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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Oh I see. You only want links to back up statements presented as fact when they are not inconvenient truths. It's not one bad apple. It's one example of many. The way police handle pro Palestine marches is ridiculous. They even came up with a new definition of Jihad to justify allowing crowds to scream for it. I really wonder why you defend it. Do you just enjoy defending the indefensible or are your feelings against, let's call them Israelis or Zionists, that strong?
  2. All politicians lie. Maybe check out the recent Biden thread. When I listen to a politician lie I might laugh. I might be annoyed. I do not set myself on fire. This guy clearly had serious mental health issues. Trying to blame Trump is weak as...
  3. Do you need me to post the video of the met officer joining in the pro Palestine chants again? I'm sure you've seen it. And no it is not an isolated incident. Just one that happened to be filmed.
  4. How about a bit of sympathy for a man clearly suffering from mental health issues? Are you that far down the rabbit hole that you find this stuff amusing?
  5. Let me guess. She cannae remember thah. She huvnae recollection of thah. She winnae comment on thah. What a charlatan. So glad karma eventually caught up with her. What a joke the SNP has become. On the plus side, hopes of scottish independence are long gone.
  6. I bet the local Democrats are looking for 12 temps to fill in for the staff on leave for duration of the trial.
  7. Nonsense. They could use that excuse to lock us in all in our homes. If they let us out we could cause trouble and that is more disturbing than we stay home watching BBC propaganda. The Met is openly pro palestine. Their own officers join in the chants. No surprise given the beliefs of Sadiq Khan. A cowardly, biased organisation. I bet you think they are doing a great job though. They are on your side.
  8. Wrong. You asked me if your circumstances (which are different to Harry's), makes you a bad parent. I have zero interest in your situation.
  9. That was at a public event. Of course she will be photographed that's why she attends.
  10. Like I said there are specialist forums to discuss your parenting skills and this is not one of them. I suggest we get back to Harry since that is what the thread is about, especially since your circumstances are clearly a million miles away from his.
  11. You forgot to add #bekind at the end for maximum effect. You know what they say about people who are constantly telling people how nice and loving they are? 😃 I believe the expression is "tell me what someone brags about and I will tell you what they lack".
  12. I haven't seen any (non staged) pap shots of them. No long angle lenses of them swimming in their back yard pool or anything like that. Nobody hiding in the bushes filming them. The only time I see them is when they are attending red carpet events or awards ceremonys. They court publicity and attention and then moan about it, as the South Park episode perfectly demonstrated.
  13. Your behaviour/circumstances appears to be completely different to that of Harry and Meghan's, as my post highlighted. But I'm afraid if you need reassurance about your parenting skills you should probably go to a specific parenting forum or ask someone who knows you.
  14. Assuming of course that Meghan is the mother. I'm not saying she isn't, but it's quite unusual for babies to dive between the knees of the mother at 6 months old.
  15. Let's see... Did you deny your kids access to their extended family on both their mother's and father's sides? Did you trash your (and therefore their) extended family publicly to the world? Did you write a book embarrassing yourself about your sexual experiences, genitalia and drug use, that they can later read for themselves? Did you set up a tax dodging charity using their name? If so, then yes.
  16. If he really cared for his children, he wouldn't have them living in a foreign country, cut off from extended family (on both parents sides) and denied the charmed upbringing that he was afforded. I wonder how they will feel when they grow up and realize what the selfish acts of their parents cost them in terms of loving grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins etc. all surrounded by oppulence and public adoration. I wonder how they will feel when they read Spare and hear his father talking about cocaine use, losing his virginity and his frostbitten todger. I wonder how Archie will feel when he sees his name being used for a bogus charity set up as a tax dodge and to provide private jets and luxury accomodation to his grifting parents as they fly around preaching about saving the planet.
  17. I honestly don't think we are. It was when he was refused security and "Daddy" stopped giving him his monthly pocket money that the toys came out of the pram with the Netflix series and the spiteful book Spare (me). It's also why Meghan has had to restart her blog (a staunch feminist talking about cooking and flogging kitchen utensils to trad wives). It's almost like they're in self destruct mode, I see no other explanation for messing things up so badly. As the Spotify boss said, a couple of Grifters.
  18. Good idea. But he doesn't seem to have be doing interviews for a few years now.
  19. He seems pretty adept at finding them if the last couple of posts are anything to go by.
  20. Absolutely. Just like the Palestinians, they launch an attack and then cry foul when they get a slap around the chops.
  21. Let's hope the US allows him to stay. The Democrats, over 200 years after the war of independence still appear quite happy to treat a British Prince as royalty and allow him to walk all over their immigration laws. Probably because he has a Democrat wife who ticks all the DEI boxes. I suspect the Republicans might not be so lilly livered.
  22. Nobody hates him for leaving. His choice. No problem. It's the lies, the whingeing, the hypocrisy and the backstabbing of his own flesh and blood that most of us dislike. Good riddance to the toerag. The fact that Meghan left with him is like killing 2 birds with 1 stone. I only hope that the US do not revoke his visa for lieing about his extensive class A drug use on the application.
  23. New Zealand going from strength to strength since the #bekind tyrant Ardern left. Great to see.
  24. Totally agree. I'm not sure what happened but it's been far better the last couple of months. Whatever happened, it was a huge improvement so big thanks to whoever made that change. I wish the owners the best of luck with the merger.
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