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Posts posted by scottishjohn

  1. OP,

    To avoid the mess of exploded egg goo when cooking an egg in a microwave, first line the inside of the microwave with aluminum foil.


    Don't you think that might foil the joke if you keep egging him on!giggle.gif

    Well, now you've scrambled any chance of success at egging him on.


    Please stop poaching my comments or I will have to toast you!

    • Like 1
  2. Blimey Guys its only a couple of days, by the sounds of some of you a few days off the Ale might be helpful.. Just try not to shake to much blink.png

    But it's not really about that , is it?

    Most people just want a nice night out, in a pleasant ambience, with the chance of a good meal and a drink or two; then maybe listen to the band, or go on somewhere etc.

    You can always get a drink, but who wants to sit in the dark, supping out of coffee mugs and looking over their shoulder? Most places will be shuttered and the streets will be dark and deserted. Totally without charm.

    And precisely who gains from all this? Who derives any benefit, spiritual or otherwise, from forcing those of a different way of thinking to their particular religious perceptions?

    You may say, "It's only a couple of days" but not everyone has full freedom of choice in their timing. For some, say, holiday makers, those entertaining visitors or in full time employment, this weekend may have been an important date in their pleasure calendar.

    It's really very simple. Buy some in the shop and go and have a picnic. Or take some home and get some friends round.

    The lack of imagination among Chiang Mai alcoholics is startling.

    It's a Buddhist country and they do this all the time, so stop whinging about it or move back to some craphole and buy your Ace lager from Morrisons like a good boy.

    I accept that this is a Buddhist country, but the rest of your post is a bit off course/inaccurate/missleading!.

    Where is the poster talking about 'alcoholics'? The post said; '

    "night out, in a pleasant ambience, with the chance of a good meal and a drink or two; then maybe listen to the band, or go on somewhere etc" Where are the 'alcohilics' in this statement?

    Where is the "whinging" in the post. It is a statement of his wish/intent. There is no "whinging" See the OED definition below;

    whinge Brit. informal

    v. (whingeing) complain persistently and peevishly.

    Sorry OED = Oxford English Dictionary

    • Like 1
  3. I sincerely hope we are done talking about irrelevant problems or comparisons in the USA or the unfortunate history of China.

    There are, as indicated in above posts on the thread topic, many roads to take to secure health insurance, but there are many cracks to fall through leaving some very vulnerable expats, especially the elderly in trouble, many of whom gave up coverage by their home country health care systems. Chiang Mai is a magnet for long-stay retirees, of course, many of whom apparently have little or no health insurance coverage. That seems to have been borne out by the experience locally at Nakorn Ping Hospital.

    Orthodox remedies, many discussed above, don’t seem to cover the situation.

    A private policy with guaranteed lifetime renewal works many times depending upon individual policy restrictions and benefits too variable to consider here. There are restrictions, of course, having to do with age. Continuous coverage with the same insurance firm tom an early age can work, but many firms will refuse to cover any new applicants over 60 or 65. (Some companies are more permissive — at ramped-up high rates.) Then, of course, the price of coverage goes up the older you get, and the increase can take your breath away. Elderly expatriates with limited or no private coverage that follows them to Thailand could be trouble very quickly.

    Continuing coverage associated with employment and retirement benefits can work very well if generous enough. Many are not.

    Home country national health services often do not work for their citizens abroad. Americans and British residents abroad come to mind. Government policy can change, as in the UK with eligibility for NHS services.

    Self-insurance may be adequate, too, if a person is rich enough and has salted away sufficient funds. It might stand alone or be used to supplement a low-cost-low-benefit policy. Setting aside an emergency fund of US$2 million if you have no insurance has been suggested above. If you have that much to draw upon, as well as adequate regular income, you are fortunate. Many do not have the wherewithal.

    Travel insurance was also suggested above. Back-to-back policies. Would this be kosher? And it sounds expensive. Besides, aren’t most travel policies designed for international travel with fairly limited health care benefits until you get home where coverage ends?

    In Thailand…

    Some expats are long-time workers who qualify for government health coverage, and may also be provided with private coverage from their employers. If you work legally for a year (Fact check appreciated if wrong), you can qualify for some form of government health insurance. I am not familiar with benefits provided. This is not the 30 bhat plan. But one must have had a work permit and so on. Retired expatriates who have not qualified prior to retirement are not eligible, and they are forbidden to work.

