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Posts posted by Bill97

  1. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Went to Anusarn market tonight just before night time

    A lot of light in the sky in those photos.


    Lived here for 30+ years and never found many people in Anuson Market before dark.  Why don’t you go places when they are active instead of when everybody knows they are not?


    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


       I am not telling you , had you not asked for the photos to be  removed, I could have posted a new photo of the business open, but as the old photo is no longer there , I am not going to post a new photo or tell you the business location 

    In contention for the award for the most childish post of the year.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    I did go in their to have a 230 Baht ice cream/snow cream or whatever they are called .

    230 Baht and all it was , was a pile of shaved ice with some cocoa powder thrown on top , must have cost about ten Baht to make .

      Had to walk past Haagen-Dazs just outside as well , looking through their window and feeling even more disappointed . 

    230 Baht


    You credibility issues are ballooning exponentially.

    • Haha 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, connda said:

    The logic of masking?

    It's a great way to socially condition the public.  And after a 6 month propaganda campaign of non-stop public pronouncements and dire warnings emanating from now autocratic governments and disseminated via main-stream media outlets and amplified on social media, a large majority of the plebs now suffer from a pathological fear of being infected with and dying of SARS-Covid-2. Whether it's a rational fear or irrational fear doesn't matter.  It's the effectiveness of the conditioning.  So, many who suffer from fear of Covid don masks to ameliorate their fear of dying.  I have a family member who suffers from frequent, almost debilitating nightmares about being in a room with maskless people and in this dream she can "see" the virus in the air as the virus hunts her down and infects her.  This reoccurring dream really makes her suffer.  So, mask wearing provides a psychological life-saver for those, like my family member, who believes that this flu is gonna get them.  These people wear masks while driving alone in a sealed vehicles, while exercising alone at home, and my family member with the nightmares routinely hikes in local forests that are devoid of humans and she still wears a mask. 
    Rational?  Imho? No.  It's a symptom of what is now deep-seed, psychological damage within the general population and mask wearing provide a method to control the environment and therefore control the fear.  Our governments, scientific "experts", and the media have turned large segments of our global societies into populations suffering from mass obsessive–compulsive disorder.

    Then they leverage it.  Obey, snitch on your neighbors,  follow the rules, trust your leaders, stay within the lines, don't rock the boat - conform.  If you comply, you'll be "safe." We promise.  "Now get your masks on!"

    It reads like dystopian science-fiction, but...there ya have it. The world has become Adrian Monk.


    Don’t worry, they are not after you. 

    They already got you.

    • Haha 1
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