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Posts posted by Bill97

  1. 4 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    Can anyone in CNX confirm the following:  Gyms, Cinemas, dine-in restaurants are now closed until further notice?  This may not be called a "lockdown" but if it quacks like a duck???

    My gym says reopening on the 16th.  
    You just made it up, right?

  2. 4 hours ago, clokwise said:


    Probably true, but not necessarily. I live in the area and may venture over to THAT side of the street once a year, whereas I visit the other two malls almost daily. There's no need to go over there when Rimping and Tops, the gym, restaurants, fresh market, night market, and all the banks are on the other side. Lotus suits a different demographic.

    People crossing the road between the two almost every time I drive by. Don't you see them?

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  3. 5 hours ago, Trujillo said:

    Even if masks were 100% effective against aerosolized breath carrying a virus (which is another issue), why would it be useful to wear one when a person is alone, with no one near him, say in a park or on a vacant sidewalk or taking out the garbage at your own house, etc.?


    Would this not be like driving your motorcycle while wearing a helmet, then arriving at the park to take a walk and keeping your helmet on as you stroll around the grounds. Would you advocate this out of an "abundance of caution," or what? If this makes sense to you, please explain your reasoning to me. 

    That is like suggesting that the only time carrying a gun should be prohibited is when you want to shoot someone.


    And no it is not like your motorcycle example. You really do get absurd.

  4. 1 hour ago, EricTh said:

    The problem with Promenada is it is far and usually need one or two big U-turn to go back to the highway.

    Big U-turns are difficult.  I still can not do them.  How do you manage it, what is the trick?

  5. 32 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

    But you look so much more stunning in that dress......  ????

    Silly silly boy, it is not information I am after when I wear that dress.

    • Haha 1
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