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Posts posted by dttk0009

  1. Incompetency at its worst.

    When they can't deal with a problem they call for Public holiday. Who ends up getting hurt and pay for it is the employers, that have to pay extra to the employee, at the same time they are not making money.

    This can only go so long and I guess the employer will either mover other places or close for good.

    Yet closing huge, important junctions with tire barricades, makeshift bamboo camps and militia 'guards', wide scale damage to public property, shutting down of public transportation due to threats of terrorist attacks (and attacks themselves), murder of innocent people, looting of convenience stores and atms, tossing molotov cocktails and firing m79 grenades at gas station, bringing children to areas where this is happening, etc., this apparently is all acceptable and should be tolerated by the people in this city? This is somehow acceptable by Amnesty international? This was somehow omitted by Thaksin's new lawyer? Where is the money coming from? Why are the leaders so wealthy all of a sudden? Do any of these armed red shirt guards have a license to operate with firearms?

  2. Absolutely disgusting. How is he still being allowed to travel in Europe as the leader of a political party with a terrorist wing? This is a completely detestable act by a Western nation. France is probably so desperate for money since the Greece bailout that I wouldn't be shocked if they hosted Bin Laden's 80th birthday bash after seeing this photo.


  3. One more prediction ... There will be a strong move by the army at dawn to move the illegal mob out. Not sure what but they need to go into phase II pretty quick here since there is only 1 more "holiday" left.

    This of course assumes there was communications about the Holiday and the military doesn't think these 2-days were for them to get rest.

    My guess is that the government and military wants to use as much time as possible to evacuate innocents and to create enough safe houses as possible. They need to be fully prepared in terms of hospitalization as well. They must have had good reasons to not move in today. I'm hoping that the final push will be massive. They're going to really have to put the foot down to get these people off the road. Quite obviously they are no longer under anyone's control. Random drugged up mobs running amok throughout the city with no leadership, ruining the lives of the people who live in those areas, absolutely detestable.

    Does the Thai military have attack helicopters like the Apache? Would be incredibly useful in this case. After two groups of insurgents get wiped off the street with beer bottle sized bullets I'm sure their friends will decide to go home.

    The Army can deploy their bomb detectors and airships, that will help immensely. And the medical rebates hopefully will be repaid to the people.

    Speaking of repay, who's going to repay all the people who live in Silom who's lives were put on hold, and in many cases, ruined. Who's going to pay for the busses? The clean up? Who's going to pay for the immense amount of damage to public property. Surely not the red shirts as their 500 baht daily are received tax free. Do you pay taxes here? If you do, you're paying for this.

  4. One more prediction ... There will be a strong move by the army at dawn to move the illegal mob out. Not sure what but they need to go into phase II pretty quick here since there is only 1 more "holiday" left.

    This of course assumes there was communications about the Holiday and the military doesn't think these 2-days were for them to get rest.

    My guess is that the government and military wants to use as much time as possible to evacuate innocents and to create enough safe houses as possible. They need to be fully prepared in terms of hospitalization as well. They must have had good reasons to not move in today. I'm hoping that the final push will be massive. They're going to really have to put the foot down to get these people off the road. Quite obviously they are no longer under anyone's control. Random drugged up mobs running amok throughout the city with no leadership, ruining the lives of the people who live in those areas, absolutely detestable.

    Does the Thai military have attack helicopters like the Apache? Would be incredibly useful in this case. After two groups of insurgents get wiped off the street with beer bottle sized bullets I'm sure their friends will decide to go home.

  5. Thai army snipers in action

    The last few seconds was really good, if you understand what they were saying. Unfortunately it is in Thai. I don't want to translate it for you.

    Could you translate please? I watched the video and I'm quite curious.

    You don't believe me anyway. Go and get your girl friend to translate it for you.

    Excuse me? I don't believe we know each other.

    Reported for trolling.

  6. Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

    Naaa, they probably ran out of red bull

    they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

    Just to clarify, is this the Tesco lotus situated across Carrefoure near the Gluay Nam Tai intersection?

    Bump. Anyone with any knowledge about the validity of this event would be very helpful.

