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Posts posted by thai4u

  1. I did the trick kyosuken told me.. I just changes the sockets with other that avaliable,cleaned the entire inside and the connectors.


    well its working now but every restart it gives the messege "start windows normaly"

    and then about 20 seconds and windows running same nothing happend.

    How I get rid from this messege?

  2. hi ,

    I have a small problem ...I need to change in the BIOS and cant find this option in my pc..

    this is what I need to do :

    "At bios setup menu,select Advance BIOS features at 3rd boot device and LAN setup".

    Well I can find the "Device and LAN setup".

  3. The situation is that the property registered already with 30 years lease contracr (in the land department of course all clear 100% ).

    Now, we want to take a loan and then I afraid that to get the loan I will need to cancel my lease contract/protection/Ownership in the land office..something that I dont want to do.

    Is my only option is 3 years renewable lease ?I dont want to as I dont want to deal with the lease sxxt every 3 years.

    Also an option that I think and pls advice me if it helps or not.. to make this usufruct (or whatever it called)that actually make me the USER for a lifetime.

    Is it helping or make things worst.?

    I want to know the options because I KNOW...when it will be the time everybody(except my wife that absolutly understand) will tell me mai penlai..you merry already..its like this in thailand.....well NO(!)

    If its so mai penlai and we merry so why I had all the headache when I bought the house with my money from the first place.. bla bla.. u know the story.. :o hehe.


  4. I owned for 3 years Subaru Impreza.

    Cheaper then here of course.

    Best car ever , VERY reliable that it comes to the point its boring to even own 1.


    BUT will never buy Subaru in Thailand...prices r just too high!!funny! its one of the cheapest car in other places.

    But here its like buying GOLD!! Why the hel_l Impreza 95' cost more than 400K baht??? Is there a gold inside the car or is there some diamonds I cant see there?? :o

    In thailad -TOYOTA> :D

  5. The wife and me are going to take a loan.

    I have the 30 years lease.

    The bank will probably ask for the "chanote" to be garentee.

    The bank may refuse unless I take off the lease protection.

    How and what can I do to protect the lease(my actual investment and ownership).

    Can I add a contract and register it in the land office that the lease continue after the loan period finish?

    Its very important for me to know what r my options and how am I suppose to act.

    thanks in advance.

  6. cdnvic (!) :o

    Why u jump to conclusions? who told u that my computer have "hacked by.."?? its not even this problem it was just an example to situation that good for using this software.

    :D help me as I am sure u know this software !

  7. Really Thank you but its not what I asked for..

    I need to find this software.

    This is a very good software.

    It is the only automatic one that did the job fast.

    I am sure that when you/me will know the name everybody will say HAAAAAA........right. :o

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