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Posts posted by RubbaJohnny

  1. 4 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    some might require atk (oe even pcr) test within a few days after entry by air, but not by land border.

    The way round this rule is to enter europe by neighbouring country without any questions and requirements. Even without patient locator forms (as use to be the last year). The system considers you transfer passenger.

    Within a few hours by fast train you can cross many borders to your destination. Just some additional e50-100 for fare, you have piece of mind

    Thanks may go to Helsinki via St Petersburg but of course if what yu say is in force makes the whole system a nonsense.

    What is so frustrating is the return here with uninsurable "kidnap" by an avaricious corrupt system, which is incentivized to keep you in over priced digs .

    • Like 2
  2. The other day Mor Prom stopped then restarted with EU scan code BUT despite having my passport number on original it now show nationality as THAI, has anyone else had this , of course I assume as the Thai regime now calls me Thai I won't need a visa 555????


    Is this going to be an issue as I plan t fly to Finland soon?

    How to contact the correct person to change to correct nationality?

  3. 2 hours ago, Leadidge said:

    Tribe?  Do you men tripe? or diatribe? 

    Mmm yes couldn't be BRIBE that could lead to DEAF an Asian.

    I quite expect the grate Dane to be sued hounded and his organ curbed within LOS , like the restaurant reviews, they can dish it , but they cannot take it.Sadly many other nations will still be attracted in ignorance due to teh insatiable demand to be banged up in LOS

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, ed strong said:

    Living in a 3rd/ 2nd world military dictatorship in the Far east you don't really expect information to be easy to find or access!? One they don't actually know what they are doing coupled with their lack of common sense finds them holding a position that they would not normally ever have.


    They are in charge and then you try to deal with the estate agents and lawyers and again you can get very sketchy information.


    Tried to buy a house in Hua Hin once and ended up with two companies, no house and an outstanding loan of 2m baht!.......perhaps i should go to the authorities !?? lol


    My thoughts are that peoples expectations are far too high when they move to Thailand.


    One of the most annoying and also best qualities of the the Thais is there total lack of awareness of time or the urgency and efficiency of getting something done.

    I do understand the sentiment , but have you ever noticed how fast freebies, special Lottery or 2+1  for  get snapped up not to speak of shrimp buffets, of course your time has no value to them, if you are retired or on vacation why should it?

    I also notice Banks ,Teachers et al seem acutely aware of home time like civil servants the world over, while in private enterprise a "tip" may yield a happy ending.


    My last extension issued in under a quarter of an hour. I admit I try to chose days/times when no queues due to Covid.

  5. It is all simple over two centuries of experience cooperating with the gatekeepers of our esteemed hosts.

    It would be tragic if we had to deal with incompetent, or idle xenophobic bureaucrats , who are in fear of those with more gongs decorating their rooms and whom they paid for the opportunity to meet the very people they often despise.


    Luckily as my wife explained many moons ago and dealing with dozens of individuals on 4 different types of Visa in different Offices Khets and provinces they all consistently like a quiet life , deference, gifts , oh and I almost forgot MONEY in the best of all possible world's.


    On Work, Married O and Retirement visa seems more variation between offices reported sometimes, but the actual rules as explained here are not difficult to understand for those who read Thai and our excellent posters like UJ. For others with more cash than leisure there are agents. You may not like the longer seasoning the health insurance and 90 days but no foreigner is forced to live here.


  6. Visited Immi the other day ext done 7m

    Can hardly say they were busy I was the only customer, zero tourists at present.

    Cheekily requested do my 90 days now not in a few days and another journey during the pandemic

    No can do , rules is rules

    I asked having successfully registered for the app can I use it .

    No can do , new Passport need do first one manually.


    Can someone remind me do I have to post 2 weeks in advance of due date or it arrive 2 weeks before .My office will not allow me to hand deliver by wife nor her do the 90 days.

    Thinking of asking neighbor or her 17 year old daughter who passes by th Office daily Can anyone be my agent i.e another farang or must it be an adult Thai  citizen?



  7. 1 hour ago, luckywooman said:

    I do that every 2-3 days because I work with people. The test you can do it yourself


    why shouldn’t you do it? Test kid is not expensive 

    Well done the responsible action, to protect not just you and yours but your colleagues, thinking of others not just yourself, needs to be encouraged or we end up with hospitals full, economy in even worse tatters as anyone witnessing street life self discipline and restraint needs "guidance" encouragement, To be fair the regime here as fared no worse than many richer states in both rules, closure, vax and education.


    I still see people nearly all young males daily with a mask but no crash helmet overtaking dangerously. I regularly see BiB do same and other things that would get you a ticket/ban anywhere than the land of the .Remember the flipside of liberty is licence.


