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Posts posted by dingdongrb

  1. The event I am about to describe just happened about 60 minutes ago in Chiang Mai on Chiang Mai – Handong road. I was heading south and was just about halfway between The Central Airport Plaza mall and Big C. There was a big black (new) truck that had cut in front of me and when doing so the driver had hit my driver’s side mirror on my rental car. I immediately flashed my lights and honked my horn. I gestured for the driver to stop and pull over to which he did not. Now being an American I guess my next reaction was uncalled for but typical back in the USA, I waved at him with my middle finger. He saw this and gave me the ‘bird’ in return but also kept going.

    As I was following him and flashing my lights for him to stop he kept going. When we hit the next main intersection (inner ring road, I believe) we had a red light and both stopped, with me behind him. I placed my car in park and got out. I approached his truck and when I got next to his window he lowered it without saying a word. I was calm and polite asking him why he didn’t stop since he just hit my car. He replied that he didn’t hit my car. I told him that he knew dam_n well that he did, just as I did, my Thai wife did, and my two year old daughter in our car did. He kept denying it. I told him to get out and see the nice white looking (grey) line down the side of this truck and my mirror with the black mark from his truck. Once again he kept denying it and rolled his window back up. Since the light was about to turn green I went back to my car and drove home.

    Why am I writing this you may ask? I am writing this for a purpose. The purpose is if anyone of you out there in Chiang Mai knows of a farang that is about mid 60s looking who drives a black truck with the license: ****personal details removed***….and he appeared to be English (British) but was hard for me to tell the accent with the few words spoken, tell him the next time I meet up with him, I’m going to deliver him an A$$ whipping. I’m really not sure of the make or model of the truck.. I believe the model was something like ‘Navarone’ or ‘Navahoe’. It definitely was a newer model…Nice and clean with the exception of the stripe from my mirror down the passenger side.

    After thinking about it, I should have just reached through his widow when he rolled it down and punched his freaking lights then and there. But usually I am not the violent type, it just this guy’s attitude really pissed me off!

    Look out buddy..I’ll be keeping an eye out for you! :o:D:D:D

  2. Congrats on the new arrival..... Hopefully Mama and the little one are all healthy and doing fine...

    ....... as it's been said, 10lbs...ouch !! :D ..........I thought that scream I heard was coming all the way from 'the land down under'..... (heard it in Chiang Mai) :o




    Steven Petrosino of New Cumberland, Pennsylvania downed 1 liter of beer or 33 ounces in a chilly 1.3 seconds on June 22, 1977.



    But was it really BEER or was it dishwater like Bud?

    I think it was more of a 'piss-water' beer called Fosters.... :o

    Meanwhile some achievements by serious drinkers - Aussies!!

    One of our Prime ministers - Bob Hawke - held the world record for drinking a yard of Ale

    Key word here, "held"...Does he still hold that record and what was the time?

    One of our most favourite sportsmen - David Boon achieved much fame and notoriety for consuming 52 cans of beer on a flight from Sydney to London[9]

    Wow, that's not too bad... From my calculations that is about 1 can every 12-14 minutes.... I used to drink myself one can every 5-7 minutes while watching some American football (this is not ths sissy sport you all call 'soccer') on Sundays. But I found it much easier just to drink straight from the keg.............It's hard for me to beleive they actually served him that many beers on a single flight.

    Got anymore ridicious feats you Aussies are proud of? This time please provide better evidence other than your post scriptures...

  4. Hi everyone,

    My name is Randilynn and I am very new to this forum. Myslef and my husband and our son are planning on a move to Thailand in September of this year. We are very excited to live a new way of life... while introducing to our son that one can be happy with just the basic needs fullfilled instead of wants...wants and more wants! Something our society in British Columbia has too much of..everyone wanting bigger and better and fogetting about true happiness. I am looking for any information involving living in Chiang Mai. My brother resides in Chiang Mai and owns Miguels Cafe anyone eaten there? He will be a great help for us there but would love to hear any important information regarding a move...in any way and form. Thanks so much!



