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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. Definitely a con, at best the debt exists but it won't be on a credit card, at worst she's made it all up to get the 300,000.

    Good luck convincing your friend though. I had a mate come out here and meet a girl two years ago. Since then he's sent her on average 60,000 baht a month for the usual reasons (her mum is sick, motorbike was stolen, wants to set up a food stall etc etc). I've tried to tell him so many times that even if the stories were true then the amounts she is asking for are way over the top. At points it has resulted in some quite bad arguments between the two of us but he is still convinced that she is genuine because she calls all the time!!

    I hope this girl doesn't have such a negative affect on your friends life. My advice would be to drop her now - it's not like pretty bar girls who have a great reason for you to send them money are hard to find!

    Best of luck with this, I hate seeing decent people getting ripped off.

  2. If they wanted to strip search, x-ray (people and bags), and hold bags for 24 hours for thorough inspections, of every person coming back from LOS that would be fine with me – I ain't got nothing to hide.

    Yep, just keep surrendering your civil rights, make it as easy for them as possible!! If you've got nothing to hide then maybe CCTV in your living room would be OK, nothing to fear nothing to hide, right? Top man! :o

    The only time I've had a bad experience with customs anywhere in the world was at LAX pre 9/11.

    I was 22, well dressed, valid British passport and travelling with my girlfriend. I was quizzed extensively for an hour about virtually everything including whether my visa's for other countries that I was due to visit in the next 12 months were valid! <deleted>, what's it got to do with some fat muppet in an undersized uniform in L.A whether I can enter Australia in 6 months time? Not just the next country I was visiting either but 3 or 4 countries down the line. Overall a very unpleasant experience (although the locals in L.A weren't much better). I very much doubt I will visit the U.S.A again especially post 9/11.

    Everyone criticizes Thai officials but these guys in LAX were really taking the pi55.

    BTW, please don't label me anti-American, I am just describing my experience :D

  3. I'm sure he won't have any problems with the land if he has enough money to invest, but looking at his more recent films you'd probably ask, why not just call it a day?

    Platoon was great, Born on the Fourth of July was great, Natural Born Killers was above average and I liked U-turn (although I can see why someone else might hate it). His more recent films have been quite poor by comparison and I'd agree that he is well past his prime.

  4. Well, I went to Patong for a meal tonight and most of the bars were shut, restaurants were very quiet and more importantly the atmosphere was rubbish.

    The only drink I saw was on my way back to Phuket Town, most of the local (Thai) places seemed to have booze and there didn't seem much of an effort to hide it.

    Personally the ban doesn't affect me (apart from not being able to have a beer with my meal), but from a practical point of view it seems like the tourists are suffering and the Thais are ignoring it so it seems like a waste of time.

    I really feel for the tourists who didn't know about the ban, most people like a drink on holiday and if they didn't know it was coming then they didn't even have a chance to buy a few take-aways last night/today. Must have been a shock when they headed out for the evening... No doubt they'll be singing the praises of Thailand to their friends when they get home :o

  5. <br />teeching pitt buulls not to kill (or attack) is not an option sir.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    You're pretty clueless, aren't you? But you're not alone - so are all you guys who try to claim the high moral ground by taking 30 seconds to decide that elimination of the breed is the answer.

    I would put good money that I could line up ten "fighting" dogs in front of you, and you wouldn't be able to pick out the "pitbull".

    Do you even know what a "pitbull" is? Or have you been reading too many tabloids with pictures of rabid half breeds snarling at the camera?

    I would also bet that you haven't spent any time around the bull breeds. These dogs don't grow up to attack people, they just happen to be very strong dogs that sometimes attract the wrong type of owners who encourage the bad behavior. You can ban the bull breeds if it makes you feel better, but you'll just see a load of idiots buying other big strong dogs and training them to bite people. There's plenty of other breeds to choose from...

    Best eliminate the lot then ! :o ,,. you are right in most cases as in my first post on this ,usually the dogs are reflecting the owners personality and training/or lack of,.there was a guy in my town that used to drive around town in a 4x4 with the windows open with 2 alsations barking there guts out at everyone,says it all really, i rememberd the guy from school and he was a renowned coward,.

    I would say that the dog's behaviour may reflect the owner's personality, but the choice (breed) of dog does not necessarily reflect on the owner. My father bred English bull terriers for many years (before I was born) and I have owned 2 Staffordshire Bull Terriers myself. He loved the dogs and so did I, and no matter how bizarre this may seem to some people, neither of us were/are gun-toting, beer swilling tattooed hooligans waiting for an excuse to unleash our dogs on those who dared to cross us. We just loved the dogs and took care of them - they were great family dogs that never hurt anyone.

  6. <br />teeching pitt buulls not to kill (or attack) is not an option sir.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    You're pretty clueless, aren't you? But you're not alone - so are all you guys who try to claim the high moral ground by taking 30 seconds to decide that elimination of the breed is the answer.

