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Everything posted by robsamui

  1. Is the buffoon even aware that there are more nations out there than Thailand and the USA?
  3. Oh but doesn't arrogance come before a fall! Thailand has always been so unbearably smug about its own self importance - even the children every day in school chant how wonderful the Thai nation is and that its the "biggest and best" nation in the world. And, being the biggest and best nation in the world, of course everyone wants to go there. And because its such an important nation, Thailand can create dozens of stern and complex immigration rules and regulations because this is a sign of a nation's status. Until one day they wake up to realise that all their self-important posing and posturing and red tape, and Mickey Mouse uniforms with gold braid and rows of gaudy medals are not seen by the rest of the world as impressive at all. It's all rather childish, really. And the overall hassles to visit the "biggest and best nation in the world" just can't compare to how much easier it is to go somewhere else instead. When will Thailand ever understand that it's not a question of hunting hopefully for the right demographic of wealthy tourist - but that it's Thailand itself which needs to change.
  4. They're proudly advertising this as a "foreign species". I'd love to know where it comes from - Laos? Cambodia?
  5. Just checked - really friendly guy - yes, fine with soil media.
  6. Great stuff! But can it be used with soil, or is it for hydro?
  7. . . . shouldn't there be a "please" in there somewhere ?????
  8. "Now that we let households grow their own cannabis, how can we guarantee that youngsters won't pick the plants and brew an addictive cocktail out of them?" he said. I'm delighted to know that the committee, as usual, is filled with experts.
  9. Well, they won't be growing anything - they'll be supplementing the natural daylight - that's the whole point. ????
  10. Four lights - with the middle part the furthest away from the lights - how can it be the strongest? And it's not a tent.
  11. Have you tried lugging a 12-inch plant pot full of plant and wet/moist soil? Nine plants, twice a day? I've got exactly the same idea - but think I've resolved it by puttng everything in a small plastic greenhouse. (In my case I'm tying it first in a half-size greenhouse - 1 metre high - using autoflowers which only get to about 2 ft or so . . . ) For you, a 2-metre high greenhouse will allow you room for 7 12-inch pots with a central walk-space. This one is just under 2,000B with shipping, but it has the clear plastic which the cheaper ones don't have. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kerry-pe-uv-143-x-143-x-195-cm-greenhouse-pe-i2565037542-s9130340113.html? What I THINK might be the best lights for this setup I have ordered and are arriving any day soon. Youll need three, as shown in my plan - 1 x 1,250 and 2 x 1,080 (inc post). https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3838411038-s14635581025.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1 For this to work the plants must get between 4 and 6 hours a day sunlight - the rest will be coming from the lamps - if you run them at night then you don't need high-wattage lamps to make up the DLI that the plants need. (But if you are growing ordinary photoperiodic (ie non-auto) then take care to not let them get any darkness - if they get less than 12 hours light they'll start to flower.) The other thing I've discovered is that the advertised wattage and the actual power consumption is miles apart - my present "250 watt" lamps are actuallu using 50 watts between the 2 of them - so I shouldn't worry too much about the electricity cost. (I'm using 280 baht per month - your set-up will be probably double that.) (You'll also need to site the greenhouse against a wall - so that you can firmly attach it with screws and fittings - mine's survived howling gales . . .) But hang on for a bit until I can report about the new lights I'm getting . . .
  12. Hell but those ready-made soils are pricy compared to making-up your own. I suppose if you were honing your grow to perfection it might be desirable - but would it really make that much difference compared to using a soil mix like mine? Thanks so much for the links - Lazada's search engine is probably the most bizarre and inconsistent I've ever come across (maybe because of the translation problem?) but your links spin off into all sorts of additional nutes and additives and goodies that I never came across when I was hunting to make my soil mix - a great little nest of bookmarks! (Particularly the Maxi-Gro.) I've got 25 Jack Herer Auto seeds on their way (for a grow in the new year) so I'll then be correcting all the mistakes I make this time around! Thanks again.
  13. Does this mean that you are vegging them indoors then moving them outside? Why do you need to move them? How many plants? What sort of space are they taking up? I've recently bought 3 lots of cheap lights - two of them are quite good . . .
  14. You need to think of me as somebody's granddad, pottering around in his allotment in his retirement - the main difference being that I'm not growing tomatos. I don't know much but am keen to learn. I've just started a new grow with the aim of correcting mistakes made in the past and also trying a few new things. I've currently got 6 seedlings, a week old. This time around I'm trying using a small greenhouse, with the lower light levels at this time of year supplemented by LED lighting - I'm hoping that this both boosts any low daylight levels and also allows for a 18/6 approach. So, no I'm not having any problems with this grow (yet!). But, now there's no ban on discussing cannabis, I'm grateful for knowledgable advice to make sure that as little goes wrong as possible, right from the start (big cheesy grin). "The trace elements are pretty low. I'm not seeing any calcium and almost no magnesium so if it was me I would probably use a Calmag product with it." I've not even got on to considering supplements - could you give some pointers as to what this is and where I can get it? A link would be useful . . . "You soil mix is semi-hot so it has some nutrients but is not fully loaded like many of the Thai mixes." I didn't realise you could buy ready-made soil mixes. Again, can you give me a pointer to the kind of thing to look for? (Or did you mean that a lot of the Thais go OTT in making their own mixes?) Thanks once again for your patience.
