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Posts posted by butterisbetter

  1. The Thai term translates to 'white butter', if memory serves me. The bakery supply shops will normally keep it in stock.

    I believe that white butter is actually hydrogenated vegetable fat. What Americans commonly call "crisco"

  2. In the markets you can get rendered pork fat which drips down from the various cooked pork meats for sale. but i don't know if that would suit your purposes. i do have a recipe for making lard which I could PM you if you like.

    you may know this already but the lard commonly available in the USA (and maybe in Britain) is unnaturally firm because it has been hydrogenated. So if you make your own it might be liquid or slushy at room temperature particularly if your room is located in Thailand.

  3. Rhubarb was being grown at a Royal Project at Doi Ithanon.That was a year ago, so not sure if it still is

    In the USA rhubarb is a seasonal vegetable that usually comes in about the same time as strawberries. hence strawberry rhubarb pie. i am going to give them a call to check on it's availability. I beleive I did see it on offer earlier this year.

  4. But the deciding factor in my selection will be how it tastes.

    I think we can both agree that butter in a pie crust , provided of course that it is properly handled, is far superior to margarine or other forms of hydrogenated vegetable oil in cakes and pastries.

    Of course.

    Looks as though you and Ta22 masterchef extraordinaire are agreed about butter is better but the sainted Delia feels differently as do I. I have the feeling that only butter makes the pastry too hard, whereas combined with lard it achieves a softer, lighter texture and a taste more to my liking. But, no doubt at all, its a matter of individual preference.

    "My opinion is," says Delia, "that the best flavour and texture in shortcrustpastry is when equal quantities of pure lard and butter are used. Generally speaking, the amount of fat in shortcrust pastry is half the amount of flour:"

    I actually tried using lard and butter mixture in my pie crusts when I lived in the USA. I found that while lard is great for meat pies and other savory pies, it doesn't go so well with sweet pies. I haven't found lard in Thailand but I do have a recipe for making it and I may give it a shot. Especially if I go ahead with plans to make meat pies.

    One thing I think we can both agree about is that scones made with hydrogenated vegetable fat like margarine or Crisco are inherently inferior in taste to those made with butter. Unless of course, you have a taste for margarine or Crisco.

  5. well , i do bake pie and crusted stuff not for sale but for fun .

    what i am trying to say is , all about getting it fresh as much as you can.

    if you like can stuff and imported stuff that you .

    if i had a choice of what to give my customer i would make it as fresh as i can . using local supply .

    if you like a frozen fruit pie that you . by all mean . go ahead . and like i said . you do not have a duty to please me or anyone . just do what is best .

    i am sure you make good pie . and i would not want to judge that till i ate your pie .

    i been baking for about 19 years , and my teacher is master pastry chef in shangri la , she is also the pastry chef for the president of singapore many year ago

    i learn

    and since i do enjoy baking . and cooking and all kinda food .

    i still stand . fresh fruit is still the best . if you can get local .

    But that's not what you wrote before

    "Notthign beat Fresh Stuff , if you need to Import is time you reconsider new recipe for your Pie"

    All things being equal, I prefer fresh too. That said freezing technology is quite remarkable now. Virtually all sushi even in Japan is now frozen and even top sushi chefs confess they can't usually tell the difference.

    Also, even if fresh, produce can very greatly in flavor depending where it comes from.

    It also depends on the particular variety of the fruit or vegetable. I much prefer frozen wild blueberries to fresh cultivated ones.

    If, in fact, fresh rhubarb is currently available, I will certainly give it a try. But the deciding factor in my selection will be how it tastes.

    I think we can both agree that butter in a pie crust , provided of course that it is properly handled, is far superior to margarine or other forms of hydrogenated vegetable oil in cakes and pastries.

  6. Notthign beat Fresh Stuff , if you need to Import is time you reconsider new recipe for your Pie

    Spoken like a true non-baker. When I was a child, I used to pick all sorts of fruits and berries. My mother would freeze them. All winter long we had delicious summer fruit pies. When fruit is frozen properly, it is first rate in pies and other pastries. Much more important is how you prepare the pie. I would rather have a frozen fruit pie made with a properly made real butter crust than a fresh fruit pie with a margarine crust. Most of the pies i've had here, come to think of it, all the pies i've had her apart from our own, are innocent of any trace of butter. Of course, if you like trans fats, you can graze elsewhere.

  7. I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

    Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

    Actually most of our pies are 285 baht including the rhubarb. The blueberry is 295.

