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Posts posted by ukrules

  1. I would just leave it where it was and walk on by.

    Of course I most likely wouldn't notice it anyway as I generally look where I'm going rather than at the ground when I'm walking around in Bangkok. I have to keep my eyes open for approaching strangers, pick pockets, muggers, touts, policemen and the countless other criminals who are out to fleece me in some way.

  2. As i said just now, Thailand and UK have an extradition treaty- with the weight of evidence against him, he will be back in Thailand in jail sooner or later (with proviso of no death penalty. Bank on it:)

    There will be so many strings attached to any deal that I'm quite sure it will never happen.

    Does anyone have any information on a previous extradition of a British national to Thailand on a serious criminal offence.

    Surely this situation has happened before ?

  3. Aldhouse, originally from Birmingham, was caught by the UK's new e-borders system that counts people in and out.

    Ah yes, the new system that's going to be used to catch terrorists. I wonder how many they've caught. Before you know it people will be arrested whenever they enter or leave the country for outstanding parking tickets.

    I will be very surprised if this guy is sent to Thailand as the system they have in place is barbaric and condemned by most of the world as being inhumane, corrupt and brutal. For these reasons there's not a chance that he will be sent back to Thailand. Not now, not ever.

  4. Does anyone have any data regarding the number of British Nationals who have been extradited from the UK to Thailand in the past ?

    I know the Thai's often comply with extradition requests from the British government but I have a feeling this is going to be a one sided situation.

    More importantly have and wanted Thai citizens been extradited from Thailand to the UK, the answer to this question would seem to set the standard.

    I'd look this information up but can't find anything anywhere.

  5. I download my torrents to a windows server which I keep in a datacenter (using vnc to control it) then I either ftp the files to my computer or if I want to get them really quick I enable the ftp directory as a website and use Internet Download Manager to make a quick multi connection download which really speeds things up. Can this be done with ftp I wonder ?

    A multi GB torrent downloads pretty quick when the pc's in a datacenter and sitting on a 1Gbps full duplex connection.

    This type of traffic can't be blocked as it is normal web traffic.

  6. Good luck to the fat lady. Thyroid disorders are more common than people realize. Probably most cases are undiagnosed, and it can kill you.

    Hypothyroidism is more common than most people realise, of course ignorance is much more prevalent.

    I know a guy who was literally starving to death whilst eating normally yet he was getting fatter all the time. His body was storing most of the energy in the form of fat instead of using it.

    Everyone told him he should eat less ! Of course he could have died without medical intervention had he done this, once he started on the thyroxine his weight returned to normal and his body could access energy from the food he was eating rather than just store it away as fat and only use a small amount of it. He could also stay awake all day.

    So he was ill which made him fatter, eat more and need to sleep all the time.

  7. Not a chance he will be sent back!

    European human rights act will see to that, doubt they would even send him to the US

    The British government has been sending plentry of people to the US since Blunkett decided that an arrest warrant was evidence enough to extradite someone to the US. A situation which is causing a lot of problems in the UK at the moment, the Americans can extradite pretty much who they want but for the UK to extradite someone from the US is a much harder thing to do, all proof must be examined and deemed valid before the person can even be extradited for trial. It's one of the most onesided pieces of legislation ever introduced, it's a very strange situation, especially once it emerged that this was a back room deal and nbody had any say in it until after it was done. Very shady.

  8. if he ever goes to a country which extradites to countries with the death penalty he will be arrested there and extradited so his travelling days outside the EU are over.


    At present, Thailand has extradition treaties with 14 countries - the US, UK, Canada, China, Belgium, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, South Korea, Bangladesh, Fiji, and Australia.

    I don't see how this is incorrect. A country doesn't need a treaty to allow someone to be extradited as we've seen recently with the 'Michael Bryan Smith' case who was extradited from Thailand to the UAE. It happens all the time, a treaty just formalises it but a lot of informal agreements go on between governments and people are extradited both ways between counties with no formal agreements all the time.

    The only thing stopping a country from extraditing him to Thailand would be a specific bar on extraditing people who've commited a 'capital offence' such as the one in place in the EU or if you're Russian, they don't like to send their people off to foreign countries no matter what they've done. I don't blame them either as foreigners are often very harshly treated by justice systems in counries other than their own just because they are foreigners.

    I do remember reading something a long time back which said that the FBI investigates the murder os US nationals in foreign countries, this could be out of date though as it was 10-15 years ago that I read that.

  9. So if they refuse to extradite him, is he going to be tried in the UK or is he off the hook? Think about the poor family of the victim who has to travel back and forth to Thailand and UK while they live in America just to seek justice.

    There are many people walking around England today who've served prison sentences for murder in the past and a lot of people who who've murdered abroad and at home and can't be touched or extradited due to lack of evidence.

  10. "the extradition will get denied due to human rights, and thailand is a country that offers death sentence so the UK will not extradite him."

    so what happens to him then ? does he just walk away from it all ?

    This is quite possible. The Thai justice system has proved to be completely corrupt in the past.