  7. Latest development, Rama 4 Tesco Lotus is set fired by Red protesters that thought there is army hiding inside the building.

    Naaa, they probably ran out of red bull

    they also have been looting 7/11's and other shops, broken into banks ... it's party time for Thailand's criminals ... until tomorrow afternoon anyway and than its time to pay the piper

    Just to clarify, is this the Tesco lotus situated across Carrefoure near the Gluay Nam Tai intersection?

  8. Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

    If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

    I know what you're trying to say, that it is unfair. But the whole theme of military training is to be unfair; to have better weapons, tactics, training and intelligence, and how to use them to your advantage. This isn't a game of cards, it's bet your life.

    Old, old saying: don't bring a knife to a gunfight; or a slingshot, or a stick. Add another "People willing to die, die just as easy" (apologies to Stormin' Norman)

    My issue is with disproportionate force, nothing to do with fair. Has marshall law been declared? Are slingshots illegal? Are they considered weapons of war? Someone earlier mentioned they had received a warning for using a slingshot in the US during the 70's. Would it have made more sense for the police to just shoot him with an M-16? It leaves too much to interpretation especially since I know of no one to yet succumb to sling shot wounds, but the military is giving themselves extremely negative PR by firing against such weakly armed hooligans and it could potentially work against them in the long run, which is what I am fearing.

    I want this situation to be resolved, but I just don't feel like this is going to solve anything. While paramedics and random rioters are dropping, the real, armed insurgents are using guerrilla and hit and run tactics all while using these more harmless (slingshot, tire burning, camera men, underwear guy, etc) people as human shields. Most of the rioters out there can and should be handled with tear gas, water trucks and a bit of roughing up. The problem is that behind them are armed, unknown insurgents who apparently even have their own snipers.

    In short, everything's just a giant mess. Just my 2 cents.

  9. Please use your head. If soldiers were opening up on the reds with M16s ... you would see a lot more dead than 24 ... and aren't a couple of the dead now being reported to be soldiers?

    If it turns out that any of them died to injuries sustained from slingshots I will instantly retract my previous statement. Naturally, all armed enemy combatants are fair play in my book. I just feel I could actually do more damage with my bare hands than with one of the most primitive projectile weapons on the planet so I would not consider it any more armed than, say, someone wielding a stick. Granted that walking around a live fire zone while swinging a stick around isn't the smartest idea either. You certainly won't catch me doing that.

  10. When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

    They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

    Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

    To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

    What a silly argument.

    Even a kitchen knife is a weapon in a riot.

    The slingshots are being used alongside those who have guns.

    You will have to think again for a better pro-red rioter defence.

    I have an issue with disproportionate force. Claiming that I support an entire anti-government riot for thinking so is slandering me, and during such a time of political unrest, I would suggest you lay off such accusations. I in no way support the riots.

  11. When they are high up and 100's of meters away from people with slingshots I think its safe to say they are not under much threat..

    They might not be, but the people on the receiving end of the slingshots are.

    Soldiers' job is not only to protect his own arse you know?

    To be fair, those slingshots that we see the red shirts using on tv are not even hunting grade. They're the toy models and as far as I'm concerned, not illegal or considered a weapon. Blowing someone's head off for walking around with one of those seems a little disproportionate to me, but maybe I'm just thinking too clearly here.

  12. Video footage here of Nelson Rand being shot, make of it what you will but for me this is the most damming video to come out in the last two months.


    and before that was the video of the soldier being killed by how own troops that turned out to be untrue. One has to wonder about this one too since we don;t see who shot him.

    Only a warped mind would believe soldiers purposely opened fire on him as it would serve no purpose whatsoever.

    What is most likely is he was hit with ricochet or by reds or less likely he was mistaken for a black shirt terrorist.

    But damaging regardless of the reason .. no.

    Only a few red sympathizers here on TV making a big deal of this ... not even his own employers.

    He was were he should not have been, he ignored warnings not to be there, he ignored warning to clearly identify himself as a member of the media, he wore no protective gear as you will see being worn by any responsible journalist during an armed battle.

    No matter how you slice this, he put himself in harms way and deserves some of the responsibility for his shooting ... even if he was targeted as a journalist.

