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Posts posted by ukrules

  1. Wish these nefarious individuals would not be kept calling 'animals'. Which animal? The species that cut up the young and place them in plastic bags for revenge? Or the human animal, which is, as far as know, is the only animal species capable of this.

    Lots of animals routinely slaughter and often eat young members of their own species. It's a well known phenomenon.


  2. Bottom line is he should have had insurance. End of story.

    Had you bothered to read into this you would of course know that he did have insurance but it had lapsed.

    Extending one time travel insurance for a short term trip is not always an option and to get a new policy he would have needed to return to the UK and make a fresh trip. Without taking out a long term ex pat full insurance policy he didn't have many options. Most annual multi trip policies that I've come across will limit trip lengths to between 30 and 90 days. The exception to this are the more specialised 'gap year / backpacker' style policies which you would only purchase if you were planning an extended trip before you depart which doesn't appear to be the case here.

    So, he did have insurance in he first instance and quite possibly it would not have been easy to extend it once it had lapsed, if not impossible.

  3. One thing's for sure, these countries will do their best to find you in violation of any small law and throw you in prison the moment you land. Make sure you don't have any prescription drugs on their long long list of prohibited items or you will be in the shit. Some of the items on this list are normal over the counter medications in lots of places around the world.

    Be warned and avoid this region.

  4. Isn't the solution to global warming air conditioning, it always solves it for me ?

    So what if the earth gets hotter or colder, it's been doing this since the start of time.

    There's been global warming on mars and venus too. Apparently it's something to do with the sun, who would ever have thought of it : Heat coming from the sun is making things hotter.

  5. Lee WILL be extradited, it will take time but it WILL happen. A friend working at the British Embassy in Bangkok has told me that there's enough goodwill on all sides to force the extradition through.

    It's irrelevant what the British government think, I predict they will grant the extradition in line with the extradition treaty. This will then be appealed several times and the final decision will be made by the European court of human rights in Strasbourg, they will reject it. Read into the case history of this court and you will realise that there is no possibility of this extradition being granted, not as conditions are today.

    This process will take many years and Aldhouse will almost certainly be remanded in prison for the entire time of this very lengthy process. Maybe they will come up with some other solution, but unless Thailand builds some new prisons which are upto certain 'standards' before this judgement is finalised then he won't be sent back.

    The decision by the European court of human rights will be based on things like the conditions inside the prison, clean food and water supply for prisoners and adequate medical care. Thailand fails on all of these criteria.

  6. Yeah does seem tight.. If its not all in place is there anything to stop him leaving the uk for a country without a Thai extradition treaty ??

    Thats 7 days to have everything in place.. Tick tock..

    The brinks bank robber spent 30 years in Brazil ...... and neither the UK or Thailand have a treaty with that country

    The UK has had a treaty with Brazil for a long time now. The Brazillian government made a special exemption for Biggs as he had a family over there.

    Corruption in Brazil is more widespread than Thailand. The police have been known to rob foreigners of large amounts of cash befoe killing them and they have been known to execute criminals on the streets, once it was caught on camera by a TV news crew.

  7. WHen I go to the US, I put one suitcase inside another and carry a woven propylene bag, so I only check in one bag.  On my way back I get 3 suitcases of 70 lbs each.  The night before I am on and off the scale weighing them, and I always have to leave something behind, even stuffing some of that excess in my carry-on.  :)

    That's a lot of luggage to haul around !

  8. Why have a go at the embassy? Their advice about what they can and can't do in such situations is quite clear:-


    It's not their job to dole out taxpayers' money.

    The people of the UK won't agree with this, all the embassies do it spend taxpayers money. A similar situation happened recently when the woman in question who was in Spain fell off a hotel balcony while drunk. She was injured very badly. An internet campaign to raise the money to fly her home succeeded and rasied the money (some £20,000 I think) in less than a day. This was within the last few weeks

  9. Meat products? Do you mean SPAM? Anyway, I have never heard of anyone getting into any trouble for bringing in food for personal use so I wouldn't worry. There is a limit on how much booze you can bring in though.

    There's a company in the UK called 'Look What We Found' which makes these kind of foods, they're pretty good quality, the tomato soup with cheese is real good. They do meatballs, stews, etc. You don't need to refrigerate them and they last for months, microwave in three minutes - great if you're in a hurry and urgently need a meal. You can get microwave pasta too so the whole thing takes about 5 minutes from cupboard to plate !


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  10. I'm flying into Bangkok in about a month and I'd like to know about any regulations regarding bringing food into Thailand.

    I'm talking about food for my own personal consumption, nothing commercial and it isn't for resale. For example I want to bring some microwavable 'pouches' of soup and a couple of other things including meat products which are handy to have around the apartment in case I need to eat in a hurry without having time to order and wait for delivery from the restaurants.

    If it's not legal then does anyone know what the penalties are ? For example I heard you can get hit with some large fines for taking food into Australia, and they take it off you too.

  11. Why you guys bother about Indian food in Thailand? If I were expat or tourist in Thailand, I would be more interested in thai food.

    I don't eat Thai food but I do enjoy about two meals a week from Mrs Balbirs (Sukhumvit 11/1) when I'm in Bangkok. It's not cheap but it's very good. They deliver via ChefsXP so it's also convenient.

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