    Firstly the British government will need a binding agreement that there will be no death sentence handed down or it will simply be rejected, however the Thai's will hound him for the rest of his life over this and if he ever goes to a country which extradites to countries with the death penalty he will be arrested there and extradited so his travelling days outside the EU are over.

    We know the Thai justice system likes to go after foeigners with vigour for even the most minor of crimes and they do seem to like locking foreigners in prisons for crimes that Thai's themselves would normally get bail for.

    As for a non european international extradtition within one week, that actually made me laugh, it could be years before this is sorted out and he has various rights of appeal. For a charge such as violent psychopathic murder he would most likely be remanded in custody in a British prison whilst this extradition and appeals process continues as he is a danger to society.

    Politics also plays a part in this, what's the history of extradition of Thai suspects into England into the past ? How many British nationals have been extradited to Thailand for serious offences in the past ? I wonder.

    If he gets away with it then I wouldn't be surprised if he's not took off the streets due to some kind of mental health reason or at least kicking the shit out of somone in England. There will be plenty of people more than willing to send him to his maker if he opens his mouth and starts punching people in the bars of England.

  11. No it is you who is misinformed!I dont know when you last lived in Thailand but you clearly know very little about it now! These drugs are indeed VERY difficult to obtain ( in Pattaya anyway). I have tried to obtain Dormicum all over Pattaya and nowhere is it available outside a hospital,which is what I use.

    Bangkok will be a different situation to Pattaya, although I didn't mention it in my post I was tlaking about Bangkok.

    You are correct though, my usual pharmacist told me back in March that he can't get hold of Dormicum anymore due to this new ministry of health decision, however he did say he might have some more in about three months. In the meantime the hospital will do me, I often get some of the usual blood tests done while I'm there as well so it's not a completely wasted trip just to get some tablets !

  12. Dormicum - in any pharmacy store of your choice.

    Surely you joke ?

    This is my drug of choice, the last time I was in Bangkok the pharmacy who normally sells this told me it's no longer available.

    It is the best sleeping tablet as it's very short acting and you recover from it very quickly although you might need a couple of doses, I just take 7.5mg each time I wake up on the flight.

    To get some last time I had to register at a large private hospital, consult a doctor and even then she said it's a special list of medications from 'the ministry' and she could only prescribe me with 5 x 15 mg tablets. For me that's enough for 2 flights so that's good enough. I used 2.5 of these on the way back from Bangkok and will use the others on my flight from London to Bangkok in October, then I'll go back and get some more from the hospital.

    Edit :

    If anyone does know of a pharmacy who currently sells Dormicum since the 'crackdown' about a year ago I'd be interested to hear which one it is, please pm me the details. Thanks.

  13. A lot of people seem to no who he is , there is even cctv images of him buying the knife !!! .... Maybe he was drunk , or loss face to being beaten up by the american .. But noexcuse for killing him

    He did not buy the knife.. He walked into 711, pushed the staff to the side and stole the knives. He then walked out and walked down the road.

    Unfortunately I was there within 10 meters of him.

    He stared the brawl by king hitting the other guy and then a fight broke out.

    It is not about rival Muay Thai caps or anything really do to with boxing.. Its about a ego driven miscreant that has lived in Phuket for over 4 years. He is a problem where ever he goes and people have nothing to do with him because of his violent temper.

    The young guy that died was a ex marine that spent a lot of time in Iraq and Afghanistan and had a few war wounds to prove it. He died by the hand of this asshol_e who went to his flat, knocked on the door and once the door was opened, stabbed him in cold blood.. His girlfriend who was also at the flat feared for her life also.

    The altercation in the bar was over an hour earlier, so thats how long he had to think this through. Vicious Animal, I hope he is found and the death penalty is given.. Wishful thinking.

    Rip to a great young bloke who was very well liked and he will be missed.

    Wow, this post really brings home the whole senseless tragedy of the event. Sounds like he was a disaster waiting to happen. So sad

    I've known of and come across a few people like this in my time and they are all locked up for long periods in UK prisons. Murder, robbery, etc. This is the type of person bethanysleewer is describing. Guys who think they are real hard cases, and genuinely believe they are untouchable - well they are now - for 20+ years ! It's just a pity they can't be stopped more permanently before someone dies. there are some new laws with indefinite sentences in the UK being handed out to people who commit real violent acts, the kind of act which could have resulted in someones death but it didn't - they need to be proven 'normal' before they're allowed back out, that's the theory anyway, I doubt it will work properly.

  14. apparantly, not the first time this guy has been involved in a serious altercation this year..

    someone tried to knock him off his motorbike & do him damage a few months ago.

    Google his name to see the story...

    edit: thats 'lee aldhouse', not the american victim

    Interesting although he appears to have been the victim then

    Not sure if this link is allowed so I'll post it anyway and I'm sure it will be removed if it's on the blacklist //link removed as per forum rules - admin//

  15. The moral of the tragedy is the Thai authorities/immigration/police should not allow lunatic scum to be in Thailand.

    Excellent idea, all we need now is an acurate way of predicting who out of the billions of people in the world will turn into a 'lunatic scum' before they actually do anything wrong.

    Do you have a plan or is this just mindless waffle ?

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