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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Why are you scared of the rain, like so many people.

    Are you a Brit? I've got a few British friends, they get depressed in the rainy season, strange people. 


    Not that strange.


    In Britain, it can rain for seemingly weeks on end. Cold, constant drizzle. It is indeed quite depressing. In Thailand it's quite pleasant and doesn't tend to last very long. 

  2. 1 hour ago, In Full Agreement said:



    I once read that farmers could predict he weather as well as forecasters by observing how the cows held their tails in the pasture,




    This is true. In fact, I keep one in my condo for this very reason. Much easier than checking Google weather on the phone. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Because all Palestinians, including ‘Granny and little Mo’ are a threat to Jews in the UK?


    Or is that just one of the grossly generalized pejorative views you are so fond of inserting into any and every thread regardless of whether or not it had any significance whatsoever?


    Get real Chomps.


    Israel has been smashing Palestine since the October 7 terrorist attacks. They're hardly going to be fans. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    A Labour deflection after 14 years of this Tory Government’s abject failure to control immigration.




    Yes, a Labour MP recently proposed family visas for Palestinians so they can bring granny and little Mo with them.


    As if Jews in the UK didn't have enough problems.


    God help us if Labour get in. Scary times for Jews if the anti-semites in the Labour party get power.  

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