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Posts posted by Zeid

  1. I am not dure why but thais that i have been around have not considered me as a falang, not sure what the reason is. i guess due to my ethnic mixed background.

    but they have all told me that they find it amusing how falangs can sit down and discuss a trail of ants for half a day.

  2. i actually just dismantle my 964liter fish tank.

    and if you have problems with your fish other than the fish being ad the water quality is important though if your talking about gold fish that is ............

    anyway the best way i found out to put some tiger barbs if they start swimming nose down you know the nitrate level is going high, and other fish is a red tail shark if the colours fade away then the water chemisrty is wrong, if fish starting going to the surface then no O2.

    best of luck

  3. i guess when saying a joke it all depends how a person says int in a sarcastic way, degrading way, or just for fun,

    i believe that this, is the distinguish, people must make as it does not matter in what language you speak, the receiver can always detect bad sarcasms.

  4. Lovely dog, but I'd get it on a diet. Carrying too much weight is as bad for dogs as humans.

    Now, I really must start my diet!

    is so right. Suprised nobody mentioned it before. If you want that dog to live a normal life span & not go off its legs, its diet/exersize regime needs to be seriously readjusted. Now!

    Over feeding and fattening a dog up like that is cruel.

    No damned wonder it farts with the rich diet. So would you!

    you talking of experience?

  5. the pug looked sad in her big fat picture because i refused at that day to give of what i was eating, and yes i agree that she is super fat but as i said earlier my mother-in-law keeps feeding her. but in general she is not sad when she gets her food, she loves going to the farm and playing, but do nto mess with her food,

    Kabo, that is his name the dane/lab. when i wated to move to thailand i gave him to a friend of ours he has a 10,000sqm land with two german sheperds so he went there enjoyed his country life and made 10 pups

  6. nice girl yougot there,

    i wish mine will not explode soon,

    before moving to thailand i had a dog as you see that is half great dane half lab, and he was the best but had a week bladder, his ears for all you wondering has always been like that. and he loved my maccaw.

    oh Kabo the dog woudl nto sleep unless he sleeps with me, on the same bed or couch, and if i even came back home late, he will not let me pet him for the next day, strange some times dogs get so human like dont you agree?





  7. thanks

    the best time it was seeing her start growling at my bangkaew (may he rest in peace)

    when ever we gave themdental sticks she will go crazy in eth begining he never understood what they where for, but after seeing her chew it all teh way in then vomet it out he started liking them.

    she used to go hide hers and then try to get his, that is apic of both of them.



  8. well katrina if it makes you happy i am also what you can call an annoying mix. and americans worst night mare

    i am half arab half russian * the evil empires

    i lived in germany

    studdied in the USA aviation and i fly oops

    i am a moslem that when ever i eat bacon or drink people ask me but you said your a moslem and i go yep never said a good moslem, so that annoys the rest of my arabic moslem family.

    ooh and i have a thai wife.

    and i do not look like an arab

    hmm s**t i annoy everyone dont I?

  9. post-46487-1183820487_thumb.jpgwell this is my farting snorting pug called khaopod(corn) she is now almost 2.5 years the sweetest dog but very very ..... fat i guess as you see from teh picture, she hates the ducks and other dogs in ethstreet if they get inside teh house, especially the ducks, i am not sure what it is with ducks but she hates them,

    and my mother in law thinks teh best food for a pug is a stick of chicken liver with sticky rice.

    i guess the last thing i have to say about her is that she has this small snoopy that she always like to excercise with, but never ever with another male pug or anything actually.

    well that is her picture and she also has a very nice mark on her back. can you see it?






  10. GOAT as PETs

    I have a few male goats who have been spared from the butchery. I would be happy to give them away FREE to anyone who has a rai of land and is prepared to take care of them AND who promises not to send them to slaughter.

    Location: a bit north of Pattaya.

    I have a few female goats who would be good pets also (lovely disposition, lively characters, gluttons for affection). Would sell them for a nominal fee to pet lovers with suitable properties (at least one rai of land fenced off).

    Please note that these photos are representative of our goats. They are not necessarily the ones on offer.

    GOATS i am glad i am not the only one thinking of getting oats to thailand, do they sell them there?

    what kind of goats are they the ones i am planing to get are called syrian goats and they producse quite a bit of milk.

  11. i think Americans are the worst tourist. candaians do their best to learn about other cultures but americans not really, now i am generalizing i am sorry but this is a fact.

    they will go to thailand because it is thailand i guess. but how many actually went back home and learned a little about thailand or that kap is for male and ka is for female.

    they are noisy it is like look i am an american, but they are better than the british in bangla road.... coming to think of it none are better than others in bangla road you got the arabs drunk and having sex and then they gather themselves for the morning prayer, or when it comes to eat food they will not because it is not Halal.

    anyway not to make this apolitical racial issue, but i belive americans are somewhyart in their own bubble.

  12. i beg the difference hooters girls have always allowed touching after hours that is :o

    yummy chicken wiings

    best ones i have been is the one in church ctreet orlando,

    and the worst one was lachstein i guess the city next to grindlewald in switzerland where the trains break.

    but i yet have to go to an asian hooters that would be heaven


    i had to write it in big maybe to grab some attention, even though i am not on good terms with my country i still have to give Petra the right of way on the 7 wonders why?

    it is a city carved in stone all by hand by the nipties, and when the romanians tried conquering it they could not because teh seek that is about 3km long is teh only passage into petra and it only fits a few people side by side so no army could go in.

    now teh source of water was magnificent on the side of the side of the seek you will see little canals that used to get the water to teh city, and there was also another well in eth back of the city, anyway after many months the romans figuered it out and cut the water off and then it fell down, so now it combines the original working of king rebel and teh roman architecture.

    there are a few pics of when my wife was there. her first time ever on a camel and a horse.



    and many more on google and indaina joans has filmed there Last crusade

    if any are interested to see the lines of the carvings i have soem detailed picture that show that. also that last pis is to show teh structure of the stone.




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