    Why is a mango pie in Rimping supermarket 495 Baht Then.

    Because I wrote"most" not ”all”. Also, we make that mango sourcream pie in alarger size. We can make it the same size as the other pies in which caseit costs 300 baht. We actually haven't made it in at least 2 months. It must have made quite an impressionon you for you to recall it after all this time. I'm flattered and maybea little humbled.

    We also make custard or pudding pies which bearabout as much relation to fruit pies as do quiches.

    In this class, we offer a large pumpkin piewhich costs 450 baht.

    Occasionally we offer something called achocolate pudding pie but it uses a homemade graham cracker crust. I can'trecall the price of it off the top of my head.

    We will be offering other custard and cream piessoon.

  8. I have tried all of Butter is Better pies and they are excellent - which is very unusual in Thailand. However, it is hard to resist their amazing home-made ice cream (that is only 20 baht a scoop), so don't pass it up. The only other place that I will eat ice cream these days is at the Duke's.

    They also have all beef hot-dogs and chili-cheese dogs now which are as good as any I have had back home.

    If you are on a diet, they have a bunch of natural, whole-grain snacks too and they are so good that you do not feel too deprived.

    I would eat there 3 times a day sometimes - if they were only open at night.

    The Dukes ice cream is more expensive and not nearly as good. I've never tasted such great ice cream for the price as I have experienced at BIB. Häagen-Daz is about as good, but waaaaaayyyyy more expensive.

    As for the pies, I agree 100% - I had the rhubarb pie and it was outstanding. They also have a Boston cream cake that is the best. Lastly, the best chocolate chip cookies that I have had in Thailand. Outstanding - and the cost is only B 20 on 20% discount Wednesdays.

    Just to clarify one point. The 20% discount is available at our outlet at the Rim Ping Supermarket Mee Chok branch. Not at the restaurant.

  9. make your mark by makin gthe same tasty Pie over and over again . maybe two version oa sweet version or a less sweet one .

    is not wise to custom every pie for your customer. cos you would end up not making the same taste . and in long run losing customer .

    you may please a few but as time passes will you be able to remeber all the 100 or 1000 of customer with different request or taste .

    have pride in your skill and allow customer to choose from what you have .

    simple is good . don't confuse your customer . this way i believe you will have a bigger client list.

    but nevertheless it show that you care for your customer .

    . i think you need better photo in your website . if you need help :)

    let me know would be happy to help you with some simple photo notthing very professional but i believe will be good for your website .


    you can't please everyone , but you can sure bake good and decent pie i am sure :)

    also you sound desperate for business offering to change so much of your recipes.

    no just pathetically eager to please

  10. I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

    Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

    Actually most of our pies are 285 baht including the rhubarb. The blueberry is 295.

  11. Butter is Better has begun making Rhubarb Pies with a real butter crust. No vegetable shortening, no trans fats. We tend to like the pie quite tart but recognize that others might like it sweeter. So we have tried to compromise on the amount of sugar. We are willing to adjust the sweetness up or down if there is a lot of feedback indicating a preference. If you want a whole pie we can custom bake a pie for you with the sweetness adjusted however you like it. That also goes for our apple, blueberry, and cherry pies.

  12. If you are heading south on Chang Klan Road you will pass the entrance to Chiang Mai Land on your right. About another 100 or so meters on the left you will see a sign for Smart Karate (or maybe it's Smart Tae Kwan Do). At this corner there is also a building houseing the Caffe D'Amore whose sign fronts the soi and the Health and Beauty Sap whose sign fronts the Chang Klan Road. Turn left here. Buonissimo's will be about 50 meters down on the left hand side. It's in a large warehouse type building. The store is great, the prices are better than anwhere else for the stuff he imports. I've seen stuff here that is hard to find in New York City.

    Sergio also offers some excellent wines in a wide range of prices. I haven't been to all the wine stores in Chiang Mai, but he seems to have the most interesting wines of any I've been to.

    Do you have the telephone number for Sergio or Buonissimo's as l have not seen any advertising? Many thanks. Will try and get there over the weekend to pick up some wine and cheese

    The phone number is 0-5327-5924 or 0-5327-5925

    They were closed on Sundays at the old location. I don't know what their hours are now.

