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Posts posted by lis41

  1. If the little 'E' symbol is appearing at the top of your screen, you're being charged for it when using 12call. you can either go into your settings and ditch your internet connection or you can sign up for a monthly plan with 12call. I signed up for the 2g unlimited (I didn't get the 3g because - if i remember correctly - either unlimited was way too much and at that point I was unsure how much internet I was actually using. You can choose different options with the 3g, all depending on usage). I got the 2g unlimited option. the first month costs close to 1000 baht but after that, if you top up in time (they notify you via text) the following months are 650 baht. You should be able to sign up and work it out at any phone shop. Pretty sure that if you switch carriers, you have to change your number.

  2. Don't forget Franco-Thai. It's on a little back soi behind the IT shops at the top of the moat, behind fitness thailand.

    I always get their chicken in mustard sauce for 140 baht. comes with choice of potato, salad and bread for the table. Great choice of sauces for their beef or chicken (and i think pork) dishes. Always a sure thing.

    Also have to agree with U.N. Irish Pub, Spanky's and Duke's. Mad Dog and Pom Pui are pretty good too.

  3. Cooking shows have reached new audiences back home and have become quite mainstream. I know that Anthony Bourdain was in Chiang Mai a few years back only because my brother back home told me he saw that episode. The only episode I could find was of mr. bourdain in BKK last year during the last bit of street scuffles - last Songkran - and that was the lead story of his show, not the food, culture and people. Not the type of episode you would encourage the folks back home to catch.


    Haha!!! love it!! thanks donnyboy!!

  4. Regardless of how you feel about Mr. Ramsey, the fact of the matter is he and his producers feel that Chiang Mai and its culinary delights are worthy of showcasing to the world. I don't think any of us would disagree with that.

    For many of us, finding a venue that really shows the culture of our chosen city to the folks back home is a treasure. And we would all have to admit, the publicity that Thailand is mucking up for itself right now is not favorable.

    Cooking shows have reached new audiences back home and have become quite mainstream. I know that Anthony Bourdain was in Chiang Mai a few years back only because my brother back home told me he saw that episode. The only episode I could find was of mr. bourdain in BKK last year during the last bit of street scuffles - last Songkran - and that was the lead story of his show, not the food, culture and people. Not the type of episode you would encourage the folks back home to catch.

    Ramsey used to have a show I found unbearable - the way he treated the chefs under him. Now he has something called Kitchen Nightmares where he goes in and helps a failing restaurant - he actually manages to show compassion (which I imagine his PR people told him would be far better for his image). I download it, I like the show, he's much less of a knob than the other.

    So if this world known, Michelin starred chef is coming to our fair city to show it off for its positive attributes, I say welcome Mr. Ramsey, and thank you for the vehicle that shows the folks back home how great I have it.

  5. mp413, good on ya for actually posting such a query on such a forum. 2 pages of replies but very little answers. shocking.

    I know of 2 places that wax, you can check them out to see if they do the full brazilian.

    Nice nails on Huay kaew, just up from the nimmanhamin intersection, toward the university, across from northern farms. they should be pretty easy to google and get a number.

    another place is christie's, on the same road (and side) as the irish pub inside the moat. just up a couple of shops from the pub, toward the moat. a lot of my friends go here.

    hope this helps ya.

  6. This has been happening a lot lately to friends. Although some of the police are implying a gang on bikes, the areas its happened with friends are so widespread. . . off Nimmenhamen, on the river, by municipal stadium, behind CMU,(I guess not so widespread, now that i think about it) and with one exception, each one of these people were home when it happened. I'm trying to find comfort in the fact that the only thing I don't have in common with these friends is that I have dogs. Will be looking into insurance next week. It's getting too close to home.

  7. hello all,

    i'm a teacher here in chiang mai and i'm working on a project with my 12th grade students. Their project will to be to put on a presentation to educate our school community concerning the ill effects of the globalization of food and the food industry. their task will be to produce an evening that (hopefully) will include:

    Creating and distributing pamphlets that discuss the impact of meat production on the environment/Perhaps promoting the idea of a "meatless monday"

    Consumer comparison demonstrations (local markets vs. supermarkets; benefits to your community and your health)

    Food samples with local foods - vegetarian and non-vegetarian

    Creating and distributing a city guide of local markets/restaurants that promote being a 'localvore'

    Distributing a simple guide that gives suggestion on how to choose a healthier food over a processed food.

    A viewing of the film "Food Inc." with hopefully an introduction and question/answer discussion after.

    Now, i can already hear half of you groaning and know you are eagerly ready to offer your opinion and take this thread into a completely different direction than its intent. I respectfully request that you save that for the pub, over a pint with your mates.

    I'm writing because I'd like to know if some of you 'in the know' in this area could suggest a local 'foodie' with enthusiasm and passion for the topics mentioned above, who would wholeheartedly support this idea and help me and my kids out. Most importantly, I think i'm looking for someone who could take the lead in introducing the film, and facilitate the question and answer bit we hope to have after the film. and, of course, if they could help in any of the other areas mentioned above, that would be great too. Obviously, they would have to be familiar with the healthy Chiang Mai food scene, would be comfortable with public speaking and be familiar with both Thai and farang food. (I know, its a lot to ask, I'm just throwin it out there and seeing what sticks)

    I thank you in advance for your constructive suggestions.

  8. It depends on if you're talking about Thai schools or international schools or universities.

    International Schools tend to take about 2 - 3 weeks with the last day of class this year being Dec 18th. (My school won't resume class until Jan 11th, but not sure if that's the case with all of them)

    Have a friend who teaches in a Thai school and she's working on December 24th.

    Have no idea the universities' schedules.

