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Posts posted by DamianMavis

  1. for free of course.

    Didnt apple just say that a firmware update would cost 20 USD ?? Or was that the touch ?? If I had purchased one I would think that was a bit cheeky !! Also no one really knows how firmware updates will work out with hacked phones..

    No firmware updates dont cost money hehe, nice try! BUT ipod TOUCH users of the older models will have to pay $20 for the apps that the iphone already has included, the update for them is free, but if they want some extra functions of the touch that make it more similar to an iphone it costs money.

    I know exactly how firmware updates work with hacked phones, they work flawlessly, you have to reset the phone to locked, then update, then unlock it at the new firmware setting.

    As to SMS's being sub par.. As you already said.. forwarding (lack of).. MMS (lack of)..

    I said quite clearly that it DOES have full sms capabilities (forwarding and multiple recipients), you just need to take 10 SECONDS to add the function to your phone with the poke of your finger 3 times. However you can currently only SEND MMS but the receive function will be available soon.

    Also the one I played with had some crappy system where it didnt internationalize numbers so incoming calls would not recognize the phone book entry even though the number was in the phone.. Badly thought out simple elements like that made me think it was a bit basic in its implementation.. Of course it is apples first stab.

    Got me there, I dont get international calls and am too lazy right now to go goolge it! heh

    Some things about the UI are glorious.. I am certainly no apple hater.. But I didnt come away sold on it for myself.

    As to the camera.. Its poor !! I mean wheres the flash !!! Look at any of the LG 5mp / SE models from 3.2 up.. All beat it like a red headed stepchild in this respect.

    Ya no flash does suck, but the picture quality seems great to me, not compared to an actual digital camera of course but its clearer than any other phone Ive had, but Im not a phone camera guy, thats just a bonus for me.

    By the way Im no apple fan, I have never owned any other apple product in my life, other than ipods. But when I wait 10 seconds for apps to load on my o2 pda's or Samsung smartphone and struggle to look at photos, video and play music and then do all that seemlessly and smoothly with no lag or loading times on my iphone... well I realised Iphone is a phone from the future and using anything else now would give me a headache.


  2. When the its pda software improves I presume I'll be able to just download it online ? In the meantime does its pda have the basic contacts (with the same detail as the ibook), memo/notes, calendar/appointments functions?

    Iphone is made by apple so it should be even easier to use for mac users, its fine on pc. You can download programs straight from the iphone, unlocked phones (the ones usable in Thailand) all have the installer program on your main screen. You connect to the internet and click the installer, it brings you to a page with a long list of programs all free to download, some of them are MUST HAVES, others are just for fun. Its very simple and fast to install these programs, my grandmother could do it with one hand tied behind her back. The pda functions are great, contacts sync with mac or pc outlook contacts, same with calendar and all that.

    Will the unlocked iphone pose problems for me vs the legit ones - when the latter arrive - for exmple with future improved software?

    The only problem with the unlocked iphones is you have to NOT upgrade the firmware until they have learned to unlock the new firmware. This is only an issue if the new firmware upgrade has something really kool and new that you really want. If so then you have to be patient and wait for some smart guy to unlock that firmware, then you can upgrade and reunlock it. But the firmwares will always eventually be unlocked and you can get the new software.

    Sorry if these questions are naive or partially non sensical - I am not technically minded in these areas.


  3. I used an o2 xda 2 pda phone for 3 years and loved it, because that was all I knew... now I have an iphone and cant imagine using anything else... its fast and fluid while the pda is choppy and sluggish and slow. I do like the variety of pda programs but iphone keeps coming out with new programs EVERY DAY. NOTHING beats the ipod music, photo and video functions of the iphone, NOTHING, and it is also the best internet browser phone on the market right now, VERY easy to use and navigate and simple to move from up to 8 open pages at once. At first typing seemed more difficult, but after one week I was wipping through text no problem.


  4. Hmm...well, so are you saying that every girl who goes away from her boyfriend for a a month or so should immediatly become suspicious and assume that he is cheating?

    YES. Boys will be boys.

    My Thai husband always gives me all the money from our small business and even when I am in Uk he sends me money :o

    Sending money to keep you sweet darling, pound to a penny he has a bit on the side whilst you are away.

    i always like to giveadvice when one is supicious wot they got is a real partner. tell the thai gurl or boy you havung financial difficulties and the moeny will cease flowing freely and that they will have to get a job. what they do will give you the answer you dont want to hear.

    people always say it aint about the money. the one saying this usually has money. for the one that doesnt have money it is in many cases about the money.

    Apologies for the above, I couldn't resist.

