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Posts posted by lis41

  1. I agree with PlanetX, there are so many soi dog neighborhoods that, should you decide your cat has to be outdoors, you have to find a neighborhood that is more cat friendly. I could never have a cat where I live, it is heavy soi dog territory and a kitten would not survive it.

    When you do first arrive, get a cat friendly condo and then check out any moo ban you may be interested in renting a house in. Are there cats or dogs roaming around the streets? I only know of one moo ban that is more about cats but I'm sure there are plenty more. The difference with cats is that having a gate is completely ineffective and some of the bigger, nastier toms will come around whether you and your kitten like it or not.

    The creepy, crawly critter in the yard thing could happen anywhere. Just know where the emergency vet is. My dog, when a puppy, got stung by something nasty and her face instantly started swelling up, but we got her to the 24 hour vet near airport plaza and got her a shot. Your bigger concern really is dogs. Bringing your kitten here is not impossible, nor is renting a house where he/she will be safe and get to explore the outdoors (loads of my friends do have cats), just be aware when you choose a place to live.

  2. No, iSabai - I'm not paranoid. But I can't say the same for people back home. I didn't use the embassy as a means of staying in contact with people back home - nor was it the reason I registered with them. I used any means I could when I moved here to reassure my family that I was going to be fine, and one sibling asked me to do, so they could feel better. It came as quite a surprise to me and my family to hear from the State Dept.

    And again, thanks for reminding me why I've been on this forum for so long and have posted so little.

  3. Perhaps one reason so many Americans have registered with the consulate is because my government has done a fabulous job of using fear as a means of social control.

    When I moved here, my family was terribly upset and afraid for my safety (check the cia.gov website sometime and see how many warnings there are - the government doesn't want us going anywhere. We're told we're targets). To put their minds at ease, I did register my presence here with the embassy. 5 months later, the tsunami hit. I was out of the country on holiday and when I returned, my phone was broken for 2 weeks. Apparently the embassy had been trying to contact me, as they wanted to ensure they could account for each of those registered. When they couldn't get a hold of me, the state department contacted my mother to see if she had heard from me. And I have to admit, I was slightly comforted by Big Brother's checking on me, as was my family.

  4. Well Lis, now that we know about you and the lo-cal,,,,,,and your lack of self control..... hows the diet going???


    just so you don't forget..... say the devil made me do it....

    Diet Shmiet!! But I did think I made a move in the right direction when I poured the little bit 'o leftovers on the dogs' already oil drizzled kibble (gave them the leftover bacon too). Didn't let them lick the pan though. . . just in case I get the urge.

    Yeah, we're all fat and happy this beautiful Saturday morning!!

  5. . . . who stripped the shelves of the Meechok and River Rimping of Knorr Hollandaise sauce packages!! (2 from the former, 3 from the latter). I haven't made it to the airport location so maybe you'll have a chance.

    I casually bought one a few months back and then poof, they disappeared for months. I'm sure we've all learned to hoard properly (I have 3 jars of low fat best foods mayo in the cupboard - who's laughing now?) but I feel as though I've pulled off a major coupe with the hollandaise sauce. (No, I can't cook it on my own - i think it has something to do with separating the egg and I have no skills)

    So, if you're upset with me, just know that I have no control and when Saturday morning rolls around, I can't resist. I'm gonna blow through these things like a crackhead that just stumbled upon a rock pile. dam_n!! My breakfast is amazing this morning!! Sorry for the gloating - guess I couldn't resist that either. :rolleyes:

  6. It is the only way to travel.

    My scooter is 9 years old, bought it 2 years old used. Those little Honda's are die hards and cost very little to maintain. Was originally terrified to take it out when I first got here but independence is a value, and I was constantly getting ripped off by songtaew drivers as I didn't know the language or my way around.

    Bought a beat up pick up truck to get me through the rainy season though ,but use it so little that the battery just died. I hate being stuck in traffic - but that isn't much of an issue when you're on the scooter. And the amount of shortcuts you can take compared to a car/truck are immeasurable.

    I don't think I could drive one if I lived in BKK though, traffic there is insane compared to here. Wear your helmet, drive defensively (as though every other vehicle is trying to kill you) and enjoy the ride!!

  7. On holiday in SF right now and wandered into a cooking shop. Saw the exact egg beater in gennesis' post, $12 US. CNX - I'll be back on the 9th of January, it would be no problem to grab it for you, just let me know. Merry Christmas!

  8. Last summer I went home and raided my 79 year old mother's kitchen. I grabbed a few things I know she doesn't use anymore and this hand beater was one of them.

    Part of the reason I took it was not only is it a handy tool, but it was a staple of my childhood kitchen experiences and it makes me a bit nostalgic - weekend mornings with my dad, he used it for the pancake mix.

    When mom agreed to give it to me, she told me she received it as a wedding present, about 58 years ago. I've seen the common hand held electric kind everywhere, not even sure they make these anymore.


  9. A friend told me that she remembers a shop in the BKK airport (don't know which airport she was referring to) that had a shop that sold orchids, ones that were wrapped up nicely and could be taken on the plane.

    I'm leaving Tuesday and an orchid would be a perfect gift for someone back home. Does Chiang Mai airport have such a shop? I'm leaving mid-afternoon so all the shops should be open while I'm there.

    And if not, does anyone know of a flower shop in town that could wrap one up to be taken overseas? Didn't even think that was legal but now my hopes are up to be able to deliver such a perfect gift.

    Thanks in advance for any recommendations.

  10. If you want to just go check them out and get an idea of prices, there is a lady in Anusarn Market in the night bazaar. Turn into the market and keep going straight through. She literally has the last shop on the left hand side as you exit the market. They're packed in and a bit dusty but I've always found stuff like that to be a bit cheaper than a clean, sparkly showroom.

