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Posts posted by PaulAllen

  1. My dog has quit eating her dry dog food because she now prefers people food thanks to all the cooking that goes on in my kitchen.

    I want her back on dog food but she looks at it like it's going to bite her something.

    I have tried: mixing in wet food with the dry, mixining some beef grease w/the dry, bought some "gravy" for dogs. Nothing works. I have also tried not feeding her anything thinking when she gets hungry enought she'll eat the dry food but I think she'd radther starve.

    Any suggestions?


  2. I have a dog since she was a puppy and have always given her dog food. However, over the past couple of months because of so many Thai's in my house and a lot of cooking (and I am guilty of it too) she has been getting a lot of people food.

    Now she will not touch her dog food and I think to myself "she will when she gets hungry enough" but she doesn't.

    Anyway, how do I get her back to eating it? Any suggestions.

  3. What is a good website that has radar coverage? I go to this one but a lot of times it doesn't update. The last time this was updated was on 10 October.


    I have to click on the Phuket 240 one to get an idea of the rain clouds above.

    Any others out there?

    This radar pic works now. Updated every hour on the half-hour. Add 7 hours to the time displayed as we are 7 hours ahead of UTC.

  4. It's been replaced by the South African movie channel.

    I live on KP and (I presume) we get the same cable feed. The movie channel is definitley not from SA, there is Chinese/Korean writing on the top right of the pic - and poxy Thai home advertising in between movies! There is now an extra movie channel as well; 'Stream' shows some decent movies.

    The SA channels are SS1, SS2 and SS3 - I praise the person who managed to get them for us, its the only good reason to get cable now...

    I don't think we have that here. I sure haven't seen it. It seems besides the news channels that the only thing for a forang to watch is Zone Reality. Unless ur French or German as they have their channels. Oh yea, the cartoon channel is pretty good too.

  5. The best way to do this is to visit the 4 schools here (Open Gates, Bluewater, Lamai Center of Learning, Panyadee) talk w/the headmaster, look around, look at curriculum and speak w/other parents.

    Of course parents who have their children in a particular school are going to say that is the best one but you have to look for yourself. Sit in on some of the classes. Also, each have a little bit different philosophy on subjects to be taught so look into that as well.

    It will be worth the time and effort. Four schools, four days of research. Get them all to send you information now.

  6. IMHO,

    BodySop19 is a Thai movie at Tesco now that is a pretty good scary movie.

    Scary movies are hard to come by these days but this is good. Has English subs.

    Only there till Oct. 7 though not the usual 1 week stay.

    Go see it and bring your Thai girlfriend and get ready for a wild ride and a sleepless night afterwards! :o

  7. Keeping the kitchen clean is not a problem but I do a lot of cooking and it is impossible to get every little crumb out of every little corner and to the ants that's a buffet. I'm sure keeping it clean helps to some extent but I don't think it would eradicate them.

    Yesterday I stumbled upon a termite mound that they were building around some bricks. I grabbed a can of bug spray and had a blast! They had a very bad day.

  8. I have those fast black little ants in my house (kitchen mainly). In America we call them sugar ants. How the heck do I get rid of them? I don't want to spray my house with a spray (especially the kitchen) as this seems it will only kill the current ones in the house and do nothing for where they nest, wherever that is.

    Anyway, how do all you old timers of Samui handle it?

    Thanks in advance.


  9. I am on Samui and in my part of the island there are no book stores but plenty of tourists so I think one would do well. I want to sell new and used books as wells as newspapers and magazines.

    How do I go about getting the new books? Do I have to pay for them all up front or do I get them "free" and then pay back a commission when they sell? I beleive that is how the mags and newspapers do it? If so, then it doesn't seem like I would need a lot of capital to set up the store other than construction and staff. All the printed material would be stocked with no costs to me. I know it will take a while to build up the used book section.

    Also, I know there are chains of bookstores in Thailand such as Bookazine. Maybe this is a way to go? However, I am sure they want a huge up-front payment for using their name.

    Please, any ideas or suggestions would help.

    Thanks in advance.

  10. I got the Sep. UBC guide and they are showing a few games. The first one's they are showing are Pats vs. Jets at midnight on Sep. 9 and then at 3:15 it is Bears vs. Chargers. But I don't see the Sunday night (our Monday morning) game nor the Monday night (our Tue. morning) games :-(

    Also, some weekends there are no games listed at all.

    Last year was fantastic, 4 like games every weekend. This year, lucky to have 2!

    F Me!

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