  9. hey there,

    I posted the request below about 2 weeks ago and things looked pretty good and seemed to easily line up. Alas, it was too good to be true so I'm reposting - I'd still like to give this a chance.


    hello all,

    just throwing it out there to see if there are any bites:

    leaving town for the christmas holidays and have a lovely 2 bedroom house. I also have 2 very sweet, spoiled dogs that need watching. I know there are boarding kennels out there but i would only do that as a last resort.

    Do you have any guests coming for the holidays that may want a place to stay, rent free, in exchange for taking care of the dogs? I'd even throw in the weekly visit from the cleaning lady. (Motorbike and beat up old pick up truck negotiable :) ) There is also we-tv, wifi, and a washing machine - it really is a nice place.

    I live a bit past the train station - not city center - and will be gone from december 19th until january 4th.

    yes, i know it sounds a bit risky, but i don't think anyone here would steer me in a dangerous direction so i thought i'd give it a shot. I'll follow through on any leads. Thanks!

  10. hello all,

    just throwing it out there to see if there are any bites:

    leaving town for the christmas holidays and have a lovely 2 bedroom house. I also have 2 very sweet, spoiled dogs that need watching. I know there are boarding kennels out there but i would only do that as a last resort.

    Do you have any guests coming for the holidays that may want a place to stay, rent free, in exchange for taking care of the dogs? I'd even throw in the weekly visit from the cleaning lady. (Motorbike and beat up old pick up truck negotiable :) ) There is also we-tv, wifi, and a washing machine - it really is a nice place.

    I live a bit past the train station - not city center - and will be gone from december 19th until january 4th.

    yes, i know it sounds a bit risky, but i don't think anyone here would steer me in a dangerous direction so i thought i'd give it a shot. I'll follow through on any leads. Thanks!

  11. I seldom jump into these threads but I find myself compelled to respond. I teach history at an international school here in Chiang Mai.

    Firstly, Mr.IanForbes - I agree with your point 100 %. I characterize a student's secondary education as essentially a platter placed before them and it is their job to choose their favorite item - we give them a taste and now it is up to them to better develop their interests, talents, curiosities, etc. . it ultimately becomes their choice as to what to pursue. Hopefully, we've also given them the tools and skills to pursue it.

    Secondly, Mr. Shazza, I do recognize my own experiences as a student being very similar to yours: history= boring in high school and I was never engaged by the teacher. But because of my own curiosities, I went off and read about what interested me. Looking back now, I am so thankful that I was a reader because those interests provided me with the basis of what eventually came to be my career. And I have never forgotten those high school experiences and continually strive to break the stigma that history classes carry: boring and covered in dust. Who would want to or could learn in that type of environment?

    However I do have to point out that yes, although I do teach in an american curriculum based school, we do not have american history on the menu. I cannot speak for all of the international schools on this issue. We are very aware that our students, regardless of where they are from, are drenched with american culture - there is no need to throw more at them. Our history courses are 'world' courses and students aren't introduced to the modern concept of an america until their 10th grade year - after learning about the french philosophers who the american founding fathers so brilliantly plagiarized from. It is then that america becomes known and they really aren't mentioned again until the industrial revolution and world war I.

    Are our textbooks american? yup. are they biased? embarrassingly so. And any teacher worth their salt should be pointing that out and using it as an opportunity to teach their kids that they need to question every source, just because its in a textbook certainly doesn't make it true! (An epiphany for some, i always enjoy discovering)

    And thirdly, as for thai history - I tried, once. Overwhelming, discombobulated, and not enough proper, verified sources in English to create a solid (yet fluid) story. I could never find a straight answer!! And my thai students want to know it, they're hungry for it!! If given the time and resources, I would study it to offer it to my kids - i just had a really hard time finding information that corroborated with anything else. I ultimately put my trust in the thai department at our school and went back to what I knew.

    And as rohitsuk had mentioned - they do know of Hitler, and you're right - like a ghost character they have a morbid curiosity in but very little base knowledge of the circumstances that created him. but i have found that to be the case of all students of this generation, not just my thai students.

  12. realize it may be too late but there is a place here for women and children in crisis


    not amazing digs, but a shelter and a place where these young women can go

  13. Tried to resist responding, but couldn't. I have to add my 2 cents, regardless of the fact that I may leave myself open to that quick witted criticism so unique to this forum.

    I remember when paradise opened, it was great having a place that stayed open late so when you came stumbling out of the irish, you could get your drunken a*s a slice - not a whole pie that some lovely thai bird probably misunderstood the order to - a slice. If that happens anywhere else in CM, please let me know. (Yeah, already know that spicy does it late night - where do you think they get it? Paradise!)

    For someone to claim to be just passing through and go out of their way to criticize PP on this forum just seems a little one sided and somewhat calculated. Don't get me wrong, but honestly folks, sometimes the good people on this forum can attack like piranha with a few drops of blood in the water. (Case in point: looked up correct spelling of piranha because. . well, you know what I'm talking about.)

    If you've been in Thailand for more than 3 days, you have had bad service (by western standards) and like any normal person, mouthed off to your friends about it. But on this forum, you can very well be messing with someone's livelihood. I'd like to know how many other places this guy has been and the quality of service and product at each. Laws of probability tell me that PP was probably not his only negative experience. C'mon - if you go to a farang restaurant here - it is not going to be 100% every time. I've been to duke's, benissimos, paradise, the irish, you name it - and there are times when they have all been fabulous, and there have been times. ... well, luck of the draw and that happens ANYWHERE. Of course, I will go back to each.

    Besides, if the pizza is 'off' at PP, try the calzones - fresh and fabulous. Thanks Rick, I'll be back.

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