    I also understand there is a similar shop in Wararot, on one of the streets to the right if you're coming from the direction of the American consulate - before hitting the flower market, just not exactly sure which.

  11. Out of curiosity, what's the attraction to Thai silk? It's rough and nasty. Terrible material for anything, especially something that you wear.. Yuck.

    I went to this about 5 or 6 years ago and got a great quality remnant for about 400 baht. Brought it round the corner to my sewing lady and had her make me a 'sleeping bag'. For 40 baht she just sewed the edges and made a human sized pillow case. It's larger than the ones you'll find at the night bazaar and its a better quality of silk as well. It's still in great condition and has been a great traveling tool, don't go anywhere without it. Saw an article in NYTimes suggesting Xmas presents for travelers and they recommended something similar and suggested retail price was 60 bucks.

    I've also grabbed some for curtains, seat covers, pillow cases. . .so no, I never wear it but If you like to decorate, that silk sale is worth taking a look at.

  12. just read more of your posts, bangkokcitylimits was absolutely right and I got on it. Now have a stockpile of posters should it ever happen again (chickenwire reinforcement will be put over the gate later this afternnoon, so hopefully won't).

    I'm a pretty responsible dog owner, I've volunteered with Care for Dogs going on 4 years now and work with a community service group of students that takes care of dogs in local temples. I have Little Girl because I scooped her soi dog pregnant mother of the streets 10 days before she gave birth. I moved from my furnished condo into an empty house in those 10 days because I knew I was making a commitment when I took her off the street. That was 3 years ago. We now have a really big enclosed garden and I consider it an extravagant dog cage. As I said, I think the fireworks freaked her out, and she jumped through. I've attached a picture that shows the gash she now has on her leg from doing it. Any pet owner (or parent!) knows there are always going to be circumstances beyond your control.

    I posted this morning to use every necessary means available to get the word out. (If you read Thai, a friend helped me post it on a local Thai website as well). So thank you to TV for allowing me to do that, and thank you for your support and encouragement, right down to helping me find a printing place on this Sunday holiday morning. I know there's good folk out there. :)


  13. Case closed - dirty stay out just waltzed back into the yard - with a nasty cut on her leg from jumping through the bars in our gate. Thanks for the advice and support.

  14. I've tried attaching a picture:

    her name is Little Girl, and she's been missing since 10:00 pm last night. I'm sure it was fireworks that freaked her out.

    She's got on a white flea collar, she has no tail (soi dog inbreeding) and is timid but friendly.

    If you know anyone who lives in the area (close to Wat Nonphakrang), please pass this along.

    Please call 08 415 000 31

    And if you know of a print shop open this Sunday morning, that would be helpful too. Need to get a flyer out in the neighboring areas as soon as I can.

    Thanks for any help.post-45611-0-03807300-1290307364_thumb.j

  15. Can't tell you much about the hotel (other than it has a pool!!) but can tell you about the neighborhood as I live right around the corner. The area looks a bit decrepit but the people and local businesses are nothing short of lovely. There is a food stall just down the road, in front of the local 7-11 that is putting out some of the best Thai food I've ever had, a hidden gem.

    When I first moved here I stayed at the CCT (yeah, that would be Church of Christ Thailand) guest house right next door to the Prince Royal pitch. I think its on Chetuphon Road, but not exactly sure of that. It is right around the corner, walking distance, from McCormick (and you have to pass one of the best khao mein gai places in the city) and Pun Pun's is walking distance in the other direction. It is clean, gated, and there was absolutely nothing overtly Christian about it. The area gets a bit more traffic so it would be easier to get a songtaew or tuk tuk there. It gets a bit clustered when school lets out because CMIS and Prince Royal are right on top of it.

  16. Because of a different thread, I found myself on Saturday afternoon at Pun Pun's. I wanted to give it a try. I knew nothing of a 10% discount for TV members.

    As soon as I sat down in the comfortable establishment and was handed a menu with loads of farang food options (what' I'm usually looking for) I said to myself, "why don't I come here more often?"

    The prices were VERY reasonable and the food was very good.

    The owner of the establishment came over to the table and introduced himself and it was then I told him I was there because I read about it on TV and was in the neighborhood. He then introduced himself as Gonzo and I admitted my TV screen name and was told about the discount. That was cool - wasn't expecting it.

    Gonzo did not go back to the kitchen and take 10% of my burger. . . but for my own benefit, he should have :rolleyes: ! It was huge.

    If this is his scheme to develop a loyal customer base - he's on to something, but truth be told,

    I will go back regardless of the discount. Friendly people, good service, comfortable atmosphere, great food, great prices.

    Now. . . let's talk about some of the more posh places that give me a cloth napkin, grind my pepper for me and have nothing on the menu less than 300 baht. . . . found myself in a restaurant like that just the night before. I will never return. Why should I when there's places like Pun Puns and Duke's who give me great service, great food and at least half the price?

    Don't worry Gonzo, I will never expect you to grind my pepper for me.

  17. It might be worth your while to talk to the good folk over at Sangdee Gallery. I know they hold photography workshops and are all about promoting artists

    in the area.

    They have a beautiful, warm space and I know they serve drinks (not sure about food, though).

    They do already have a regular Wednesday night tradition - local musicians play each week so if they were able to accomodate your group, you would probably have to consider another evening.

    Either way, its a place that local photographers should know about.


  18. so sorry that I don't remember his name, but. . ..

    Lanna Hospital. The ob/gyn clinic that has it's own building to the left of the actual hospital. Older gentleman, speaks English well. The doctor's pictures are on the wall, he's one of 2 men there, so should be easy to spot.

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