    John had the lock on it a while back



  8. The photogrph is not genuine Tom Yam Kung as any Thai will tell you, it is Tom Yam adulterated with canned milk or canned coconut likely or unlikely butter/cream/yoghurt or yesterday margerine,

    Tom Yam is neither a consomme, soup nor a cooler like a gazpacho or a Vichysoisse but a broth.https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › broth

    The meaning of BROTH is liquid in which meat, fish, cereal grains, or vegetables have been cooked 

    Tom Yam however  is one of my favourites here if home made.

    Ofc course anyone can label or add anything but in my view cream, milk or coconut are not part of the recipe as others note. Equally good and not hard to make, Vichysoisse, Cullen Skink, Pea and Ham and of course the pinnacle of all Sopa de Mariscos the Lobster Bisque.


    as Tom Yummy said" LOS for  all the broths , broth all its got the lot".

    • Thanks 1
  9. 15 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    God help Thailand, though, if he becomes the next PM

    While I agree with the sentiment, the Buddhist peasants don't believe in God, Satan or the consequences, if you have many millions of future lives no need to rush eh? ,

    On the other hand their largely Chaosan masters and associated usurers have a only one God it is money, as for PMs they come and go and while impressive the twirling marionettes with gorgeous gongs, braids and badges the unmentionable thread to a puppet master remains unspeakable.


    It Always amazes me that a train ticket inspector has more badges , gold braid than a real war hero or navy seal, they even be described as non performing seals as their last victory was towing starving dying refugees out to to their death.

    The Director of the new HI SPEED GRAVY train will need to a big strong fellow as the sheer number of broaches medals, sashes will be a train spotters dream, and the sheer size of the bungs a drain spotters bonanza, once one realizes its not the public service, the improved infrastructure, the long term effectiveness or profit but the size of the upfront bung that sets priorities.

    From Rice scandal to Grice scandal in a decade, anyway no one can accuse them of coming too soon. By the time LOS has caught up with China, they'll be onto hydrogne or fusion powered Maglevs.

  10. On 1/14/2022 at 10:44 AM, mtls2005 said:

    is noodling around with trains?

    I am not an engineer but I believe the are huge structural issues in creating an envelope large enough for all that gravy the train contracts will offer.

    Many buffers old and new will indeed need to form highly paid and of course highly lucrative  committees, sub committees (sorry that's for the matelots) subsidiary committees etc.


    I wouldn't be surprised if visits to USA to see Amtrak best practice! , Eurostar Harrods sorry London, Louis Vuitton Paris TGV, Milan Fashion week of course , Roman Pendolinos, Japanese Bullet trains esp if mere annoys want to do a bit of "shopping" be a shame to let all those first class seats go to waste as they are being subsidized anyway.

    In meantime the tuktuk and trucks spew out fumes at the level crossing grades in Bangkok as commuter SRT trains snails its way right under a high speed track in many places liek Makkasan ad Ramkhamhaeng.


    Rather like a Dutch Auction contracts are to highest "envelope" bidder, Uncle Choo Choo does what it says on a new tin.

    • Like 1
  11. On 1/14/2022 at 6:21 PM, Conquerbrqvilok said:

    You are right I agree , but Russia also will not take long to enter Europe oh are already there indeed

    Perhaps as Chinese expand they may yet push self identifying ethnic Slavic, orthodox, white Russians towards the Atlantic?


    EU Propagada and a NATO viewpoint ovelooks since UK exit about half Europeans do not live in EU, Ukraines Russia UK Swiss etc. A brief understanding that the Urals are the border and origins and half European territory is in former Soviet bits Baltics Russia Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia , Armenia Azerbaijan etc  beyond the narrow sway of Protestant and catholic orthodoxies and Anglo-French Imperialism, Hispano-Habsburg and German meddling.


    Over 90% of Russians have always lived in the European "habitable part" Prior to the trans Siberian Railway and the port of Vladivostok/Nahodka routes probably nearer 99% more people live in Mexico City and always have than all of the Asian parts colonised in late 19th century with the advent of steam.


    There are of course people of European decent both ethnic Russians, but also Volga Germans , dispersed stetls and remnants of inter alia the 113 races, second largest Group Ukranians, others whose numbers vary due to wars, border cahnges, massacres and deportations, Trans Pontine Greeks, Lezgians,  Crimeans, Ossetians, Armenian Circasssians, Sami, Vipuri Karelians , Ingushians,, Georgians, Tatars and Cossacks deported by Soviets and Czars to what was until recently a journey of no return. The fare East was very much Russia's equivalent of the Wild West, rape pillage total disrespect for nature and traditional indigenous knowledge and cultures.



    Since end of communism most those who could get out did many Jews to USA, Germany and  Israel , "Volga Germans" mainly in Central Asia those in Kazakstan to Germany etc.Those Turkic diddidents who could escape obvioulsy went to Turkey in small numbers.