    The 30 bhat plan is basicaally the plan that catches all Thais left (now including immigrants from adjacent countries) not covered in other ways. Under the regrettable recent boondoggle if other foreigners were patient enough to deal with regional coverage, a somewhat complicated referral system, some restrictions on medications and treatments, and the sweaty crowded least-expensive hospital accommodations, the 30 bhat plan (especially the short-lived version offered to foreigners) was still a huge bargain. Nonetheless, one or more facilities were shocked by the needs and demands for service by older foreigners, many apparently with expensive serious medical problems.

    So we are back to realizing that a lot of expatriates don’t have adequate coverage — unless, one would hope, the pool of expatriates can be made actuarially sound in some way. That’s why a government policy combining short- (tourist) and long-stay expatriates together (with an appropriate fee structure).

    Over to you!

    I don't know how regulated the insurance available to expats in Thailand is. So even if you think you are covered, you may have very little protection. Before the advent of the ACA in the USA, insurance companies devoted huge resources to disallowing claims on all sorts of technicalities. After all, they're in business to make money. And once disaster strikes, you really can't intimidate them by threatening to taking your business elsewhere. Because no one will take your business except maybe - and that's a big maybe - at exorbitant rates. Of course, if you're an American and over 65, you can return to the USA for Medicare. And if you're lucky enough to be a Western European (at least mostly), you can also return home for care. This will work for conditions like cancer and heart disease. But if it's an accident and you have to be treated here, who knows if it will be paid for? And if it's something you can afford to pay for yourself, you probably should. Because the following year, the company will probably raise your rates. Save your insurance for something you can't pay for. Of course, it may be that if the insurance company finds out you were treated in hospital for a serious condition you paid for and didn't report, they may disallow your claim. I don't know if that's a fact, but it's something to look into.

    'And if you're lucky enough to be a Western European (at least mostly), you can also return home for care. This will work for conditions like cancer and heart disease.

    I believe this is no longer the case for the UK. Unless it is an A&E admission you need to be referred by your registered doctor in most cases. Also if you have your pension/tax/banking registered as overseas you will not be covered by the NHS and will need private insurance/bank a/c.

  4. I am sorry Gonzo but the Title of your post had me really excited as I thought you were referring to, what I believe, was the longest ever thread on TV CM. I of course am referring to the long running tale of the comparison of the two pubs that cannot be mentioned!

    What a joy those days were!

    PS I will try and get round to your place next time I’m in town, with one of your regulars (to show me the way), and sample the goods.

    Yeah ! ! ! The good old days....

    My personal ranking on old timey, of all timey , posts would be :

    1st Got Losts "Rain" Post

    2nd The 2 night mkt area pubs that cannot be talked about thread

    3rd The one about the Fish & Chips and I think about 5 of us were in the topic...... Charley was still in business then even before his move...

    and just to keep on topic, Thanks all for your patronage. Planned [by accident] almost perfectly. Ate us down to one remaining F&C Dinner...... Stock has been replaced now , and your appetites should be just about back now .

    Giving some thought to the next surprise special..... Give me some feed back ..... what would you guys like better....

    Liver and Bacon, with sauteed onion & gravy, a big glopppp of mashed potatos and gravy , with buttered corn and a tossed salad..... or

    Garlic Pork Knuckle, Mashed potatos and gravey, Special Shan sauerkraut and tossed salad w/ dressing

    (shucks almost forgot >>>>> nasal clearing HOT mustard..

    Give me some druthers and I will try and put it together......

    Trust me it will be a stomach filler.


    Going back to off post

    "Got Losts "Rain" Post" has me baffled! Is it a typo - Re all the "rain" posts or have I missed something?

    Maybe we should start a Best/worst topic thread!

  5. Is it just me or do candles smell exactly like burnt nose hair ?

    It is just you. But that's OK, we love you anyway, regardless of that habit you have with your nose hair.

    What makes you think it is his nose hair?

    PS Why does he think it's nose hair rather than hair from elsewhere for that matter?

  6. I am sorry Gonzo but the Title of your post had me really excited as I thought you were referring to, what I believe, was the longest ever thread on TV CM. I of course am referring to the long running tale of the comparison of the two pubs that cannot be mentioned!

    What a joy those days were!

    PS I will try and get round to your place next time I’m in town, with one of your regulars (to show me the way), and sample the goods.

  7. This thread has been very informative for me.

    I am very curious about this machine at McCormick Hospital. I'm definitely going to look into it.

    I have excess ear wax that gets impacted..

    I have had to have my ears cleaned once or twice a year for the last 20 years.

    Back home the doctors use hydrogen peroxide, warm water and a syringe.

    I've had ear wax removed for years here in Thailand at the Barber shops.

    It was more than a little scary at first but I guess I've got used to it to some degree. Still seems very strange..

