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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. Get a job!

    Many jobs provide free food.

    Also, at low tide, you'll notice many Thai people out collecting clams, shells, crabs, etc.

    As well as people often seen picking the edible wild plants along the road. HOWEVER: please be aware that the black smoke you see billowing from many Thai people's vehicles ends up feeding those wild plants next to the road and they are very high in sulfur content.

    Better to pick them in the jungle or away from any road.

    Also: you may notice many Burmese workers carrying a slingshot in the back pocket. They shoot lizards and birds. As well as out catching frogs after the rain.

    Easy to get free food in Thailand, but you have to work a bit for it.

  2. Sometimes i'm amazed at the differences in cultures compared to the one i grew up with.

    I'm in a club back home in the states that is mostly made up of rich people.

    It cost $5 to come to a meeting and eat & drink.

    If anyone is ever light on the $5, it takes up most of the meeting to figure out who and belittle him.

    Everyone is expected to pay.

    Here in Thailand, it is so different.

    If someone in my neighborhood wins the lottery, the whole neighborhood parties and the winner pays.

    If someone has no money, people give them some so they can all have fun together. (these are mostly poor people)

    No, i don't know about you, but i know which one i prefer.

  3. Geez, all these negative posts again and only one persona attempts to answer her question.

    A friend of mine has triplets and has 5 Thai nannies for them (2 day and 2 night).

    They work in 12 hour shifts with one day off a week. (the odd one works less and fills in when needed or one is sick i believe)

    THey each receive 7,000-8,000 baht a month. (depending on how long they've been there)

    Most of them speak English somewhat and love their job or so it seems.

    This is in Phuket.

    Good luck.

  4. I was in a catch 22 situation with Thai officials about a traffic ticket (which had been paid but they said it hadn't)

    AFter trying 4 times to get the police in Kaen Ken fax it to the police in Phuket, with no luck, finally i asked the official what else i could possibly do?

    He made the motion of putting money in his back pocket. 500 baht later, we got exactly what we needed.

    good luck.

  5. I would probably be up for coming if its at the end of August and still happening? Im a bit hesitant to make arrangements yet though cos i dont arrive until the star of August. Would be me and the mrs...no kids no dogs.

    Why are people so eager to stay annonymous? It seems like a good shout to have a BBQ where you can get to know other members...

    Yes, this is a bit mind-boggling to me also.

    Thai Visa is the most popular forum in Thailand with lots of action everyday. Meaning, many are interested in what's going on.

    But, when it comes down to a party to meet in person, only a handfull are interested.

    Possibly reasons:

    1/ many are unsociable and prefer to hide behind their computer screen

    2/ some have had "hot-headed" arguments with fellow members and are afraid of a confrontation.

    3/ too many live too far away and don't wanna drink and drive

    4/ prior commitments

    Anyway, the one last year at Friendship Beach was lots of fun and I met some very interesting people.

    Got to meet a few "famous" ones too. (In my mind anyway)

    At this one, i'd love to see Huggy and LivingKata shake hands. Maybe they already even know each other and don't realize it???

  6. Rock climbing is another good one.

    There's none on Phuket but I've climbed on Phi Phi and Railay beach has spectacular climbing.

    You can get lessons in both places.

    Surfing is a possibility too. Don't know where there's lessons but they used to give them over at Kata.

    Watch out for the Thai girls. They love teenage boys.

    Also be sure you teach them about safety if they drive motorbikes here. Can be very dangerous.

  7. First time in history, Air asia offered me a 100 Thb meal and 1800 Thb voucher for 2 hours delay ! Never seen any airline doing that before.

    Mmmmm. I flew with them last week, to and from BKK (from Phuket) and BOTH flights were late 2 hours.

    No apology, no offer of anything.

    I wonder how you rate this 1800 baht voucher???

    I love their prices but sitting in the airport an extra 4 hours was not worth it.

  8. Reggae music is found wherever you look for it.

    Krabi town itself is not much for nightlife.

    Railay beach is a much better (has reggae)

    Ko Prangnan is ok for a younger crowd (you don't mention your age)

    Or Ko Samui possibly for older folks.

    Ko Lanta is good too.

    Not sure of your age or if you like or dislike reggae music.

    Do you want to meet Thai girls (bar) or farang girls (or guys?)(ladyboys?)

    More information helps.

  9. The rain will let you out of the hotel somewhat.

    the east side beaches are calmer.

    Motorcycles are for rent all over the place, just walk around and ask prices. Probably you will pay between 150 and 200 baht per day.

    have fun.

    ps. what will be raining in portugal on the 17th of August? (the 18th)

  10. Sorry, withdrawn. Am not a completely new member, but in truth wouldn't be comfortable if some members thought I was there for free food and drink. However, hope whatever and wherever it is, is an enjoyable evening.

    I find it hard to believe that some negative posters comments could have such an effect on folks.

    I look at it like they are just showing their bad side and need to grow up a bit.

    Why is it internet forums seem to bring out the worst in some people?

    I think perhaps it's because they are incognito and a TV party/get together would make them known.

    Hence, they don't come and try to badmouth those who do.

  11. Any approximate start time?

    Well in view of the sucess of American forigin policy and it's impalacity in the golbal downturn i would be cancelling the the 4th July this year time to hide I think and reflect on the damage you have have done to man knid not to shoot fire works and feel like you have contributed to to the world.

    OK have a go at me but look at the facts.


    Maybe Job is really an American in disguise?

    IF so, he sure speaks good Thai.

    Sorry to hear you won't be making it Paul.

  12. I've brought two although not on the same trip.

    I just check them in a hard case.

    I put fragile stickers on one of them once but don't know if it matters.

    I would recommend a hard case if you can find one.

    I didn't know the airlines discrimimated against them.

  13. I went in today to do all of this (above)

    I had asked about 2 months ago when i last did the 90 day reporting if i could do it now or must wait, they said no problem, do it anytime.

    So, today i went in with everything.

    Immedietly the guy said the money hadn't been in the bank long enough. (i showed him that they money had been in there for 2 years)

    He then said: You can only do this 40 days before your present visa expires.

    I pointed out i would be out of the country at that time and had asked last time and they said i could do it anytime.

    He said: "rules have changed" and turned to the guy behind me and said "next!"

    So, now i am worrying that next time i go, if they don't feel like doing any work that day, they will just make up some other BS and tell me i can't get it. At that time, it'll be too late.

    So, i guess i'll have to just keep the 800k in the bank another year.

  14. 1/ Yes, me only

    2/ Rawai

    3/ Phuket Brewery sounds good but i'm totally flexible on location

    4/ Saturday's are not the best for me but would try to make it. (I like Fridays)

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