    Miguels has awesome Mexican tacos... I frequent it as often as my Thai wife allows.... I actually found it the first night I was here in CM. It is walking distance from the hotel I was in until I found a home.

  5. During Songkran the car got abused here and in Buriram and all the windows have stains which will not come off, as if etched on. Now the insurance guy has agreed for us to send the car in to sort out the bodywaor scratches etc. but he says we'd have to break the windows to get them covered !

    As this suggestion is a little drastic at this point, I am looking for other solutions. My missus is going to talk to the garage to see whether they can sort f bump up the bodywork repair costs and include the windows etc.

    I've bought quite expensive cleaners but they have near zero effect.

    The paintwork has similar problems but that can be sorted out they say.

    Anyone know if we can do anything with the windows ? At the moment, it is near dangerous to drive in the dark so they will have to go if we cannot find a solution.

    I really don't know what kind of stains you might have but I do know from my years working at a Truckstop when I was much younger the truckers would use Pepsi or Coke to remove the road grease... It might be worth a try... rather inexpensive...

  6. "Please don't forget that we are not in Manhattan.

    Can you tell us where to get a better American style pizza in Thailand? :D "

    But I was there just three weeks ago (Manhattan) and I ate a slice on just about every corner for two days straight... Surely got my fill....But now I'm back in Thailand, where's my somtom???

    Since being in CM I have only gotten PizzaHut since I can rely on the quality and know they deliver. Although I kind of get tired of them so can anyone tell me who in CM will deliver out to CM-Hangdong rd, near the Big C area?

    By the way, my all time fav pizza ever is a place in Colorado Springs, CO called Leon Gessi's Pizza.. They actually hand tossed their dough in a glass room for all to see..... Makes my mouth water just writing about it after all those years.... :o

  7. can you tell me if a thai hasn't a passport they can not stay for a night in cambodia ?

    she says she can only go for the day

    A year or so ago, they changed the rules where a Thai did need a pasport in order to cross over into Cambodia even for the day. I found this out when my wife, in-laws, and I were going there just for the day. They would have let me in (visa cost of course) and my wife in because she held a passport, but they would not allow her parents since all they had were Thai IDs.... So we didn't go.... Whether they have changed the law since then, which they may have when they have come to realize they were loosing money from the Thais not crossing the border anymore for their gambling trips, I don't know. It could be a possibilty.

  8. I have a place in Prasat because that is where I am planning to retire in 4 to 5 years from now. I chose there because that is where my wife is from and her family currently lives there. It is nice, quiet, and inexpensive.

    However in answering your question the best thing I found to do there was to get a case (or two) of beer and watch the rice grow.....

    NOTE: I am sure you can tell what my past time will be once I do retire.... :o


  9. I was looking At the bangkok post and found the following article


    I think that is not a bad idea, to prevent people from converting their rice, food farms to generate more bio-fuels. I feel it is a step in the right direction. as long as it does not come on the account of old jungle trees, and rainforests

    does anyone have a clue where those lands will be?

    and if you stay on the land for so many years will it be given to the farmers?

    If I read it correctly it was 20 baht per rai.....but in plots of over 1000 rai each....

  10. I would agree with the comment that it may be illegal to avoid taxes in both countries. This is tied up in the same endless debate we have here about telecommuter status, but the US foreign-earned income exclusion only applies to (wait for it)... foreign-earned income. You are making a declaration to the IRS with form 2555 that you have not told the other country (or countries) that your earnings are not subject to their tax. So, to have excluded income by IRS standards would require that the income be taxed in another country, in my opinion. I would not want to risk an audit situation or back-taxes if I fell in the gray area!

