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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. MMMmmmmm. I wonder? Trying not to be vain here but, I sent them an email about 10 days ago asking why Phuket (Rawai) hadn't seemed to be updated for at least 5 years although their website claims nothing should be more than 3 years old.

    Anyway, great news.

    I also use it for backroads and hiking/jogging.

  2. There's a small shop in Phuket town that I've used to have a frame built to my custom size.

    They seemed to have a selection of paints and brushes, etc.

    I am not sure of the name of the road, but, as you are traveling towards Robinson from Choafa East, you turn left one or two blocks before Robinson where the Chinese overhead arch is. (immediately after you make the turn, you will go under the yellow, elaborate Chinese arch) The shop is within that 1st block on the left.

    Good luck, I hope you can follow my directions. (perhaps someone on here will know that name of that road)

  3. Not sure if it were bits or bytes.

    It was the score i got from the link you provided: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest?loc=97

    I realize i have super slow connection

    Problem is, #1 i don't have a phone line. and it doesn't look good for getting one soon.

    I would fork over the 10,900 baht but am enjoying the fact that what i do have so far is free.

    I will probably upgrade next year.

    I went in and told them that they have yet to send me a bill (since March 13, 2007) and they said it was a promotion and they should start billing soon.

    Wicked slow in the middle of the day. i can live with it. I'm not downloading much.

  4. Did the test for you also. ( I have the cdma modem from CAT)

    75/46 (75 down/ 46 up) 1st test

    41/17 2nd test ( pretty slow.)

    Now i know why it's hard to upload pics in the daytime. thanks for the link.

  5. So, What is the reason we are not reading about this in the Gazette?

    Is it because they want the world to think that Thailand is "lilly-white" and nothing bad ever happens here?

    If so, why call themselves a "newspaper" shame on them.

    Do you think the TAT is asking them to keep it quiet?

    Yes, this is a most unfortunate death.

    Thank you very much babadoodoo. (strange name though)

  6. When i bought my pickup truck, i looked at the Gazette, both online and bought the paper.

    I drove to about 20 used car dealers both on the island and even went off the island for a day looking.

    I finally bought one that i saw, by itself, parked on the road near "supercheap"

    It was a private sale. I was able to negotiate because i had cash. (many Thai people don't and want terms)

    I am very happy with my purchase and although I had a few small problems ( starter, radiator) I have now driven it 25,000 kms. and it is still running great.

    I do feel myself experienced at buying used cars and think i know what to look for.

    I always buy my vehicles at public car auctions in the US and I really wish they had those here but...........

    so, there's no right way or wrong way, just whatever road you're on. (there's a Keb Mo song that goes something like that that's not bad advice)

  7. I'd buy a new notebook, can get a good AMD dual Core with 1024Gb Ram,160Gb Hard Drive, Webcam etc.. for under 25k baht.

    Ill try IT House.


    After some more thought (am I really losing my memory? getting old can suck!) I believe it is called PP IT house or maybe P& P?? Anyway, it has a big yellow and blue sign and is next door to a beauty shop on one side and a dive supply shop on the other. (East side of Choafa)

  8. Don't know where you live, but near Chalong, about 1/2 kilometer or a bit less from the circle, towards Phuket town on the lower (choafa east) road, on the right hand side, is a computer shop called "IT House" in big blue and yellow lettering.

    They have excellent service and sell memory.

    What they don't stock, they can get in pretty fast.

    good luck.

  9. No complaints from here with my One Two Call service.

    I seem to always have signal (i live in Rawai), little to no spam (maybe one a month), and 90% of calls go through the first time.

    Perhaps things seem a little slower with all this rain we've been having.

    Time for some sun again, aye?

  10. I was listening to some friends talk last night (in other words, this is hearsay).

    A few of them were on Rawai beach 2 nights ago during the so called "Tsunami Warning"

    They said the police came by and told everyone to get out, that there was a tsunami coming.

    They made the bars close and EVEN THE 7-11 closed (whether by police orders or what, i don't


    So, it's hard to say the Thais did the wrong thing or where ignorant of the facts when their beloved police force told them to get to higher ground.

  11. MMmmm. Although i flunked English in college, i was published once.

    I wrote an article on Kamodo dragons after i visited the island in Indonesia.

    It was a short article but i got paid $250 US for it.

    I don't think i would've gone to the trouble and spent aprox 2 weeks researching and writing if i would not have gotten paid for it. I remember using an Austrialian computer to spell check and then when i submitted the article, found out that many words were spelled wrong. That's when i found out that nations spell things differently even though it's the same language. (no wonder i flunked English, aye? )

    Isn't that how business works? (People get paid for working)

    I wonder how your other writers feel about your not paying for articles.

