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Posts posted by PaulAllen

  1. Hello,

    I am on Koh Samui and sometimes we cannot get crap here! Not sometimes, most of the time. Especially if it something not normally needed by many people.

    Anyway, I need a new power cord for my laptop. My old one bit the dust. I use my laptop everyday for work and am lost without it.

    If anyone is going to Panthip in the ver near future and could get me this powercord and send to me I will of course pay for it plus something extra for the effort if wanted.

    It is for a Toshiba Satellite A75-S2112. I need an output of 19 volts and 6.3 amps (It has this written on the block part of the powercord).

    I'm just throwing this out there if anyone can help.

    Thanks a million. Please PM me if going or call me at 084-689-9680.

  2. Chayaphum,

    Yes, that's the notebook I have!

    I have to keep my room very cold, lift up the back end and blow a big fan on it to keep it from shutting down. So it is actually costing me money because I would not have the air con on other wise.

    I read about the overheating, as you say, others who have this notebook have it a lot as well; that is why I want to get the compressed air to try and clean it out. It didn't overheat at all for the first 6 months or so when I was here so I figure it has accumulated dirt in it now.

    That is a great idea about turning the CPU down. I never thought of that as that is when it most often crashes; when I have a lot of programs running. Thanks for the advice!

    I guess the large power consumption is why the first generic power cord I bought wasn't powerful enough.


  3. Does anyone know a place to buy a can of compressed air for cleaning out computers? I know someone will say a computer store but maybe someone knows an actual name of the store to go to rather than trying them all.

    Also, I need a power cable for my laptop. The original one crapped out, and I bought a generic one but it doesn't put out the right amperage so I either need a better generic one or another original one.

    Any help with any of the above is most highly appreciated.

    Paul Allen

  4. Yea, I know how to send the video to my S-video out.

    The problem I am having is no picture is appearing. And yes I have the TV on the right channel (Video 1).

    I am wondering if Asian TV's have a different something or another that is making it not work.

    I'm fairly good at this kind of thing but cannot understand why it isn't working here.


  5. Most laptops have an S-Video out connector that you can use to connect to a TV so that you can send the video from your computer to the TV if you want to watch a movie or whatever.

    However, a friend of mine and I cannot get our's to work. We plug it into the TV and send the video out and TV blinks for a second but no picture comes up.

    We've tried two different computers and two different cables so we're pretty sure it is the TV's.

    Has anyone else had any experience with this and have some advice?



  6. My wife & mother of my 2 kids was a bar girl....they aint all bad. I had more trouble with so called nice girls...proper jobs.. they were the worst scammers of all.

    I agree with this. I've been with quite a few girls, both bar and "nice" girls and the nice girls have taken me for more money that the bar girls. The nice girls have flat out stolen my money. At least with the bar girls they ask for it first!

  7. I was trying to buy an airline ticket on Firefly last night (BTW, tickets have more than doubled since the new year. Round trip to Malaysia is now around the 10,000 baht are where before it was around the 4,000-5,000 baht area).

    Anyway, my transaction kept getting declined. I called my bank in the states using Skype (so it was free to call) and within 5 minutes they said "OK, try it again" and I did and it worked! I told them I was living here and they removed all the restrictions until Dec. 31 of 2008 so that I wont have the problem anymore.

    I was pleasantly surprised at the smoothness of it. It was Wells Fargo Bank for the Americans who know it.

  8. When you apply for the WP in order to get the receipt, do you have to submit all paperwork then? Or do you just fill out the WP3 and when you come back you give them all supporting documents.

    The reason I ask is I am going to Penang to get my Non-B visa and was told I need this receipt in order to get said visa. I was told you hand them the WP3 and they give you a piece of paper stating you have applied for a WP so therefore you can now get a Non-B.


  9. I was told that you can no longer get a work permit in Nathon and have to go to Surat.

    Can someone confirm this and tell me where exactly it is, and if anyone has had any experience there?


    Have you got the Non-Immigrant B visa already ? You need that to be able to apply for a work permit.

    dr_Pat_Pong, I am under the impression that you have to apply for the WP, at which point they give you a receipt showing that you have applied, then you take that receipt, along with other company docutments to Penang and get the Non-B then.


  10. You may need to have the work permit application receipt as believe that is required for non immigrant B visa issue at some, or most, local consulates.


    I know that when applying for a work permit that you are initially given a receipt to prove that you have applied. I also know that a lot of paperwork has to be submitted at some point during the application process.

    To get the receipt, is it just a matter of filing in one form and then getting the receipt and then giving all the supporting documentation at a later date or does everything have to be given at the time of the application?

  11. From the looks of it, the inside of their house must be a real sh_t hole. It's just piece milled together with wood and aluminum.

    It seriously looks like a dump as does the bar. Who the heck wants to drink there anyway?

    I'm sure the smell of their crap is inside their house as well. They are living like homeless people really.

    It seems they have no self-respect which means they will be extremely difficult to deal with (as we have already seen.)

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