  13. If you are heading south on Chang Klan Road you will pass the entrance to Chiang Mai Land on your right. About another 100 or so meters on the left you will see a sign for Smart Karate (or maybe it's Smart Tae Kwan Do). At this corner there is also a building houseing the Caffe D'Amore whose sign fronts the soi and the Health and Beauty Sap whose sign fronts the Chang Klan Road. Turn left here. Buonissimo's will be about 50 meters down on the left hand side. It's in a large warehouse type building. The store is great, the prices are better than anwhere else for the stuff he imports. I've seen stuff here that is hard to find in New York City.

    Sergio also offers some excellent wines in a wide range of prices. I haven't been to all the wine stores in Chiang Mai, but he seems to have the most interesting wines of any I've been to.

    Do you have the telephone number for Sergio or Buonissimo's as l have not seen any advertising? Many thanks. Will try and get there over the weekend to pick up some wine and cheese

  14. If you are heading south on Chang Klan Road you will pass the entrance to Chiang Mai Land on your right. About another 100 or so meters on the left you will see a sign for Smart Karate (or maybe it's Smart Tae Kwan Do). At this corner there is also a building houseing the Caffe D'Amore whose sign fronts the soi and the Health and Beauty Sap whose sign fronts the Chang Klan Road. Turn left here. Buonissimo's will be about 50 meters down on the left hand side. It's in a large warehouse type building. The store is great, the prices are better than anwhere else for the stuff he imports. I've seen stuff here that is hard to find in New York City.

    Sergio also offers some excellent wines in a wide range of prices. I haven't been to all the wine stores in Chiang Mai, but he seems to have the most interesting wines of any I've been to.

  15. Yes. DHL or FedEx. FedEx main office is on the super highway across from Makro

    Yes, I think I see it on my map. Nearest cross-street is Thonuspong? Not far from Payap U?

    No. Actually it's very near where the Charoen Muang Rd (the street east of the river the connects to the Narawat bridge) intersects with the first ring road (where Carrefour is). So, if you are heading east on Charoen Muang just make a left at the ring road and it will be a few hundred meters down the road. There may be other sub offices too..


  16. We get our poppy seeds from Bakersmart (Thai name Puean Krua). If you following the Lamphun road heading more or less south from town, it will be about 200 meters past.the first highway overpass. They are closed on Sundays.

  17. The Royal Project has been producing butternut squash for several years now. Are you anywhere near one of their outlets. Here in Chiang Mai it's easily available. Thai Pumpkin would make a good substitute for the squash. It's denser than squash, but often sweet and very flavorful.

    Cudo's to you! And, thanks very much for your suggestion. Went over to Makro yesterday and, lo and behold, there in the refrigerated case sat 6 or 7 (of the smallest) Butternut squash (I have ever seen). The onions n the photo are about the size of golf balls! See the Royal Project stickers? Happily not expensive, I bought 3 of the little fella's. And, last night I fried some in e.v. olive oil with lots of chunky garlic & a few scallions... really good! Guess I'll never know about the pumpkin...


    They've been really small lately. That's a new development. I did by one a month ago that was normal size. And it was delicious. Actually sweeter and stronger tasting than the ones I've eaten in the USA,

  18. Butterisbetter, before you jump down my throat again, you may care to reread how i have praised this particuIar supermarket staff and store. That my emaiI has aIso praised them, and that my emaiI is not irrationaI or overIy criticaI. In the emaiI i have pointed out my observations, with photo evidence. Im passing on what i beIieve SHOULD be passed on, in the a manner i beIieve is correct and appropriate. If these reasons are not to your Iiking then thats your right, just as it is my right to report in a way i feeI is the best way. To be honest i think they are Iucky i found it, and not someone eIse who couId have made a much bigger stink about it. It is not my responsibiIity to check where the source of the product comes from, or who is responsibIe, or Iots of other things that you may think i shouId have considered. I am a customer of the store, thats aII, and i reported my findings in a way that i am satisfied with, and thats good enough for me.

    IMO I think you did the right thing.

    It doesn't matter how wonderful anyone thinks the store is, they are responsible for what they sell to the public.

    there is a difference between being responsible and being at fault

  19. "I am sure that, had they been notified, the management would have dealt very severely with whoever it is that manufactures this product." B i B

    Well, I'm not so sure. Burying problems is done in some places. Also, note that OP is not dealing with an independent owner. The various places around town with such packaging of such products are megacorporations or megbillionaires or someone like that, mega, anyway. No amount of complaints on the I'net is going to cause such folks a blink of a hiccup. <something like that

    Well, I am sure. This is not a typical local business. In fact, this is not a typical business.. And why take my word for it? The evidence is clear. In Chiang Mai, they are clearly preeminent. They offer an amazing variety of stuff. I used to live in New York and Connecticut and I wish the supermarkets there were even nearly as good. They didn't get that way by ignoring problems brought to their attention.