    Let me ask you this: If we get published, is our material than copyrighted? Or can we then use the (same) article for our own (monetary) endeavors.

  12. Well, i went over to Don's this morning to check out Monday night football live.

    There was nobody around except one guy checking the internet there (in the bar)

    I picked up the remote and tried to find the game but i couldn't. I believe i was on cable and not satellite feed.

    I don't know how to do the satellite but ..............

    Next weeks Monday night football is my team (eagles) so, i will definitely be over there (tuesday morning) for the game. Perhaps someone will help me figure out the satellite channels and find the game.

    I guess there's not much interest. (i found track and field, Nascar, and soccer all playing but not the opening season of MNF)

    Thanks for the help, all on here. ( I hope to see someone show up to watch the Eagles next week. )

  13. If I were in charge of planning I'd make the pedestrianisation of Ratuthit and Beach Rd the number one priority for the resort. I feel this would give everyone a little more breathing space, something the resort badly needs in my view - somewhere to go that's quiet, relaxing and comfortable would be very nice indeed as well. Nanai and the "road" behind Junceylon should be sufficient for traffic, shouldn't they?

    The beach is a great place for leisurely strolls, or jog. Quiet, natural, safe, full of eye candy, and no obstacles except for the occasional jet ski vendor or paddle ball game.

    It's certainly not easy to please all.

    Thais have to make a living too.

    Sometimes it's hard to remember that.

  14. You may want to think about saving the way Thai people do: Buy gold! it not only increases in value with time (especially in this day and age) but you can show it off too.

    It's a grand idea actually and the gold shops act like pawn shops back in the states. You can borrow cash against your jewelry for a limited time.

    Look what's happened to gold in the last 7 years: http://www.the-privateer.com/chart/gold-pf.html

    Sometimes my wife (Thai) is smarter than i give her credit for.

  15. I live in Rawai and my water (tap) is excellent. I don't drink it but do brush my teeth with it and everything else except drinking.

    If your question is about the water at the beach, that changes daily but seems very clean on the west side compared to the east side of phuket.

    We've been having lots of rain so i believe the water table is up and there is no problems with shortages either.

  16. Dr.Prasert Theplaong in Phuket town (right next to the Bangkok Phuket Hospital) is an amazing dentist.

    I consider him the best i've ever gone to in my life.

    He speaks excellent English, and has done 6 crowns for me plus some other work.

    Check out his website if you like at: www.phuketdentalcenter.com

    He is very friendly too and gives free quotes.

  17. I'll have to check that out. THANKS

    I didn't know anyone bought glass.

    It's such a shame to waste anything and i prefer drinking beer out of glass but don't because i thought it wasn't recyclable. (i heard that bars can return them if they keep them in the box only)

  18. Just saw this on bangkokpost.com :

    TrueVisions will show live four NFL matches a week beginning with the season opener between New Orleans Saints and defending Super Bowl champions Indianapolis Colts at 7.30am tomorrow (Thai time) on TrueSport 3. First week live fixtures

    I don't get True (i only have rabbit ears) but maybe this will open up options.

    So, i guess Don's would be open at 7:30 AM. But will the bar be open?

  19. I live in Rawai and normally watch it at home (at least the games that are scheduled at for us reasonable times.

    UBC tends to broadcast different games during the week at nice times also, without commercials, so good watching.

    If you have a group, let me know, I'll join in.

    Don's has multichoice Africa, so he should have the Thursday, Sunday and Monday night games on, unlike True which is not licensed now from ESPNStar. Not sure when he is goi

    g to show the games, but I'll ask.

    I'm sure he'll be repeating them at night to help out his happy hour in his saloon.

    thanks, I've watched a super bowl at Don's i think it was 2 years ago. That'd be fine. Would you let us know what you find out please? I can't always make the nights. I'd rather watch the games live but would take what i can get.

  20. It seems that some people forget sometimes that they are in another country where the rules are different.

    To me that means be flexible, try not to be shocked, and have a higher level of tolerance.

    One of the things that Thais don't like about us farangs is how we tend to rant and rave and b1tch about things like this. (and confrontation about it openly)

    In Asia, there's a lot more people living together and Thais seem to have a way of going with the flow and not rocking the boat.

    Maybe there's a lesson to be learned from them.

    I certainly am not trying to justify my son's bad behavior. We tried taking him out and realize he is not ready for it at 1 1/2.

    We'll try again, possibly in another 6 months.

    My Thai wife didn't think it was a big deal although i did.

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