    They use a metal hooked pick that looks like a dental tool. At the end of the process they put some kind of metal wires in and strike them so that they vibrate like a tuning fork.

    Now that I've read about people getting their ears damaged by such procedures, my days of having Thai Barber's remove my ear wax are over!

    Thanks for all the info!

    I will report back after I've been to McCormick Hospital.

    Feel free to start ripping me apart for trusting my ears to Thai Barbers for all these years.

    I don’t see why anyone should feel free to start ripping you apart.

    Despite the comments, on surprise at the length of this thread etc, I think it has obviously, in your case, and probably in a few others provided a useful service/advice/warnings.

    Isn’t a service of this type exactly what forums like this are set up to provide?

    I am sure we are all keen to ‘hear’ the results of your next ‘treatment’.

  8. Though professional cleaning of my ears has never occurred to me, it appears to be a common concern for some or maybe even most guys. Maybe gals, too. In 64 years I've never had it done, and very rarely need to use a cotton swab to clean mine myself. And when my doctor has occasion to check my ears, there's no excess build-up. I guess some of us secrete much more wax than others. Who knew? (Who cares?)

    How about a poll?? Just kidding.

    Very true, its a natural occurrence that wax will be present in small amounts for most people and never require cleaning. However some people are quite paranoiac about it, like its a hygiene issue, which it isn't, unless its excessive and causes hearing problems.

    Actually using cotton buds, or similar, has a negative effect as all you do is push the wax further down the canal.

    I had one trip to hospital in Bangkok to check ear canals and hearing and found watching the inside of my ear canals on the screen quite nauseating,its not a pretty sight.

    When I had a slight ear infection my Scottish Doctor was quite adamant that, unless surgery was involved, the ONLY thing that should Ever go into an ear was a little finger with a neatly trimmed nail. He also said that 'Cotton Buds' should be banned as there were more drawbacks than benefits with there use.

    Wax is there for a very good reason and unless excessive and harming your hearing it should be left alone

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  9. I'm not in CM at the moment but there used to be a shop in the Night Bazaar that did some good quality boards, wood inlay, glass and also marble. Don't know if it's still there but maybe worth a look for some ideas. As an earlier poster said make sure the ratios are correct.

    • Like 1
  10. Just wondering what the traffic rate for deaths was under the curfew.

    With the curfew removed there will be more places staying open late with closed doors. As Winnie said spicy was open until 2:00 and others later.

    Bound to make a difference in the death rate at that time of night. doubt we will ever know. Any one know any one in Emergency rooms at that time of night?

    Late night bars were open later without the curfew and plenty of places that were open late now aren't, so fewer drunks on the road. Spiceys would normally be open till 4am or 5am so 2am is an early night. I think you'll find that late night revellers numbers are way down. Closing hours are being strictly enforced. Bar beers closed at midnight, Zoe's closed at 1am.

    I don't follow your line of reasoning. If the curfew is down bars are open later giving people more time to drink. The more they drink the less their ability to think and react as fast is. So I would think that would cause more accidents. Would be nice if we had a night shift emergency room worker on here. They would have noticed the difference.

    A slight misunderstanding on my part. Before the curfew the bars closed much later, during the curfew everything was more or less closed at midnight, but post curfew closing hours are being strictly enforced so most places are closed at midnight and the rest are closed at 1am. So, yes, fewer accidents during the curfew, but also fewer after the curfew than pre-curfew because of the enforcement of closing times. Does that make sense?


  11. To OP

    Are you willing to give your money to an unknown company to transfer it out of your bank account and expect them to pay it back to your bank account for a small fee and actually see this money again?

    Who will you complain to when you explain that you have been conned/robbed for trying to avoid money laundering rules. Do you also expect a TV member to give advice on how he/she has broken every rule in the book?

    Is this a troll post (I hope so)!

  12. Great news. This just leaves the regular fuzz curfew. Spicy got closed around 2am or so. So had to move on to the place with the secret annexe.


    Please tell me more about this place Winnie.

    After 6 years i thought i knew them all.

    You very likely do; I was just being cute. You can walk through the back there coming from Lucky though. If you have guests in town to entertain and you play it well it will seem more adventurous than just entering from the main entrance on the soi. Similar to having to use the side-entrance to Spicy when they pretend the front is closed.

    Does this mean it is not secret anymore?


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  13. The point Winnie is making is why not lift the curfew for the whole country. Let us have unity not division.

    We are smack in the middle of Thaksin territory. I am all for lifting the curfew, but I can understand the army's thinking.

    the army's thinking.

    That's a great oxymoron!

    Only beaten by 'Army intelligence'

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