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Posts posted by Bill97

  1. There are mobile sharpeners on motorcycles with sidecars which the guy sits on to do the sharpening.  They come to you when called on the phone.  Ask your neighbors for their number.  Might have to ask around a bit because those who do their own sharpening don’t know.

  2. 2 hours ago, CMBob said:

    To avoid confusion,  Chang Phuak Road is the name of the road from Chang Phuak Gate to the super highway.  North of the superhighway it's Chotana Road.  You'll see that the address for the Bangkok Bank branch you reference is:  125 Changphuak Road, etc.

    When does it become “the road to Mae Rim”?  Or the 107?


    What is it called in Faang?

  3. 56 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    I'm guessing it's the branch near Lanna Golf Course, left side if coming from Mae Rim into town.  If someone knows better, please advise.

    There is a branch on Chotanaa Rd about 100 meters north of Pratu Chaang Puak which is more likely.


    Chotanaa is also called Chaang Puak Road by many.


    Just call them if you need confirmation.  Hello.


    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:


    I don't speak enough Thai for conversations, but I've never had a problem with language at any branch of Bangkok Bank that I've needed to use. There always seems to be at least one person who speaks enough English.

    Yes true.  But what is an international desk? Thanks 

    • Like 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, DezLez said:



    someone to drive the bike

    someone to hold you down.

    Ambulance to take you the dentist on completion.

    No no no.


    Just attach the string on your tooth and to a pole,  hop on the bike and take off quickly leaving string and tooth behind.  Drink Sangsom do not go to dental office.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    Does anyone have feedback on Dr. Krisada Sangsiraprapra who was at Elite and now is at Dental Studio Clinic?


    If so, please post or pm.


    Thank you.



    Score 87.4 on the 100 point scale for excellence in removing teeth.


    Bedside manner not rated since she avoids bed sides.


    English yes.

  7. 4 hours ago, connda said:

    I seem like waiting until I get my next annual extension stamp and then go for it via mail.  Given the new 90 day reporting seems to work like a champ, there seems to be no need to have a passport "on hand" so I'll just make digital and printed copies, fill out the paperwork, look like we can pay online, and just go for it.  :thumbsup:

    Thanks all for the suggestions!

    Extension will end when old pp expires, they do not extend beyond pp expiration.


    Bob said it above.


    Get your new pp first then extension will be a year.

  8. 3 hours ago, dingdongrb said:

    Isn't there a lot of head injuries in those sports that don't use protective gear like rugby, Australian football, and even soccer?

    Of course there is but if you are suggesting even slightly that it is okay because others are doing it then you are sadly mistaken and using very faulty reasoning.

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