  15. How are you measuring that DLI as it's very high and normally associated with supplemental Co2 - do you have a reliable PAR meter? Sorry for the slipped acronym - should have said that it's a max/up to 60 PAR - 4.5 DLI/20 hours.. I'm using the phone app Photone, which seems to be very reliable according to the YouTube reviews. Can you post the model number of the lights? Chuckle - China special - 2x 256 LED 250W tri-light panels, adjustable for blue or red bias. For the nutrient strength it's all about the soil you are using, do you have a link to the product? A mix of 4 parts potting soil + 1 part coir + 1 part perlite + 1 part worm cast plus ¼ part bonemeal + ¼ part guano. It seems quite a rich mix, so I've germinated the seedlings in expandable plugs. I've added a top layer of about 2-3 inches of potting compost on top of the soil mix and bedded the plug into this so that the roots can gradually grow down into the nutriments. I'm thinking that supplemental nourishment should be low - maybe a quarter strength, especially if I use the WESCO 30-20-10? (I've found a bloom booster at 0-12-11, so that end of it is OK.) Any ideas??
  16. Ouch! I'm uncomfy with the very high phosphorus level in the Wesco 0-52-34. Managed to find this instead - much milder at 0-12-11! https://www.lazada.co.th/products/new-size-nutra-hydroponics-nutrabooster-250ml-bottle-compare-to-flower-fuel-general-hydroponics-fox-farm-dwc-i4029111363-s15652250791.html?
  17. Thanks - it's a pain in the bum having to mix up 150 litres of soil mix with six ingredients, so I might well get some of this for my New Year Grow. It'll be interesting to compare the results.
  18. Hi Tom - thanks for the detailed reply. I'm a veteran smoker but a novice grower - I've run two grows in Tland, both times in a light tent gowing in a soil mix, and both times chickened out! When they were in flower, even in a closed tent indoors, you could smell it from outside up to 80 yards away downwind. But happily times have now changed and (unless I really P somebody off) nobody's gonna bother with one elderly pensioner growing 6 or 7 plants. I looked at the links you sent and they were perfect - cheap and formulated near enough - thanks for the pointers. But . . . I'm doing a sol grow in 15 ltr (4 gallon) pots. In a small greenhouse with supplementary lighting (due to getting close to the end of the year). Perhaps I simply don't need added nutrients? It's a good soil mix, with worm cast, guano and bone meal in there. The LED lights are strong enough to provide approx 60 DLI for 6 plants. and I can switch between a blue or red balance. Should I need added nutrients? If so, can I use the solutions you mentioned from Accent Hydroponics? (They'd probably need duluting to perhaps ¼ strength?). What's your thoughts on this?
  19. I rather think this might be the result of the strict pyramid system of authority in Thailand - the boss tells the underlings what to do and it's passed down the chain . . . no discussion, no leeway, JUST DO IT. So if the boss decides that tiny little formulations (ie 4:2:3) aren't grand enough or impressive enough numbers and insists on bigger ones (even though he has no idea what he's talking about) then that's the way it is and it becomes thwe law of the land. I had no idea that "20 or more" was the Thai way - explains a lot, particularly about the bigger numbers. It reminds me abut the time I was advised to never let a Thai guy put air in my car tyres - he'll pump them up to 90 psi so that it'll last three times longer. I can imagine that a "wonder grow" bottle of grow juice with 50-0-0 will sell more than what's actually needed at 8-2-2 . . . if they were allowed to sell it at this strength . . . madness indeed.
  20. All the fertilisers geared to growing weed are selling for silly high prices as they seem to be imported. Anyone found a local source? The Thais are notorious for not using the NPL convention on their packaging. instead preferring exaggerated claims that bring to mind a traveling snake oil seller. Also they have the idea that bigger and more is better – so most of their stuff seems to be 45:0:0 rather than a gentle ratio of 4:2:3. I’m looking for liquid concentrates of as close to these ratios as possible - 4:2:3 and 2:8:4: - or close. Can anyone help? Photos of the label or a live link would be appreciated ????
  21. The prices on the menu are puzzling me - whar currency are they in? "Cherry Pie 890 " - 890 what - Aus$ 8,90? Or did someone translate it to baht ???? (Or is the menu a Thai menu and not an Aussie one??)
  22. So many different strains all with the same name - confusing bc some are the same, some different, and some Thai peeps are using farang names but for a different product. Here's a version of Gorilla Glue which I'm very pleased with. 120b a gm from here https://www.facebook.com/ใบเขียวฟาร์ม-1355454881259024/ Cash on delivery, free postage. Soft popcorn-sides buds with lots of trichomes, very light in weight but moist and sticky, with a mild smell. I did 2 skinny kingsize rolls using about ½ gm between the two. Pleasant buzz, senses heightened, very smiley, Lasted about 4 hours with the two smokes.
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