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Posts posted by robsamui

  1. 3 hours ago, stoner said:


    next time call his bluff. tell him yes lets go station do real ticket. good chance he will not want to waste that time as he could be working others and not taking you to the station for a long bla bla bla session.

    A few years back I was pulled over on my bike - and refused to pay the spot fine. After a minute or two grumpy threats the officer said 'follow me' and sped off leaving me sitting there. So I waited . . . and waited . . . and then carried on home.

  2. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    They didn't live through it or were taught about the real atrocities at school... 

    Joking about it is all they know.

    All they're taught about 'history' in school is ancient Thai history - they're not taught anything about the world outside, including WWII, nor about the whole morning that it took for the Thais to surrender to the Japanese. (And that was only because, as soon as the Japanese aircraft attacked, the Thai PM  at the time disappeared and couldn't be found for three hours . . . )

    • Like 2
  3. It all seems to be an ongoing hook to hang the poor and (deliberately) under-educated peasants on. Thailand is the only country I've heard about where banks will lend you the money to buy a house as long as you first lodge the equivalent amount of money with them. Then they will use it to buy the house, charge you interest on the loan, and then allow you to pay in monthly instalments.


    And before I get hammered - I know that's simplified and not (quite) accurate - but, in essence, it's what it amounts to . . . unless you can find a farang to act as guarantor . . . but, fortunately, I've never had much luck with that.

  4. 7 hours ago, geminiman said:


    I received my 10g plus 5g sample this week too. Here my take.


     The Good;

      -They accept COD.

      -Delivered in 2 days.

      -Delivered by Thai Post ( where I live Thai Post is good, cheap couriers are a nightmare).

      -The price. At a little more than 15 baht a gram, this is what this topic is all about.


     The Bad;

      -These are the smallest buds I have ever seen trimmed. In my growing days I would have thrown any bud this small on the hash pile.


     The Worst;

      This is not Cherry White. Cherry White is a sativa with a potential of  22% - 26% THC. This is more likely Cherry Wine a CBD strain with 14% CBD and 4% - 7%     THC. If your looking to get *******, this isn't going to do it.






    This is not Cherry White. Cherry White is a sativa with a potential of  22% - 26% THC. This is more likely Cherry Wine a CBD strain with 14% CBD and 4% - 7%     THC. If your looking to get *******, this isn't going to do it.

    Thanks for straightening this out - my order of cherry wossit came yesterday and I've been sucking at it until my eyes are bulging and nothing much is happening (apart frm the eye thing).


    A couple of people here have waxed poetic about how good it is, so there was me thinking that my stone buds must be jaded, faded and degraded. Iffin I plug the chamber of my vaper full full full and tamp it down with a tampy-thing then I eventually get a pleasantly-functional silly smile going, after my second refill.


    (It's also as dry as a bone and isn't cured properly, smelling unpleasantly of cut grass.)


    But it was the astonishing price of 450 baht for 20g (plus 5g free) - 18 baht a gramme. (It's actually even cheaper to buy 10g with 5 free!). You just gotta climb into two-or-three chambers (or spliffs) to get your head re-adjusted, that's all.


  5. On 3/18/2023 at 1:50 PM, OG Thai said:

    Not available for viewing at the moment, this is one of our partners facilities.

    As for COA, we are working on it but have hit a snag (we should have them soon).

    When we release COA's we want it to be connected to WEED.in.th as a nation-wide verification system without disclosing the farm. Offering the two options:

    1. Have a product tested in an affordable way, and obtain a COA with the testers name (will be linked to farm on or end, which ensures that it is legal)
    2. Have a existing farms COA verified under your shops name.

    This has been one of the biggest reasons why we were unable to get more shops to list COA's, as no one wants to share their secret sauce, and its tough for shops to pay for testing.


    Most that do share them at the moment are growing all in-house, or testing themselves.


    There is a need for a 3rd party verification system as many of the hundreds of COA's that we have looked at are unverifiable. Also a decent amount were actually photoshopped (to either fake results, or just save money). 

    Also a side-note

    The main point of OG Thai is to establish platforms, and systems for the future of cannabis in Thailand. Once the laws are more clear (banking, logistics, laws, ...) it is highly likely that OG will recede into wholesale-only, as a B2B focused entity. By that time we hope that the future of online sales is much more clear, and we can support the whole ecosystem.

    Until this is possible we will remain as B2C.

    What is C.O.A? Sounds like a Murican thing.
    How is it different to Cash on Delivery - COD? (Which I use all the time).

  6. On 3/10/2023 at 5:15 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    Your hilarious. You better do some research on the new LTR visas issued by the BOI.  Lists of requirements and proof needed can be found on the website, no fudging to be done or its denied. No paying until approved. 50k Thb for a 10 year visa.

    Ahem! One other condition:
    "High earners must have proof of personal income of at least USD 80,000 annually at the time of application."

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 8 hours ago, jesimps said:

    It's just that here corruption is a way of life and mostly a blind eye is turned to it, whereas in the west, it's much better policed.

    I came to Thailand to live and work in 1997 - and the very first headline I read was a public outcry against the corruption at the airport and the docks. It seemed that the public were taking a stand against the indemic corruption.


    But then, reading further, this was not the case at all.


    The outcry was about the amount of the bribes - it was far more expensive to pay-off the officials at the airport than it was at the docks, and the Thai public were furious about this - they demanded that the bribes ought to be the same in both places.


    This is Thailand. Nothing much chages. 







    • Like 1
  8. On 2/27/2023 at 7:35 PM, OG Thai said:

    This is why we made WEED.in.th, you can search for an exact strain for example Bruce Banner, Amnesia.

    We will have advanced search soon where you can use may filters to find specific things nearby.

    Hmm - if you want to spend up to 1,000 baht a gram it seems an excellent search site.  

    A quick scan through shows nothing much listed under 600B/gm - more expensive than Europe.


    "We also have witnessed a lot of the new farms struggling to produce quality product across the board resulting in markups of their top grade flower in order to recoup the losses on the rest of their harvest."


     . . . in other words, many new growers have really messed up their grows and are putting prices up to try and get some $$ back. So much for " . . . prices will soon come down when all those hundreds of farms put their stuff on the market."



    I can't afford to support these people - my pension's too small.

    • Like 1
  9. I am fairly certain that - I read somewhere recently . . . don't ask me where - that there's a clear distinction between e-cigarettes which contain liquid (of vatious types) and medicinal vaporisers for dry herb.


    I'm not being dogmatic or banging a drum here - but the two types of devces are quite different in nature, so it seems logical to distinuish between two different things used for different reasons and in different ways.


    But, being in Thailand, a vape is a vape is a vape is a vape . . . so I wouldn't want to argue the point with anyone wearing a skin-tight brown catsuit.



    • Like 1
  10. STONER!
    Please use the 'quote' option when you reply (re the 'not trying to be rude' post) - reading what you wrote, right below my post, I went and hacked off a smaller cola , put on my safari suit and went hunting for small animals. ????

    As it happens I wasn't too worried as I'd just looked at it under the microscope (B4 I saw your reply) and the trikes were just turning to a mix of mostly cloudy with some amber. Not all fully cloudy (about 25% still clear) but still almost-ready-enough for me to risk a much closer look via invasive surgery . . . and no sign of bud rot either, anywhere. ????

    The lower buds are still cooking, so I reckon another week to 10 days. before it's pulled . . . a big difference between these and the ones I posted 5 days back.



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