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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. I too have been looking at the options here in Phuket.

    My son is only 2 so I have some time before he goes to school.

    I have decided to go with the Montesorri school near Chalong. (Rawaii)

    I believe in their philosophy and have been to the school to check it out a few times.

    The kids amazed me in how they were so into what they were learning at the time and although were very polite to me when I spoke to them, they did not seem to be bothered by others and were very focused.

    I was impressed. I noticed someone said they teach on the beach. Yes, they are right on the waterfront but there is a locked gate to the beach.

    I believe a child's learning years between 2 and 8 are the most important in their life. So, even though it seems a lot of money, i will sacrifice during those years and pay what i have to for my child to hopefully be like those children that i saw there.

  2. I went into the office about a month ago to tell them i changed my address.

    While i was there, i said, oh yeah, i haven't recieved a bill yet and i've had the service since March.

    They said: "free until June 30"

    Well, of course June 30th has come an gone but still no bill.

    Now i don't have a problem with that but will we get a HUGE bill somday?

    ps. my service is very sporatic also.


    Not that I know of. I bought a program a few years ago that said it had a GPS function but I don't see it in the program.

    I believe that Google Earth would be your best bet to incorporate somehow.

    What I do, is look at a place on Google Earth and get a GPS point, and then punch it into my GPS and then go there. Pretty easy. Good luck.

  3. Being in the film as an extra for 7 days was a real educational experience for me.

    I like to dabble in some video editing and filming myself and got to see how it's done professionally.

    Seeing the movie later, I thought it was very good and brought out some facts that i didn't know about. ie: burning unidentified bodies, and the guy who had predicted it happening and the govt supressing his report, etc.

    But, i must say that my friends in the US, who saw the movie, thought it was boring. I guess maybe it was if you didn't understand much about it. They sometimes are spoiled with action movies and get bored easily when they are not entertained the way they are used to.

  4. I am not aware of any sister bank or an issue as you stated in your question.

    To execute the transfer you neem the swift number, account number and address of bank.

    I transferred 800,000 baht back in December while i was in the states. I did need to know Kasikorn bank's New York City's affiliate bank which i believe was Bank of America but i am not positive about which bank it was. i then asked the bank person to save all that info in case i want to transfer money again which she said she would do no problem.

  5. Well, my usual luck strikes once again. I just transferred $24,500 2 days ago to my Thai Bank account, so that i could apply for the non-immigrant "O-A" visa. not only did i hit the bottom in the exchange rate, but now see that they may try to take 30% of my money also.

    I am trying my best to jump thru all these hoops that have entered my life with the Thai goverment. It is almost impossible to do everything they want and now this. (Money must be in a THai bank at least 90 days before applying for the one year in thailand, but you must apply within 90 days! 2/ the Thai consulate here in the US now says that the money must be in a US bank with proof and notorized> Yak MACH!

    So, what to do now? I will let this forum know tomorrow how much of the 24,500 gets put into my bank account as my wife (in Thailand) is going to call me tonight with the figure.

    This is crazy and getting crazier. I could go on and on with how my luck has been working on the paperwork for this visa but you probably would think i'm sensationalizing. Oh well. How many more rules and hoops will I attempt before they break me?

  6. Fiddlehead, you do not have to show proof of any money in the bank when you apply for the non-O visa at a Thai consulate. However, if you apply for the non-OA visa, you need proof of the equivalent of 800,000 Baht in any account, which can be a US account.

    Once in Thailand, when you apply for the annual extension of stay, you have to show that the 800k were in a Thai bank account for at least 3 months prior to your application. Yes, it has to be a Thai bank, and you need not worry about wiring it to Thailand. It is a perfectly safe procedure.



    Thanks for the quick reply. Correct me if I'm wrong: I see a catch 22 here as I will arrive in Thailand Jan 11th with the 800k and the non immigrant O (hopefully, as i haven't applied yet) Then I'll have 90 days to turn that into a one year but must have the money in the Thai bank for 90 days. How? So, I guess i'll have to get the money there before i arrive, right? I never wired money before and they want something called a swift code??? Anyway, i'm working on it and appreciating any advice.

  7. Help Please!

    I am presently in the states planning to return to Thailand on Jan 11, 2007. I am working on jumping through the hoops necessary for obtaining either a retirement visa, or a non-imm "O" as i have a 1 year old son in thailand with me on the birth certificate although i am not married to his mother (yet)

    I am under the impression that under the new rules, i don't have to be married if i am on the birth certificate. Right? or wrong assumption??? anyone know?

    I got a statement (here in us) from the county sheriff's dept saying i've never been arrested.

    I am seeing a doctor next week to certify that i don't have any diseases.

    I am going to the bank (here) this afternoon to get a statement from them saying i have the money in their bank. (the equiv. of 800,000 baht +) Does anyone know if this must be notorized? (or if i can keep the money here in the US or must have it in my Thai bank account?)

    What kind of visa should i apply for. I am under the impression that i will have to bring all of this paperwork to thailand and get the one year there after i get some kind of 90 day visa to enter.

    What do i apply for? and where is the best consulate in the US to do this?

    I realize this is a ton of questions and i am doing my best to follow the rules. It's not easy as most of you know.

    I want to be with my family in thailand and dread being locked out so i am doing everything necessary.

    I just don't want to get there and find out i didn't do something they want.

    Please help. thanks, fiddlehead

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