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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Another "feel good" news story. The GOP have really hit the ground running. Now, ramp it up.
  2. Another DEI failure. I certainly wouldn't fight for a country that discriminates against me in a 2 tier justice system. Why would I?
  3. Yep, more pressure on the state schools. More disruption for children's education. All because of Labour's spite towards those they consider rich/successful. The politics of envy.
  4. One working class grandfather was jailed for years for shouting at a police dog. Dead now. Killed himself in jail. Hopefully the working class in Britain reailize they are not represented by the globalist authoritarian Labour Party any more and vote Reform. If they are too stupid to realize that I have no sympathy for them. Just as I have no sympathy for my woke 20 something relatives voting Labour then complaining they can't afford a house or get an nhs appointment and they getting touched up in the club by the cultural enrichers. I'd love to explain but then I'd be racist. Leave them in their mess. I'm out.
  5. By Fascist they mean a strong competent leader that puts the interests of the indigenous people above those of foreign criminals.
  6. Macron is writing cheques that his derriere cannot cash. Classic little big man. His "wife" was good in The Stone Roses though. 'I WANNA BE ADORED' 😀
  7. Straight from The Guardian's daily news letter to it's socalist internet army.
  8. Virtue signalling expat liberals love South East Asian pseudo military right wing regimes. Keeps the price of their Tofu and their [cough] "entertainment" down.
  9. Even if that were true, you still support it. So you would be in the awkward position of supporting a Tory enacted fascistic totalitarian policy. 😀
  10. Those countries get a free pass for things like refusing refugees, religious bigotry, summary stonings/executions, female g mutilation, honour killings etc. We're the bad guys, you see.
  11. They don't want to disparage Syrians before they open the floodgates to all the doctors and engineers arriving on dinghys to save us from ourselves and our awful colonialist past. There's not enough jail spaces for social media posting indigenous grannies voicing opposition to it.
  12. "Sir" Sadiq? Seriously? This race baiter is the worst choice for a knighthood since Jimmy Saville.
  13. Classic race baiting. But a poor attempt. He should have got Shola on there she's much better at it. Joy Reid is available though 😀.
  14. The law is totalitarian and fascistic. No wonder you support it.
  15. 100% true. And Musk is a hero. I wish he had emigrated to the UK but DEI would have probably ensured his visa was rejected to make room for a Hamas "freedom fighter" especially if he was on first name terms with Corbyn.
  16. No problem tracing granny for her social media post (as long as she is white). No problem dancing at gay parades. No problem joining in pro palestine chants. British police are beyond a joke. Especially The Met.
  17. Wow good luck Canada. You'll need it.
  18. Storm in a teacup. They're wishing they fall out. That doesn't mean they have.
  19. So basically they can intimidate citizens under non crime hate laws and then when called out, clear themselves. Sounds like North Korea. Britain heading down fast. I only hope others do not follow.
  20. It will take years and millions to deport him. Lots of lawyers and discussions about human rights etc. ECHR rulings. Lefty hand wringers. Britain is doomed. Shame. Used to be a great place.
  21. Oh I don't know... Millions in laundered cash. Pre emptive pardons. Membership of that crime family sounds ok to me. Especially if your hobbies are crack cocaine, hookers and illegal firearms.
  22. Nothing wrong with capital punishment as long as there is no doubt about guilt. Obviously I would exclude the UK from this as David Lammy would make execution illegal for non whites and non Christians.
  23. Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear. There are already laws in place for anything that goes beyond that. I suspect these doctors are socialists who believe it is the job of the state to raise the children. The parents are just there to create them. After that they can be handed over to the system for social engineering.
  24. Yes Lammy owes all his success to Britain and to DEI policies. But it's not enough. He still hates Britain and the British working class. He is a racist. Pure and simple. Self loathing white liberals are enabling him and his horrible brand of racism.
  25. Sounds about as plausible as Epsteins suicide to me. She didn't seek help for the lung infection? Just waited until she dropped dead from it... Nobody checked on either of them for days? He was that far gone as to not notice? He didn't have daycare people coming in? Relatives? The dog in the cage? The only reason I think it could be true is that nobody would make up a story so bizarre and expect people to believe it. But then they believed 3 huge towers could implode perfectly into their own footprint 2 hours after a couple of planes hit them so...
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