    Of course many well healed Russians are temporary migrants in addition to famous billionaires like Abramovich, London, Paris,Cyprus, Biarritz, Monaco Dubai and much of the the Gulf, New York and of course Pattaya to such types



    Tiny nomadic populations survived such as theh Finnic Mari (Cheramisa )as Finno-Ugric, Sami,  reindeer herders and other N Siberia  Altaic folks,


    Further East life was so tough they took their kayak and heat it to "warmer " options of Alaska, what is now Canada and all the way down to Tierra del Fuego, as Paul Simon sang they all come to look for America , luckily  immigration regimes did not deter, nor much else until the Europeans brought sword, fire, Slavery, Christianity, STDs and added sugar to the  Coca.


    These may help explain explains the fabric of very multi cultural Russia better than I can.







    The Alien armies on the continent of Europe  Europe have been English, Carthaginian, American , Ottoman, Almohad , Mongols a wide selection of folks telling the natives what is good for them. N ew settlers are the poor and refugees from the South and economic migrants in London from former colonies like India USA and Pakistan

  12. What is needed to go Bangkok to Chiang  Mai  for non Thai speakers who live here .

    Any recent experience?

    without phones.

    My 82 year old friend would like to visit, has always used Express sleeper which Iread is off?


    As he cannot be vaxxed for medical reasons, so won't able fly I think?

    If only the fiully vaxxed with proof written in Thai wife may have to drive up and down twice.


    I imagine airport needs a Paper Certificate or Mor Pom exepmtion,thingy which is too complex for a very nice old , somewhat forgetful guy, don't laugh it comes to us all, who finds keeping his glasses , meds and sox an effort!


    Is it same for sleeper train or Bus


    Does it have to be written in Thai though



  13. 19 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    Both the relevant statutes, Narcotics Act 2522 (1979) and the Psychotropic Substances Act 2518 (1975) cover production, distribution and use of drugs as defined (cat. 1 -5)  in those acts.


    Special exemptions have been made for the production of Cannabis, hemp, kratom. With further delineations within the cannabis designation. And some forms of cannabis (THC content less than 0.2%) and kratom can be consumed.


    Net net you can't grow or use cannabis without government approval and oversight.














    Mmm problem may be you get the munchies and just keep ordering more and more Happy Pizza.


    What could possibly go Bong? Luckily the people in charge are not dopes.

  14. 19 minutes ago, ddotmark said:

    I can image the total mayhem this is going to cause at the airport arrivals. People are going to be completely confused. How will Thailand deal with all the questions that will be asked by confused arrivals?  Will you have to buy this policy before passing through Immigration? How will you know if you need to buy this insurance or not?  Can you imagine all the arriving passengers reading an Insurance document and trying to understand all the fine print? Will one policy cover a family or will you have to have separate policies for each family member? Where will you fill out the forms for the Insurance?  So many questions...  


    Can you imagine an Airbus 380 landing, then dealing with the 540 passengers. Now add multiple flights landing about the same time with thousands of passengers. I see total confusion and mayhem at the airports. 

    I think you've uncovered a niche market 

    Like near Immi and driving Offices little shacks with locals to copy fill forms , rent a stool 

    I suggest you send a LARGE brown envelope to Bling Power , who knows a massage while you read the small print in every language. I'm sure every member staff will be able to read the pre exisitng and your next of kin in Mongol, Greek, Urdu and Cyrillic?


    Pre ATM local sim enabled be paying  with Kazak Tenge /Puntland shekels, Venezuelan trillion Bolivars , Perhaps a suitcase of Zimbabwe "currency" Chinese Kwai preferred and would you like anything for the weekend sir our special "Run over a Cop and get away free scheme", shares in Hopewell , Tobacco tin bum detector with a free  lucky Chattercome necklace?


    Welcome to Thighland everything passable, Where's the con rising  "UP TO YOU"

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 4 hours ago, RAZZELL said:

    Thanks for that.


    Is there a list of airline requirements? Eg. Thai Airways?




    I doubt it as such a dynamic situation.

    For International Flights as rules may vary at each end, I guess only way to be sure is shortly before .

    Until today you needed a test before and to be sure it was a resut in a really narrow window Test day and fly within 48 hours

    Then if clear needed to pre pay book the on arrival stuff.

    I will check with

    1 Airports 

    2 Destination Heathrow for me

    3 Airline


    At lest if flying Thai from Bangkok direct so no issue of transit in Gulf etc.


    Sorry I cannot be of more help and not sure it'll ever be clearer.

    Like most I am hoping controls will reflect lower risks/ vax and risk management.

    My main issue is the dogs breakfast returning here with constant changes , uninsurable risks and Thai interpretation of rules .

    I have deferred my next trip to Easter due to these factors. Of course a new variant could mean I cannot get in out or back, it has all the uncertainty excitement of dating with few of the benefits



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