    Wait a minute, you think 'foreign income' means 'baht'??? I get paid in USD, not Thai baht and it is direct deposited into my US Bank. Since I do not get paid Thai baht, I have no earned income for Thailand. Otherwise I would have to pay Thai taxes. I have a reliable CPA that has been doing my taxes for me each year since I have moved overseas. She has signed on the dotted line just as I have and is willing to 'go to bat' with me if I ever would happen to be audited. She has been doing taxes for over 30 years and for many expats so I am sure she is fully aware of the tax laws. By the way, 'foreign earned income' refers to any monies (US or foreign) made while working outside of the USA. Mind you there are other restrictions that must be met before you can use the foreign income form.. (i.e. residing outside the USA for 330 or more of the year)

    Due to our experiences with disappearing mail in Bangkok, I use a family member's home address as a permanent address for US-based financial correspondence, but when I speak to the bank staff I tell them I am living abroad but using this for reliable mail forwarding. They have been pleased with this, as they really only want a mail destination where they can legally deliver notices related to accounts etc. I've also found that my banks are happy with high-quality scan/print copies of documents and signature pages, so I can get my family to scan forms and upload them for me, and I can scan and download a signed copy and print at their house, to be popped in local mail to banks. This helps get fast turnaround times on some forms of paperwork... I agree I would never trust the Thai mail system, if that is what you want to call it. I sort of do as you do except I do not rely on others for assistance. I recieve a document via email (or downlaod it from a website), print it, sign it, scan the signed copy, and then email it back to them. This has work more times than I would rather count.

    I got a Thai driver's license when I moved here, so I use my passport number in lieu of a driver's license when opening new US accounts etc. I've even opened online accounts just specifying "US Passport 12345..." in the field where they want a driver's license number. If possible, I select "other" ID type on forms and enter the same information. I have already pointed out in a previous post on why I feel there is no need in obtaining a Thai drivers license.

    On the advice of a tax-preparer, I also use my US permanent address in the address block on my tax returns, but I use my real Thai address on my form 2555 copy, and claim the bona-fide residence test since my first full year here. I filed a state return once for the first year abroad, when I severed my residence and had to pay partial-year residence taxes.I have always used my foreign address when sending in my tax returns. Why would I want to perjure myself and say my address is in the USA, even though I still have property there? Yes, the first year I lived overseas I had to pay partial state taxes as well since I was not out of the country the entire year.

    The one thing that annoys is the FVAP rule: I have to keep registering to vote via my last residence address in California, rather than being able to consolidate all addresses and use my permanent address. I don't like the fact that some random voter-related mailings might wind up going to that address and into the hands of strangers.

  11. As long as you are not in the US more than 35 days a year, it is pretty much a slam dunk on getting the exemption...So for the Thai government, they probably say they are not working in Thailand, and for the US government, they say they are working in Thailand.

    Isn't this illegal? You just told the US on your tax form you are a resident of Thailand to avoid taxes. But you aren't paying the taxes in Thailand. There is no free lunch--you have to pay tax in one or the other on this money or hope you don't get caught. If the US shares information with Thailand, it is probably a matter of time until you get caught. Please correct me if I am wrong as this is my understanding.

    Nope not illegal at all... By the way, do you really think that the USA (IRS) is going to allow LOS to tap into their mainframes? I mean look how many years it actually took for the various states in the USA to allow each of the DVM (Divison of Motor Vehicles) offices to share information.... And I would speculate that MADD had a lot to do with it.

    I have been living in LOS and China and have been tax exempt from everyone for the past 3 years and loving it! Now if only my boss would give me a raise to make my salary above the $85k line, I would glad to pay SOME taxes. :o

  12. Like others, keep a virtual mailing address and phone number in the U.S., principally for financial institutions purposes. All my financial institutions and mortgage company have my Thai address. I figure since I do all my banking and bill paying online, as well as receive statements, why do I need a USA address. They don't seem to mind other than some of their systems are not able to accept it. Oh well, that's their problem.

    I'm using something called MagicJack, a plug-in USB device, that gives me a dialable U.S. area code number here on my PC, and it includes unlimited free calls from overseas back to any # in U.S. or Canada. Why bother with another gizmo when Skype is virtually free?

    Have a mail forwarding service that sends all my mostly bank mail every month via Fed Ex or DHL. Again, why not do all your banking totally online?

