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Posts posted by thai4u

  1. leave this company.! I advice all the farangs to leave this company and hurt them in the pocket. this is the only way !!

    or they will improve the system OR they will close this service.

    Both situations will be good for all of us.. have enough companies to choose and ToT feels like no option for the costumers so they give a crap service.

    I left them already.. what about YOU ?...... :o

  2. hi I have also this problem .

    I made "roll back" and its not helping..

    in the configerations everything looks ok but I really cant hear.

    I have changed the headphones but its not abour that..

    Cant understand why.. I afraid its my "realtek" audio card "kaput",.,,

  3. I would like to check the option to establish/Add a service "rent car" for my business (which I have a work-permit already).

    Few important questions:

    1) Is it in the prohibition for foreigner to do this kind of service (though..I have seen many foreigners shops in pattaya that do make it...but I dont know if its legaly).

    2)Is there somewhere on the net OR from law firms "ready contract" for this kind of business (of course with some changes that match for my prices and rules that I will make).

    3)How much is the different between "first class insurance" for a regullar car to a "car 4 rent" car?

    4)Risks : Legaly : if there is an illegal material found in one of the rent-cars who takes the Responsibility?the car owner (me) or the car renter?

    I know..a tricky question but important question in "amazing thailand".

    Thank you in advance will appreciate any kind of answer and advice.

  4. "I’ve asked the provider what the difference is between bytes and packets and so far they haven’t given me an answer."


    Did you really asked them question like this?!.....

    say thank u that they know to say I-N-T-E-N-E-T ..

  5. Can someone tell me whats the different between the tt&t package;

    Maxnet INDY 1024/512=POP 3 Mail : 1 account 50 MB/account

    1070 Baht.

    Maxnet Premier 512/256=POP 3 Mail:5 account 50 MB/account

    1990 Baht.

    Is there a seriouse different with Speed/ Stability of the line. ?

    I have the "INDY" package but would like to upgrade .

    Is it worth it?

  6. I know that have a lot of complain about the internet service,and its true.. I have them line for 1 and half year.

    But my question is : does somebody felt a problem especielly since 1st April? Its almost impossible for me to work with their line.

    Its on-off-on-off.

    Its not a modem problem everything is fine with hardware and configerations.

    I have TT&T also and I seriously consider to give up on the ToT line as it will be the second bill (1070 B internet + 100 B telephone line) that I pay for NOTHING!!

    I had a lot of stress and almost "heart attacks" from their service and especiely their attitude its ashame.

    answers like: "you already pay cheap" ,"ok I send technician to check","blank smiles"..

    Actualy their best solution is that I will stop be their costumer and therefor PROBLEM SOLVED. :o

    In the west they will not servive 1 year in the business. ASHAME!!

  7. Congratulations.

    For me : permanent resident - YES.

    Citizen - NO never!

    Why? I will not stand the humiliation to apply for a THAI passport and citizen.. its not worth the effort.

    Its like a curse this passport.. go to europe? no automatic visa (in my case anyway) go to america..forget about it ,..u probebly go to work in the rice fields in the RICH foriegners countries.. hehe :D

    BUT you have 2 passports so its different.

    Again.. I won't stand the humiliation to apply for a THAI passport .


  8. "It just depends on the wording of your job description in your work permit.

    www.sunbeltasiagroup.com "

    which means what exactly? .. I gave the situation;

    Is it prohibited to work in a service shop types (such as minimart,internet cafe,bar..) EVEN THOUGH u do have a work permit to work in this business and categorized as "General manager" because u r a foreigner?

    ?Thank u in advance.

  9. option 2 : in case of 40K income. (for merry couple).=around 17K baht TAX

    + Pls answer:based on the prohibited jobs.: Is it true that even u have a work permit you cant actually charge money from the costumers?

    Is it prohibited to work in a service shop types (such as minimart,internet cafe,bar..) EVEN THOUGH u do have a work permit to work in this business and categorized as "General manager" because u r a foreigner?


  10. option 2 : in case of 40K income. (for merry couple).=around 17K baht TAX

    + Pls answer:based on the prohibited jobs.: Is it true that even u have a work permit you cant actually charge money from the costumers?

    Is it prohibited to work in a service shop types (such as minimart,internet cafe,bar..) EVEN THOUGH u do have a work permit to work in this business and categorized as "General manager" because u r a foreigner?


  11. Tell me designer or architect.. his name is CHANG :o hehe

    I just need the material and tell the chang(technitian/worker) to install it the way I want to ..

    The truth is that I wanted to install "Barrisol ceiling"(its an elastic material that streached on the ceiling that u can play with the lights I am sure u know what is it.)but I gave up..no way to do it properly in thailand.

    Not in the upcountry I stay in.. :)hehe

    So I lowered my expectation and want to do same in the picture..the ceiling and the lights its easy to find its just the white-blue that I try to figure out even how to call it in english.. hehe


    I will check in home-mart too.

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