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Posts posted by scottishjohn

  1. I have stated on previous discussions re debit/credit cards on this forum to please be aware that the usage of such cards is very different in US/UK/AUS and even more so if a Thai card.. When you are discussing charges on theese cards on this forum I would advise that you state which country the card is regested in.

    UK CARDS I can only discuss UK cards and as such be aware that most (a very few do not) have the following typicall fees. Debit card at ATM has a % fee on the transaction and then a ERA (Exchange Rate Adjustment) (HSBC typically 2% ATM (min & max rates apply) + 2.99 ERA). POS (Point of sale Transactions) are also subject to the ERA on top.

    Credit cards are usually flat rated at POS (typically 2.99%) but remember that Cash transactions from UK credit cards are subject to a cash fee ( typically 2.9%) plus instant compound interest at the credit card cash rate (could be anything depending on the bank but average 20%) from the moment the cash is withdrawn untill fully repaid. Typically it takes 3 months to repay all the interest on a UK credit card cash transaction.

    Hope this helps.

  2. When the town planners were laying out CM do you think they built footpaths for motorbikes to park or were they exclusively for pedestrians. You may need to think about this one

    I think the town planners were thinking rickshaws and the occasional ox cart mixed in with pedestrians.

    Since the rickshaw did not appear until the late 1800's (1887 in some sources)I don't think the city planners were too bothered by them. I think they were more worried about defence than the movement of locals, tourists and resident farangs. (the last two terms not yet having been invented when Chiang Mai was established).

    Lets be positive and look ahead, not backwards!

  3. Cable cars are the way forward - small footprint and cheap to run, also transporters as used in Star Trek - they can be also used to transport songteaw drivers to another planet where they can get on someone else's tits

    I thought songteaw drivers (and tuk tuk drivers) were on another planet. They certainly don't drive on planet earth!
    • Like 1
  4. Completely impractical, and will never happen. Beautiful map, but where are they going to run these light rail cars? Down the center of the road? You will never be able to get across to them for traffic, plus the roads are not wide enough on the proposed routes. Down the side of the roads? Property acquisition would be prohibitive.

    Cable cars and tunnels to Mae Hong Son spring to mind!

    We seem to be stuck on the idea of ABOVE ground. The BKK system is so slow, and such a small area, with the exception of the train out to the airport.

    Go underground like all the major cities around the world. Fast, efficient, out of sight, no land takeovers apart from stations. The technology is there, but just possibly the money isn't.

    Does anyone have figures on population growth in Chiang Mai in the past 5 years, and projected population? The number of new condos opening up in the past few years is amazing.

    Doesn't seem to be a lot of urban planning, and where are the parks? Can't walk around the footpaths - they've already been invaded by motor bikes.

    This has been raised before and I believe the problem is to do with the water table level and flooding area/plain

    • Like 2
  5. Couldn't you talk about her by her nationality, rather than her race?

    If you heard her swear, you would know.

    Which is worst, young foreign drunk or elderly foreign racist?

    You said

    Which is worst, young foreign drunk or elderly foreign racist.

    How about young foreign racist,who should know better, or old foreign drunk, who is too drunk to know any better!

    What is your point?

    • Like 1
  6. Just received the following email from one of my mates:

    Subject: In Hospital:

    Hey silver sea,

    Could you hold my emails until further notice, because I'm in hospital. I was badly attacked by a woman in the lift.

    I was in the lift when she got in. I was casually staring at her boobs when she said, "Could you press 1 please."

    So I did ... but I don't remember much afterwards.

    I may be out of the hospital in a few days.

    Fortunately, a witness got her photo:


    Wot ya might call a sight for sore eyes then?

    You'd get more than sore eyes if you 'bumped' into them!

    • Like 2
  7. WHAT ! ! ! Your post has been on here with that photo for more than 5 minutes now..... & not one bitch about the photo or camera, or lighting, or plate color...... Man I need to sit down with you and find out how you did that.

    Not only that but there has been no mention of the 'Blue' word(s) fork & spoon.

    OOPS I've just done it!


    Seriously, that's how they used to advertise the place. If they didn't like the look of you, they wouldn't let you in.
    Of course my fine upstanding self and partner were obviously respectable enough.