    Also keep a CA driver's license and use it to annually get a new international driving permit from AAA, in case I need to use it here occasionally. Yes, my Colorado license is still good for another 6 years. I did get a AAA International license when I left a few years back but I thought to myself, I would be crazy to get another one. I have been stopped numerous times in LOS driving. Only once did they ask for my license. I then showed them my CO one and they, along with the others that stopped me and asked for none, let me go once I gladly handed them 100 baht or so...

    Re-registered to vote when I relocated... Looking forward to voting in the Nov. general election.

    One other note to add, the IRS tax empemtion rule only applies as long as you are out of the USA 330 days each year. So watch how long those trips back home are for, it may cost you some serious $$$

  13. I have used PayPal now for probably 7 years or more. I have never had a problem with them. Actually I use PP to add $$$ to my Skype account. It has been quick and effective.

    I opened my PayPal account from the USA, as I mentioned years ago. I did, at that time link one of my credit cards to them to open it up. However since that time I have closed that credit card account.

    About 2 years ago while living in China PayPal had emailed me wanting some verification of my physical address, suggest as everyone on here has been stating (i.e. Utility bill, phone bill, etc.) I called them immediately explaining that I was no longer living in the USA and would this be a problem with continuing my account with them. They said it would be no problem and said that would indicate in their records that I was living overseas.

    I have heard horror stories of PP freezing accounts and others that have had issues. But personally, as I have stated, I am completely satisfied (fingers crossed).......

    Just another note... I have had individuals add money to my account as well as me buying items online using it, all with not a hiccup...

  14. Did you use ricotta cheese?.....thats my favorite part of lasagna....ricotta mixed with a little chopped basil.

    Gerd, now I'm hungry.....looks like pumpuiman is going shopping.

    I'll be eating lasagna for a week.

    I find that ricotta cheese will tend to make the lasagna dry... I suggest trying cottage cheese and compare the results.. I perfer cottage cheese over ricotta since trying it years ago... (Note: Use the small curd)

  15. Recieved my "O" visa in April.

    1) we had a thai certificate, you can get that easily just by registering to get married in Thailand. If you use your US one, you will need to get it translated and noterized etc.

    2) You can convert your B to O without leaving Thailand. The initial O will give you 3 months to get your papers in order to apply.


    1) marriage certificate

    2) Pictures (required) showing you and your mrs in domestic bliss.

    3) bank statements showing money in the bank

    4) bank statement showing money coming in monthly B$40k.

    *Note* on 3+4, when we were there we talked to the new head and she said she wanted to change these to either total $$ ina Thai bank account or B40k monthly income only.

    4.1) if you are transfering the B$40k into wife's account you need tax receipts. (just go to tax department and say she sells jewelry on the side)

    4) Takes 1 month. (not counting the hours you might have to wait at immigration)

    5) Interview may be required (we didnt have one as we were married over a year b4 applying)

    6) Wife will have to provide all her docs (photocopies, signed). The bluebook, id, bank books etc. You, copies of passport, bank book, pic of yourself.

    8) If you have property, show them the ownership papers.

    7) Smile and be polite. The officials can be very helpful. They walked us through the process, allowed me to run repeatedly across the street to get photocopies and gave us extentions when we were missing docs.

    OR you can pay a lawyer to sort everything out for you, only B$20k

    Thanks for everyone's replies I really appreciate the time you took.

  16. Dear Googler,

    I can see that you have a reading and comprehension problem with this forum topic.

    Try this:

    Line 3 says,

    Quote "BTW, what is your other nic on this forum and why have two nics, ashamed about something?"

    Now, go and stand in the "Naughty Corner"

    One more question: Why do you want to kick someone who is down?

    Note; just to help you, that Q was on the 7th line!

    Quite honestly; You are behaving like a Troll.

    Lao is correct.

    Good riddance to you.

    I don't mind Googler's inputs. I find it rather amusing how all the past details that were found online were very minor and not relevant to the accused case.....And OJ was found not to be guilty too...... does that mean the press stopped 'hounding' him?

    By the way, we all, including myself are hiding behind 'handles' (i.e. "nic"), isn't this correct?

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