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Posts posted by lis41

  1. Thanks for that, and it is a good point about RAM. When I went in (6.am), a real young doctor took a look at me. I explained that the pain in my throat had moved along to the ear as well, he never looked in the ear. He gave some meds that have not been effective at all - cost me a bit though!!! Thought about going back to RAM just to say I want a second opinion from this hospital and don't want to have to pay, seeing as how I was I got no relief after paying close to 3,000 baht.

    I'll call right now and try to make an appointment with one of the docs you mentioned. Thanks again Upthos.

  2. I just searched the forum looking for recommendations and found this information:

    Dr. Rat

    Sriphat Medical Center in Maharaj Hospital on Thanon Suthep.

    Problem is, can't find a phone number. I would really like to make an appointment first. My Thai is limited, to say the least, and I feel so crap the idea of sitting in a waiting room for over 2 or 3 hours just seems daunting. (Went to the emergency room at Ram already early this morning, paid a small fortune and now the condition is worse)

    If anyone can help out with this, I would much appreciate. I did read that he has a clinic on Chang Klan, but doesn't open until 5:30 on week nights. In too much pain to wait that long.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I really know very little about it, but when my dog went missing, a Thai friend translated my "Lost" poster into Thai and put it on a local Thai classified page. Apparently it gets a lot of traffic. Ask a Thai friend who may be in the know.

    Put up lost posters in English and Thai, add the reward bit. Wouldn't hurt to put something in to Chiang Mai Mail's facebook page, that seems to be the place where people are putting out/getting a lot of updated information concerning the floods.

    I wish you and your cat all the luck in being reunited.

  4. A lot of interesting perspectives have been raised by this thread. I saw this video about a week ago and found it hysterical. I found what happened at Sacred Heart school chilling, offensive and wrong. Am I a hypocrite? I don't know - again the Falang vs. Thai point of view will always come into play. I lean heavily toward 'the administration and teachers dropped the ball' in terms of a teaching opportunity and, if I did have children in the school, I would undoubtedly pull them out. You want your school teaching values along with the curriculum. That responsibility falls on administration and staff. This decision reflected SH's values. Children can plead ignorance but responsible educators - regardless of the hemisphere they were born in - may not. If the administrators and staff responsible for allowing this to happen justify their decision with ignorance, mai pben rai, and that was something that happened in the past so we don't need to respect it, again they are exhibiting their values. Now it's up to the paying parents to exhibit their own.

  5. RTD: Last year I heard shouting on a pretty consistent basis during the evenings, coming from a garage right down my soi. Turns out it was beetle fighting. It lasted for a little bit over a month. Think they must be keeping it on the DL because of the gambling. If it happens again, I'll give you a ring. Lis

  6. I just tried China Airlines website to book December flights home. Can't do it out of Chiang Mai.:angry:

    But tried the same thing on Korean Airlines and it seems as though you can. Thank God!! That is a long enough journey without having to go through the b.s. of Bangkok.

  7. Youv'e missed the real Chiang Mai (the city) if you don't get up early - 7am at the latest - and walk around a few temples within the square moat. Having said that Doi Suthep would also be on my unmissable list, for the journey and views as much as the temple itself.

    Huh??? I've been here 4 years and have never been up and in the city at 7:00. What have I missed??

    I've done it a couple of times on the bike - its lovely. The shops and stalls are just setting up, people are sweeping the street, monks are walking on every corner, uniformed kids are getting on their way to school. Mornings are usually bright with sunshine but it isn't hot and there isn't loads of traffic yet. It isn't the Khantoke dinner Chiang Mai, its the everyday Chiang Mai. When the city is just waking up, you can't help but take it all in and really appreciate its true charm. Great recommendation.

  8. I also have very thick curly hair and I go to Khun Wit at Hair Pro. He's moved his operations down to Kad Farang in Hang Dong, so its a bit of trek for me to get down there, but completely worth it. He's one of the best hair dressers I've ever had, and that includes back home.

  9. Back to the Top!;)

    Haa! I was going to help you, wait until the last minute before your post left the main page and then post something. All I can say is I'm actually stopping myself from saying yes. I have 3 dogs that are mine and am 'fostering' 2 more until June 8th. If nothing happens with you and your dog before then, I'll write you again and maybe you can bring her to mine for a visit, she if she gets along with my 3.

    Thanks for that!;)

    can i ask you what kind of dogs you have and how old they are?

    she is a old dog and likes it quiet,thats why i ask.

    So i am still searching,anyone??

    They are all soi dogs. I have a mom - about 4 and 1/2 years and one of her female pups - 3 and 1/2 years. When the neighbor's dog had pups about 2 years ago - one of them basically ripped my gate apart to get in and he's been with me for a little over a year now. Not a rowdy group but they do like to play, but they do seem to enjoy when I come home and we all hang out in the air conditioning. I never walk them - it is a heavy soi dog area and their territory is pretty much limited to my large garden and just standing outside the front gate - they'd get in terrible fights if they went too far in either direction. And ultimately like any dog that I've allowed in - they get final decision on whether someone is welcome to stay or not. I go to work during the day and they spend the day by themselves so it is imperative for their safety that they all get along.