    I would put good money that I could line up ten "fighting" dogs in front of you, and you wouldn't be able to pick out the "pitbull".

    Do you even know what a "pitbull" is? Or have you been reading too many tabloids with pictures of rabid half breeds snarling at the camera?

    I would also bet that you haven't spent any time around the bull breeds. These dogs don't grow up to attack people, they just happen to be very strong dogs that sometimes attract the wrong type of owners who encourage the bad behavior. You can ban the bull breeds if it makes you feel better, but you'll just see a load of idiots buying other big strong dogs and training them to bite people. There's plenty of other breeds to choose from...

  7. In my opinion, most (not all) people who tip way over the top tend to do so because it makes them feel good, or they perceive it to make them look big, wealthy, generous etc etc.

    I find that if you go to the same restaurant frequently, it's more important to be genuine, polite and respectful of the people that work there than it is to try and impress them with your tip. I very much doubt that the people in my local restaurant are spitting in my food because I only tip them 20 or 30 baht a time, and restaurants are always going to find you a table if there is one because that is the business they are in.

    Having said that, if people want to give huge tips then that is up to them, but they should try to be honest about their reasons for doing so.

    If the service is below average then I leave nothing. Some people I know have a hard time doing this as they feel pressured into leaving a tip (especially if the waiter is standing there clearly waiting for one) and would rather pay some money than face any type of awkwardness, even if they feel that a tip is not deserved. In this case leaving a tip is farcical.

  8. I'm looking for a new exhaust for my KSR110.

    I'm primarily looking for a bit more performance from the bike and I guess a new exhaust is the first mod to make. The thing is I don't want it to be too loud, obviously it will be a bit louder than the stock exhaust but I was thinking of something along the lines of the 'Q' pipes that they make for motocross bikes that improve the performance as well as keep the bike relatively quiet.

    If anyone knows of a good exhaust that fits the above description then please let me know.


  9. Good opening post...

    Not many things really annoy me in Thailand but when I walk into my local restaurant with my long term girlfriend to be greeted by some (usually middle aged and slightly sunburnt female) tourist giving me the "I know what you're up to and I think it's disgusting" look, my blood starts to boil. I'm waiting for my first derogatory comment, if only witness my girlfriends retort which I have no doubt would be priceless :o

  10. Anyone know of coverage of this network? I know that it started in Phuket but has it gone nationwide? I looked on the catcdma website but it is all in thai and doesnt appear to have a coverage map.

    I was told by the staff in the Phuket office that it works "everywhere" except for Bangkok. Not sure if this is accurate but I'm off to Samui on Tuesday so fingers crossed...

  11. I sometimes see problems with bike breaks, this is mostly not enough or to much break liquid or the brake pads are serious in need of replacement.

    I think the major reason for front wheels sliding around is the amount of oil and diesel on the roads, combined with a lot of rain at the moment makes the roads deadly on a bike. I'm also really cautious with the front break in Thailand whereas I used to hammer it at home.

  12. Fullfilled, happy people, who have responsibilities don't take drugs only the losers wish to escape into fantasy.

    Is it not funny that all the junkies come out to type and start wanting to legalise drugs.

    Marajuana has been shown to produce psychoses in habitual users!

    Regarding the death penalty, that is up to the conscience of individual nations, not to drug takers.

    Your logic is poor.

    You assume that people who believe drugs should be legalized are junkies. In that case, do people who believe suicide should be legal hold that belief because they wish to kill themselves? Of course not.

    Some people just believe in individual choice and responsibility. People should be allowed to do as they wish with their own bodies as long as it does not harm anyone else. I choose NOT to take the drugs that are currently illegal for many reasons but I believe that I should be allowed to make that choice for myself rather than have it made for me.

    Many people who rant and object so strongly to "drugs" are addicted to nicotine and/or alcohol themselves, highly addictive and both killer drugs in their own right.

  13. Of course drugs should be legalized and taxed, but whether this taxation money would go into education and rehabilitation in Thailand is doubtful. I think it would probably go elsewhere...

    Governments around the world sell to the weak minded by supplying smokers and alcoholics with drugs, but these killer drugs are legal so that's okay, but if anyone else sells the illegal killer drugs then they can be executed, right?

    Having said that (putting aside the debate about whether they should be legalized or not), these drugs are NOT legal in Thailand so an opportunity is there for anyone who is prepared to take the risks to make large sums of money. Therefore, if they know the risks and are crazy/stupid enough to gamble their lives on a daily basis then it is difficult to have sympathy for them when they are caught.

  14. Tokays have a jaw that locks similar to a pitbull.

    That said, in the 18 years I have lived in Thailand, with tokays in my bedroom (well --only one) I have never been bitten or attacked. But then, I tend to leave them alone. I get my husband to catch them and remove them. And, since he knows what he is doing, he never gets bitten either.