    Let's at least be fair and admit that there's staunch supporters for both sides here who have made extremist remarks.

    I agree with your post though, but it's worded weirdly, maybe this is what you were implying last night? To me there's a big difference to outright deserve being shot and to deserve some responsibility for the outcome by intentionally placing yourself in a danger zone. One being a moral issue and the other being a logical issue. If I think he deserved to get shot I would be happy that he did and I am assuming that everyone who says so feels, in some way, glad about his fate. I do feel he knew the risks and he is probably realistic and smart enough to accept the outcome himself without making a big scene about it afterward.

  13. Let's just have a little respect for the people who risk their lives just so we know what's going on in Bangkok, alright guys? Here's hoping no more innocents get caught in the crossfire.

    Why should they deserve more respect than anybody else who gets paid to do a chosen job? You act as though reporters are there because they feel they have a duty to us when in fact it is what they choose to do and get paid to do. We should have respect for all people.

    But bottom line is this guy was an idiot for not wearing anything to identify himself as a journalist, clearly being in a restricted area, failing to listen to authorities and not wearing any protection in such a violent area ... If he cared about bringing us the news he would not have not been so foolish in his duties to us instead of becoming news himself.

    I understand where you are coming from but get real ... all people deserve respect but when people are public figures or make the news, we have the right to comment on them.

    I am not saying don't have ANY sympathy (as most reporters covering stories) but there are too many people who are hurt in this world by others where they have not willingly or stupidly put themselves in such a position knowingly.

    Well quite frankly, without reporters and independent journalists, we would never know the truth about what's going on and just sit in the dark. We wouldn't know where clashes were taking place and what areas to avoid, who shot who and so forth. Sure it's a dangerous job and there's potential to get hurt or even die, but I feel that journalism deserves a good amount of respect. Without them we'd be depending on 'official government reports' or 'red shirt news' and lord knows what they'd throw at us if they knew no other source was there to show their own footage and present their own interviews.

    First of all ... without plumbers we would all be forced to shat on the street.

    Second of all ... with all these reporters out there we still have no clue what is going on.

    Third of all ... please provide me a link to any news outlet that gets it right AND doesn't show bias

    I don't quite follow, you don't trust any news at all? I don't understand how plumbers fall into this. We have a very good idea of what's going on, especially last night, thanks to the men and women who are out there recording, interviewing and following the action. It's why you're in this thread in the first place.

  14. Let's just have a little respect for the people who risk their lives just so we know what's going on in Bangkok, alright guys? Here's hoping no more innocents get caught in the crossfire.

    Why should they deserve more respect than anybody else who gets paid to do a chosen job? You act as though reporters are there because they feel they have a duty to us when in fact it is what they choose to do and get paid to do. We should have respect for all people.

    But bottom line is this guy was an idiot for not wearing anything to identify himself as a journalist, clearly being in a restricted area, failing to listen to authorities and not wearing any protection in such a violent area ... If he cared about bringing us the news he would not have not been so foolish in his duties to us instead of becoming news himself.

    I understand where you are coming from but get real ... all people deserve respect but when people are public figures or make the news, we have the right to comment on them.

    I am not saying don't have ANY sympathy (as most reporters covering stories) but there are too many people who are hurt in this world by others where they have not willingly or stupidly put themselves in such a position knowingly.

    Well quite frankly, without reporters and independent journalists, we would never know the truth about what's going on and just sit in the dark. We wouldn't know where clashes were taking place and what areas to avoid, who shot who and so forth. Sure it's a dangerous job and there's potential to get hurt or even die, but I feel that journalism deserves a good amount of respect. Without them we'd be depending on 'official government reports' or 'red shirt news' and lord knows what they'd throw at us if they knew no other source was there to show their own footage and present their own interviews.

  15. Offices on Asoke Asked to Evacuate

    UPDATE : 14 May 2010

    Office buildings on Asoke Road have asked its tenants to leave immediately, following the presence of thousands of red-shirt protesters on motorcycles passing through the area.


    So, red shirt motor cycles on the streets.

    People to evacuate the offices ... onto the streets !!

    I'm still at the office on Ratchadapisek and I can't see anything looking down on the street besides extremely congested traffic.

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