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Posts posted by Bill97

  1. 3 hours ago, TravelerEastWest said:

    CM Ram certainly has some good doctors and nurses (sometimes the same as at Bangkok hospital) but they have a long wait time to see doctors - and that is with an appointment also their parking situation shall we politely say needs improvement?


    As for fees they are very similar, Bangkok hospital is slightly more. However, if you factor in time saved Bangkok hospital is much lower in cost - much lower... Unless you place no value on your time? I ma not retired and have children to pickup from school etc so time saved is very important to me - plus I like to minimize my time in hospitals..


    Also Bangkok hospital has a more pleasant atmosphere.


    But if you have a good doctor at CM Ram who you have been seeing for many years that alone is a good enough reason to stay.



    Limited experiences and opinion do not make facts.

  2. 2 hours ago, Dean1953 said:

    I’ve got from September 5 to October 31 to get my dental work done.  It’s probably my second priority, behind seeing if a house that my wife inherited in Hong Dong is worth fixing.  From what I understand, it doesn’t have much of a roof.  I’ll have to find someone to work on it or a recommendation here because two of my wife’s friends won’t go near the house because they think that it’s haunted by her ex husband, who died in the house.  I get into Chiangmai on September 3, a Saturday. Monday morning, I’ll work first on getting a Dental appointment, then go by the house, preferably with a builder, to see if it’s worthwhile fixing 

    Too much information 



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  3. On 8/2/2022 at 1:28 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    I get all new fresh water pipes. And I told them I want the drainage pipes tested. But this is not yet in the contract. Do you know anybody who does such testing in Bangkok and how much it costs? 

    Thanks for the reminder. 

    Plumbers who installs new water pipe should test that installation for leaks.  He can probably test the drain piping too but takes more effort to seal open ends for the pressure test.

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  4. Something to do with buying on one year contract vs outright purchase.  Outright purchase should be no problem or cost using old number.  Purchase contract may have many unusual conditions, unknown to most.


    Need to know contract details or suggest not buying on contract.

  5. 17 hours ago, unheard said:

    is that how it's done?

    Yes I have observed the process several times.


    16 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    That is interesting and possible, but I still think it has some kind of top coat, maybe just sort of lacquer.

    Possible.  Mine had no coating and no chipping or other issues.  Putting the cement on and smoothing it should be done when the underlying concrete is still damp to insure good bonding.

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  6. Doesn’t look polished.  I think the concrete is poured and smoothed then before dry cement from the bag is spread and rubbed in until the surface is very smooth, sometimes several applications of cement and a lot of rubbing.  I have several floors done that way and no chips or cracks after 20 years.  It is a finish option not uncommon here.

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