    Couldn't they have just put a "no riffraff" sign on the door?

     And of course the 'free water' sign!

    yes i can still remember all those long boring never ending sleepless nights of my childhood

    What an unlucky childhood you would have had.
    My sympathies.
    Anyway, I guess your adulthood makes up for that!
    Long live the Apples, Berries and the Droids.

    I totally agree with you but worry that you may be about to be hoist by your own petard perhaps!

    We all know what 'old' Apples and Berries are(fruits I hope that is what you are referring to!) but what 'Driods' are you on about?

    Droid (band), an American metal band
    DroID (database), a biological database
    Droid (film), a 1988 science fiction movie
    Droid (font), for the Android operating system
    Droid (robot), fictional machines from the Star Wars franchise
    Droids (cartoon), a cartoon from the Star Wars franchise
    DROID (Digital Record Object IDentification), a software tool for the PRONOM technical registry of the UK government's National Archives

    or am I missing something

    These are the 'favorites in today's 'fruit basket'
    (as the OP says, while eating the 'old fruit' we had a lot of Time for Family & Friends!


    Thanks, now I know what I was missing! Ihave unhoisted your petard!
    • Like 1
  10. Hi DIPLIMATICO (sorry Gonzo- not addressed to you)

    As a General statement I want to thank you for your obviously coded and diplomatic message re J@nta

    I did mention earlier (Post 5) that I thought Gonzo had missed the Blue Spoon out as a marketing ploy after he said he was going to be whipped by a wet noodle.

    I now believe, given your latest suggestion (aka hint) that Gonzo includes a few secret messages in his posts. At post 7 when he referred to his so called Pun Pun Pun SMMSS I think he is actually sending a Subtle Message Meaning Sumptuous Secret.

    With reference to Wet Noodles; I of course leave it to you (and Gonzo) as to its effectiveness of whipping up support (for whatever), unless this is another coded message from those higher up (euphemism intended)

    No Photos please, we dont want to give away our inside knowledge. (Wink wink)

    Oops; Have I given the secrets away by posting this

    yes i can still remember all those long boring never ending sleepless nights of my childhood

    What an unlucky childhood you would have had.
    My sympathies.
    Anyway, I guess your adulthood makes up for that!
    Long live the Apples, Berries and the Droids.

    I totally agree with you but worry that you may be about to be hoist by your own petard perhaps!

    We all know what 'old' Apples and Berries are(fruits I hope that is what you are referring to!) but what 'Driods' are you on about?

    Droid (band), an American metal band
    DroID (database), a biological database
    Droid (film), a 1988 science fiction movie
    Droid (font), for the Android operating system
    Droid (robot), fictional machines from the Star Wars franchise
    Droids (cartoon), a cartoon from the Star Wars franchise
    DROID (Digital Record Object IDentification), a software tool for the PRONOM technical registry of the UK government's National Archives

    or am I missing something

    The "guang" beetles are usually tied to sugar cane and are used for a rather nonviolent combat
    you mean like this ?

    Now there's an interesting concept

    Sort of like Touch Rugby then...

    Yes! No contact my ar@@ I played touch rugby once (in winter to avoid contact with the frozen Scottish Ground) and broke my arm!


    Get a professional food photographer.  Everybody raves about your food, but it looks like oily cr@p in the photos.

    Yes, because every Mom and Pop small business in Northern Thailand should have a professional food photographer.  Goes without saying, really.

    The real reason Gonzo takes his own photos is that the 'professionals' would not allow the obligatory 'Blue Spoon'!
    • Like 1
  14. Hi Gonzo

    It looks good! I am glad you are not 'ramen' a burger down our throats

    I was in full flood of a response re; no blue spoon when I suddenly saw the PS

    'ps sorry I forgot about the blue spoon .....a thousand lashes with a wet noodle' (are you saying you serve wet noodles or should this be moved to an adult section)

    Did you really forget, or is it a marketing ploy to get others like me to respond? I believe you are trying to stir it again without a spoon. I

    PS Why can't we eat it with a blue knife and blue fork.
    • Like 1
  15. The real CMFC attracts about 6,000 or more fans at home games, so I think they win the rights to CMFC over the fencing club. To be honest, I can't see where the attraction in constructing wooden borders comes from.


    I got the point!

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