  10. Back to the Top!;)

    Haa! I was going to help you, wait until the last minute before your post left the main page and then post something. All I can say is I'm actually stopping myself from saying yes. I have 3 dogs that are mine and am 'fostering' 2 more until June 8th. If nothing happens with you and your dog before then, I'll write you again and maybe you can bring her to mine for a visit, she if she gets along with my 3.

  11. Barakla -

    I just have a couple of questions:

    I'm not sure I understood, is the dog in Bangkok or Chiang Mai right now? If you find someone in Chiang Mai, can you transport the dog here?

    Do you have an estimate how old she is?

    In the photo, it looks like she may have a cataract on one eye, is that the case? Does her vision seem okay?

    I'm not sure what shots are required to ship a dog, do you know which shots she was denied by this vet? (Did you get a second opinion?)

  12. Of course, it'll be your own honey-o'-pleasure to name your new friend, but we can't help but think of names like "Puenkondeeteesut," "Chaablaohongnaam," and "Maaraakseesipet" :)

    best, ~o:37;

    I was thinking. . . Steve. :rolleyes:

  13. Evidence that he has a home - he just drank from the toilet! I've had my street dogs for over 3 years and they've never done that- it never occurred to them and I've never encouraged it. So I'm going to keep on the lookout, but he has already made himself right at home. If anybody is looking for a mad friendly huge puppy . . . .

  14. This very people-friendly dog just wandered into my yard. Sap that I am, I fed him and, of course, he will not leave. He looks pretty healthy and well taken care of. If anyone knows of a missing dog in the Train Station / Nongphakrang / Tung Hotel Road area, let me know. He's so people friendly that I imagine he must have an owner, he probably just wandered too far.


  15. Each dog has been treated with Frontline and has the Preventic collar, but the problem has stretched beyond the toleration point. I've called a local pest control agent - but because of my terrible Thai skills and them not speaking English nothing is going to happen with them.

    A friend told me that last year Lanna Dog recommended a local woman who charged her around 800 baht to come to her house and she has never had a problem since. The friend can't find the number and I'm thinking the good people at Lanna Dog Rescue have enough on their plate right now.

    Does anyone know of a local pest control person who isn't going to charge a fortune to come and do it right? I'm really not comfortable mixing up any concoctions myself and wouldn't know where to put it in and around the house anyway.

    Thanks in advance.

  16. If the Mrs. is getting a Masters in Education, chances are pretty good she'll be able to get a good paying job, i.e. International School. She'll be able to meet other teachers, parents and there you may find a group of expats that won't land you in jail. (seriously, where are you hanging out?)

    There is also a very active art scene, there are dancing lessons, expat clubs, a few writers clubs, bike riding clubs, places for tennis, golf, cricket, softball, football, swimming. . . you just need a bit of time to find all this stuff - its out there.

    You'll also find good people in places like the Irish Pub, The Pub, Mad Dog, Old Belle,The Bamboo Bar - all good expat places with good food, along with Gonzo's place, he's pretty harmless, knows the area well, and serves really good and reasonable priced food in a nice, relaxed setting.

    Like you, I too sold it all and moved here and have never regretted it for a moment. I do have days I've labeled "I hate Thailand days" but as time goes by, can't remember the last time I had one. Yup, people are going to try and rip you off and the communication issues while drive you mad sometimes, and you've got to realize that that's on you - you can't get angry at folk, but you will get frustrated. It happens. The more self reliable you become, the less it will occur. I'm sure you do consider yourself self reliable, but the truth is, when you first get here, you may need a little bit of help.

    Keep looking for the positive because it is all around you.You may not know it yet, but you are lucky enough to have chosen a great place to live. You'll realize sooner than you think that you have landed in paradise. Enjoy.

  17. Thanks for the tip on the ustvnow site. I got on, signed up and have it on right now. What's really funny is, I've had it on for about 10 minutes, and have seen about 4 minutes of programming, 6 minutes of commercials. They're absolutely right, it REALLY IS just like TV back home!

    I have True Silver and also check out www.ustvnow.com you can get basic ABC/CBS/NBC & PBS for free

    A trick to get free DVR function... Send an invitation from one of your email addresses to another and sign up two accounts and get free 2 hours DVR :whistling:

  18. Since it is no longer April 1st, I'll bite:

    Khun Wit at HairPro in Kad Farang (Hang Dong area) will be perfectly honest with you as to what he can and cannot do for your hair, once looking at it. 053 430 544 You can get a 'straightening perm' but if your hair is really thick, you may have to hit it with a straightening iron everyday regardless (I speak from experience). And since we're in the hot season, to be followed by the rainy season, believe me, it never keeps. I straightened my hair the first 3 years I was here and finally just gave in to the curls and stopped fighting them.

    Don't know if you're a woman or a man Semper, but if a man, you may just want to cut it shorter. If you're a woman - keeping it straight in this climate on a regular basis is an uphill battle.

  19. There's a sport complex on Tung Hotel Road, somewhat across from the convention center. The courts aren't the best condition, but courts nonetheless. I forget the price - pretty cheap though, somewhere between 70 - 100 baht per hour. There are tennis courts too, but those are in high demand.

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