and may have purchased one or two, but because they are not busy the girl inside comes out and stands behind me.

    This practice just does not work for me so I move on.

    I consider this constructive critisim, but thats just ME, I hate being hassled or being put under pressure to buy so I just go, Maybe BiB make more sales with the girl coming outside, I have no idea what thier policy is, after all it's thier business.

    Actually, I hate that too. I will let her know not to do that to Farangs. Thais don't seem to mind it. They may even expect it. Thank you very much for the comment.

  15. "am i being an old fart thinking that thats expensive iv lived here for years so not sure the price of bread in the uk anymore"

    The answer to your question is....YES. I checked with friends in the US and a loaf of Wonderbread (puffed air in a bag) is 90 baht. Butter is Better is striving to provide quality and to give expats and Thais a taste of western food. Fluffernutter was NEVER on the menu. It was on the specials board for a short time months ago. The bakery does not sell french bread..it's Italian.

    They have come here and are trying to make a contribution to the community. What contribution have most of you made other than sitting at your computer and criticizing everyone and everything? Please list your business so we can go in and review it.

    I for one am grateful for a taste of home and congratulate them on their attempts. The reason these things are not common is because it's very difficult to do it correctly.

    For the record I am also a fan of Bake & Bite and enjoy eating there regularly also.

    Mentioning the fluffernutters was not intended to be a slam on BIB. Though if they were on the specials board instead of on the regular menu, then I agree with you -that does make all the difference in the world.

    About "They have come here and are trying to make a contribution to the community", I like the folks at BIB just fine but they are running a bakery for christsakes, not an orphanage.

    I guess you've never seen an expat reunited with a piece of Boston Cream Pie or a Rhubarb Buttercrust Pie after years of separation. It's enough to make even the most stoic orphan weep. I see the hand of God in this. Although I wish he would stop using that hand to squeeze the bread. Doesn't he realize that hand has been everywhere?

  16. To me, the bakery items at Butter Is Better are clearly a big step up from Bake & Bite. For the meals, I'd call the breakfast foods a draw unless you're from tthe east coast of the US and going through serious withdrawal from the absence of food such as cheese blintzes, scrapple, and fluffernutters (in that case Butter Is Better comes out on top). For lunches, I don't really care for either of them but especially not Bake & Bite. In both cases I find their lunch foods to be pretty bland, and in the case of Butter Is Better I think that their lunch food is far too health to be consistent with their newly adopted East Coast Diner theme. I don't think that they have a single lunch meal that tops 3000 calories.

    I haven't been to Butter is Better since they remodeled, so I can't comment on the decor. I'm a breakfast fan and wouldn't do either for lunch myself either. After 3 trips to Butter is Better, I'll give the nod to BAKE & BITE. imho, Bake & Bite's eggs, breakfast meats, and potato pancakes are all far superior. (Sure, butter is better might have some "east coast of the US" specialties, but as a native NY'er I've never seen scrapple or fluffernutter on a menu in NYC.) They both have great pastries. But the biggest difference is the incredibly friendly owner and staff at both locations of Bake & Bite. imho, butter is better could take lessons there.

    I’m surprised to read this. For us the sine qua non for staff is that they be friendly. Not afraid of farangs. And enjoy engaging in chitchat with the customers. We often get customers who tell us that they like the food at X, Y or Z but the staff isn’t friendly like at our place. As for the owners, modesty forbids any direct comments from us, but I will quote a post from someone in this very thread “It doesn't hurt that my daughter says your food is delicious and you're very friendly and kind.</SPAN>

  17. To me, the bakery items at Butter Is Better are clearly a big step up from Bake & Bite. For the meals, I'd call the breakfast foods a draw unless you're from tthe east coast of the US and going through serious withdrawal from the absence of food such as cheese blintzes, scrapple, and fluffernutters (in that case Butter Is Better comes out on top). For lunches, I don't really care for either of them but especially not Bake & Bite. In both cases I find their lunch foods to be pretty bland, and in the case of Butter Is Better I think that their lunch food is far too health to be consistent with their newly adopted East Coast Diner theme. I don't think that they have a single lunch meal that tops 3000 calories.

    I haven't been to Butter is Better since they remodeled, so I can't comment on the decor. I'm a breakfast fan and wouldn't do either for lunch myself either. After 3 trips to Butter is Better, I'll give the nod to BAKE & BITE. imho, Bake & Bite's eggs, breakfast meats, and potato pancakes are all far superior. (Sure, butter is better might have some "east coast of the US" specialties, but as a native NY'er I've never seen scrapple or fluffernutter on a menu in NYC.) They both have great pastries. But the biggest difference is the incredibly friendly owner and staff at both locations of Bake & Bite. imho, butter is better could take lessons there.

    Guess that's right about the EC menu items. I don't think that I ever saw flufffernutters on the menu at any other restaurant anywhere, let alone in NYC. That's something that parents feed their kids for lunch when they run out of money at the end of the month, not something you order at a restaurant. And scrapple, yea, that's more a Pennsylavnia thing than and east cost thing per se.

    Wow! You must have come from some really hoity-toity family. I bet you had running water in your house and probably one of those talking boxes with moving pictures in it. In the lean-to I was raised in, fluffernutter sandwiches was what pa would bring home on payday.

    Unfortunately, I was pretty much the only customer for our fluffernutters, even though they were made with homemade peanut butter and homemade marshmallow crème and homemade bread. Who knew that our clientele was mostly the children of lords and ladies? Anyway, we stopped offering it. Occasionally I do make a tiny batch and offer to my parents via our spirit house. Whenever I can find Wonder Bread.

  18. Oh dear.. Now I have to comment..

    I'll take everyone's word about the bread.. We don't really eat bread, so can't comment on that.

    I like the new diner theme. Clean, crisp and unpretentious looking, very nice.

    I like the simple snack foods; can't go wrong with the hot dog and burger which are incredibly authentic.

    Last visit not too long ago I made the mistake (again) of ordering something other than a burger or similar. It was terrible. It also happened to be the dish ordered for my wife, who already didn't like the place after our first visit. Finally got her to give it another chance. But that one dish pretty much sealed it; I just know this was our last visit to Butter Better.

    We both like Bake & Bite; it's a little out of the way in the new location, but when we're in the area it's a solid choice for lunch.

    When we first opened our restaurant, Winnie-the-kwai chimedin some discussion or other with some unusually ill-founded advice about how toprice food at our restaurant. Which iswhy I still remember it. Basically heproposed treating food like a commodity. i.c. bacon is bacon no matter what the quality and there should be oneprice at any restaurent. I pointed outthe wrongheadedness of such advice with the phrase “ Mr Kwai believes in themagic of the marketplace. whereas believe in the science of the marketplace.” Uncharacerically for this gentleman, not apeep was heard from him afterwards on that thread. Since then, he has, on occasion, taken theopportunity to slam us on completely unrelated threads as well as now, on thisone. It is bizarre.

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