    They will move back btw.

    Thai people are told as small children that if they aren't good the tokay will come and bite them and I have yet to meet a Thai woman (and lots of men) who aren't fearful of these creatures. Personally, I like them. The poop is annoying but a small price to pay for a creature that helps keep my house clean of roaches and mice (yes, mice).

    **edit** I have to add that I just remembered that young children are told the tokay will come and eat their liver if they aren't good. Not just bite them. Sorry :o

    Not too sure about the Tokay, but the notion of a pitbull having a locking jaw is a myth. They have the same jaw mechanism as any other dog but the strength of the jaw muscles has given rise to the myth.

    Really interesting thread, I wonder if the Tokay really does have a locking jaw? I've never seen one but they look quite scary!

  15. There hasn't been many of these lately. For a while it seemed like a couple a week.

    A bit strange though that she remembers the exact words that woke her up. :o

    Well I for one known the Answer most Farangs can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

    Farangs are such fools that look to far over edge to look at beauiful Thailand. Many are too cheap to buy good glasses.How dare think someone pushed them. That is nothing but

    racists talk.

    Are you being sarcastic? Or did you really write that post and then use the final sentence to accuse somebody else of being racist?

    It's a serious question - I'm curious (fair play if it's a joke because it made me chuckle)

  16. yeah i dont really see the point of this, people think one way, fine, its their country so you have to accept the way they do things. just as if they came to england they would have to accept the way we do things. not worth fussing over in my opinion.

    You may see flaws in their logic but its that same mindset that gives them that lovely laid back attitude that people (like me) really like.

    :D Yeah, because everyone who comes to England fully accepts the culture and blends seamlessly into society!!! :o

  17. 1) no (sorry)

    2) he should bring the log book (details of previous owners) and insurance details with him

    3) He will need to sign the transfer of ownership document - not sure if he can do this in advance but my guess is No.

    4) I was told that the car was insured not the driver but it was free (in my case) to change the name so I would do this to be on the safe side, even if they charge it will only be a couple of hundred baht.

    Hope this helps although I did it in Phuket so it's possible the rules are different in Bangkok.

  18. The metered taxis from/to the airport are fine - I use them at least twice a month and never had a problem...

    As for other public transport around Phuket - it is a disgrace and will remain so for the foreseeable future - I boycott it at all costs...

  19. I agree that it is a shame the way things are deteriorating in some areas.

    I want to get my ageing parents over for a couple of weeks but my main worry is the tourist areas and exposing them to the nasty side of Phuket - Tuk Tuk drivers, suit sellers etc.

    I could avoid these places quite easily, but as I want to show them around the whole of the island and not keep them locked up in a 5 star hotel it is inevitable that they will meet these idiots and have their opinion of Thailand and Thai people tarnished.

    I have been expecting (not hoping) tourist numbers to go down for a while but it doesn't seem to happen - I can't understand why...

  20. Thanks for the info - that's saved me a trip!

    I'm still awaiting my 1st bill as well - I was going to go to the offices because I was worried about getting cut off but it sounds like this is normal so I'll just wait for the bill and pay however many months when it arrives...

  21. As the owner of a 10 month old lab - this also worries me. I have no answer in terms of how to prevent this but would also be very interested to hear of any suggestions.

    Sincere condolences to the OP :o

  22. <br />Hi <br /> Does anybody know anything about motox in phuket? <br /> I once went out on a dirtbike with a canadian chap who also had something to do with the bungee and crazy golf in phuket and we went to a track just outside patong. <br /> This was a few years ago and i am returning to Phuket this year and would like to use my time to train on a dirtbike if i can rent or hire one for a few day a week for a month or so?<br /> Last time i was there i noticed a few of the little bike repair shops have dirtbikes and wondered if anybody knows much about the motox scene in Phuket.<br /> Thanks<br />Andrew Biss<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    If I was you I would try the motocross/supercross track on the left hand side as you come over the mountain as you leave Patong (next to the go-cart track - there is a big sign you can't miss it). They have a track and rent bikes although they quoted me 1000 baht for 20 minutes which was a bit OTT considering the bikes were early 90's models, although if you have your own bike they quoted me around 100-200 baht (can't remember the exact amount) for as long as you like. There is also a place on the other side of the road a couple of hundred yards nearer the mountain and they organise trail rides and also rent bikes.

  23. Is there any better feeling in this world than sticking it to any Aussie rugby or come to that, any sports fan ? maybe one, but its a close run thing :o:D

    That was a truly great game of rugby - I love the free flowing game of the All Blacks but a tight/tense game like that can be just as exciting.

    Well done England - you worked for it and deserved it. I hope the other quarter finals are as exciting as this one...

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