  20. I am very familiar with the supermarket in question, and from what I can tell from the packaging. this looks like a product that wasn't manufactured by the supermarket at all, but came from an outside supplier. So why is this supermarket being held accountable for the bad practices of an outside supplier? I could understand it if this posting targeted the supplier. That would make sense. But this seems a way of taking a cheap shot at a company that has extraordinarily high standards. It's one of the best supermarkets I've been to anywhere in the world. I know for a fact they they have high level staff constantly on patrol checking for quality. Still, is it reasonable to expect them to examine each and every package that comes into the store?

    Also, on a few occasions when I have detected a problem, I contacted the manager who very graciously received the info and acted immediately to correct the problem. I wouldn't even know where to find the manager of rival supermarkets. I don't understand why the person who started this thread didn't notify the management of the supermarket but instead chose to publicize it to all and sundry. I am sure that, had they been notified, the management would have dealt very severely with whoever it is that manufactures this product.

  21. We were notified at 2:30 PM on Thursday, September 16 that the electricity on our section of Chang Klan Road will be cut on Friday September 17from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM in order to bury the aerial power lines. So our Chang Klan Restaurant will be closed tomorrow. Our bakery store inside Rim Ping Supermarket Mee Chok branch will be open as usual.

  22. I doubt if pure Molybdenum is available as a pure element here, however, Molybdenum Disulphide is, and this is the main addative in commercial lunricants.

    I have bought it from the chemical supply house on Suthep Road opposite the faculty of medicine.

    I believe that molybdenum disulphide is the substance that the person making the inquiry is really looking for. He does put the chemical compound name in parentheses and nearly gets it right. For what it's worth it should be written MoS2. (At least if Wikipedia is to be believed) And it is the chemical compound used for lubrication much like graphite. Not pure molybdenum which is a metal.

  23. I think the problem with this post is that it isn't inclusive enough. It ought to have been "Sausages in the Vicinity of Rim Ping" I myself have heard reports of sausage shaped objects in orbit around Rim Ping Nim City branch. Some claim that they are actually potato shaped. But that is clearly nonsense.

  24. I love your stuff :)

    But the bacon is crap. Can't be eaten at all. Too dry, too flat, too tough... and 30 baht for one piece is ridiculous :o

    And if anybody's appetite.is whetted by this description, it's too late. That boat has sailed and been torpedoed with the loss of all its cargo.

    I don't know why you got only one slice The standard size of an order is 2 pieces. 2 Full length pieces. However, I think you should be grateful for getting only one slice. Your guardian angel must have been watching over you. That said, contact me via PM or however and we'll see about arranging a refund and then some. Bacon induced trauma is a brutal thing to survive.

    30 baht / $1 is high for 1 piece of bacon but Isn't 30 baht for even 2 pieces of bacon a bit high? Glad you got rid of the cheap junk stuff though.

    Well, before we opened we hired an operative (we figured he was good at his job because he looked like George Clooney who apparently looks like a spy)to surreptitiously check out the prices of comparable establishments. We found this price to be the going rate. Now, we actually serve bigger and thicker slices of bacon than many of the places we checked out. So you would really have to go by weight, not by piece to establish where we are in the price continuum.

  25. I love your stuff :)

    But the bacon is crap. Can't be eaten at all. Too dry, too flat, too tough... and 30 baht for one piece is ridiculous :o

    I was getting ready to go all indignant over your errr..... person, but then I checked on the bacon. It turns out one of our staff decided to purchase another brand of bacon because our usual brand was out. Not only that, but she decided to purchase a container's worth of the stuff. Apparently it was really really cheap. Always a reliable indicator of quality. Now, if you like pork jerky, I think you would love this bacon. But if you want something that doesn't require diamond tipped teeth to chew, you might want to give this stuff a pass. I think this bacon was sliced off the Gadarene swine. And if anybody's appetite.is whetted by this description, it's too late. That boat has sailed and been torpedoed with the loss of all its cargo.

    I don't know why you got only one slice The standard size of an order is 2 pieces. 2 Full length pieces. However, I think you should be grateful for getting only one slice. Your guardian angel must have been watching over you. That said, contact me via PM or however and we'll see about arranging a refund and then some. Bacon induced trauma is a brutal thing to survive.

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