    Blizzard has a good point here. I am 35 yo and have lived here for nearly 2 years. I met my g/f about 18 mnths ago and she has been well provided for. She does not work, and I do not want her to. I would rather have her company for 24 hrs a day, than she work for 10 hrs a day for peanuts. I have never left her alone in that time btw.

    Then came the time that I ran out of ready cash and had to free up some assets in the UK (property, long term investments). I explained this to her, and told her I was skint. Then her savings account materialised, and over the 2 months I was penniless borrowed her entire savings (200k). She had not a scrap of evidence of my assets in the UK, but freely gave all that she had, and had saved for years to build. This has now been replaced btw.

    I have never had a g/f in the UK offer her life savings in times of need, and whilst I was a bit suspicious of her at first (reading all the doom-mongerers on here), I now trust her more than any woman I have ever met.

    I did not do this as a test, I genuinely mis-calculated how much physical cash I needed to bring with me. Next time I will pre-empt before I am skint, but I reckon that this would be a good way to check out the intentions of any g/f, b/f that you have been with for a while, and are thinking about further commitment.

    I have just one thing to say... MARRY HER!


  5. Iphone owner here

    Not sure which camera is better but this is the best phone camera Ive ever had, its very clear and bright, but I'm no phone camera expert heh.

    The iphone is an ipod and the mp3 and video playing is second to none, theres a reason ipod sells so well, crystal clear music and video.

    The sms is great, dont know what you mean by funny..... it keeps a record of all your sms for a particular person so its like a discussion on instant messenger back and forth, you can install smsd or isms to enable sending sms to multiple recipients and forwarding sms

    The internet browsing is better than any other phone on the market right now, its the same as a computer but you can easily zoom in and move the page around with your fingers.

    The games that are constantly coming out are cute and enterntaining, Im a hardcore pc gamer so..... if its not similar to World of Warcraft its just a cute mindless game in my opinion! heh There is a playstation emulator for the iphone and a nintendo and gameboy advance that are getting upgraded periodically.

    Never heard of the iphone battery failing but I dont know much about that, Ive owned 3 ipods, the first one I bought six (seven?) years ago now has battery problems but that was also one of the first models so probably isnt comparable to the new technology.

    What kind of free options were you looking for? It will be able to install free software directly to the phone from a special program website, that is all free and includes many must have programs.

    Iphone currently doesnt have video recording capabilities but that is in development and we will have it hopefully soon (they havew already released a demo that records 5 seconds of video), for free of course. You can also currently only send mms and not receive but that is also getting worked on right now and should be updated in the near future.


  6. Mods, I rewrote this to make it as nice as possible:

    Permanent Disorder:

    You do realise your posts are not entirely clear right? Theres nothing wrong with that of course and Im not intending to be insulting but how can you expect us to get your true meaning? All we are getting, over and over, is that you have alot of ideas that date back to the start of the 1900s, (people with tattoos are bad criminals, women that have more than one boyfriend in thier lives are bad and deserve bad things happening to them etc...). Now you are saying you are trying to prove a point by posting these statements and that you dont actually believe them, well your point is not easily discernible. We are talking about topics related to this case and the situation in Thailand and when you throw in things that dont seem related we dont see the connection and have no idea what you are getting at. Try to be patient with us.

    Here is the actual quote you keep referring to: "No, unless I read this incorrectly? This is a falang woman, not bloody likely to lie against her murdered falang husband, even if she did cheat. This isnt some isaan hooker that can be pressured by her countries gangster police." This was in response to: "My bet is on the girl. If she's indeed pregnant from another guy she'll probably be coerced to testify against the dead canadian, putting all blame on him which will keep her & the cop out of prison. The police volunteer fund might even step in with a few donations for the future baby." I did not just randomly and off topic start talking about hookers from isaan lying.

    I stated quite clearly that my friend (my close friend) was at the scene and saw the falang die at the cops roadside bar in front of landmark, he was right there and watched the mans brains spill out onto the ground after being savagely beaten in the head by a mob with sticks and bars (the bar staff). Nobody was held accountable as a cop owned the bar. This is relevant when discussing the lack of accountability for cops in Thailand.


  7. if we have peoples with (tribal) tattoos involved we could also quote Adolf Loos essay "Ornament and Crime". he wrotes: " The Papuans tattoo themselves, decorate their boats, their oars, everything they can get their hands on. But a modern man who tattooes himself is either a criminal or a degenerate. Why, there are prisons where eighty per cent of the convicts are tattooed, and tattooed men who are not in prison are either latent criminals or degenerate aristocrats. When a tattooed man dies at liberty, it simply means that he hasn't had time to commit his crime."

    What the frik? Who said that Adolf Hitler what? Would you just STOP with the bizarre generalisations? Tattoos do not equal CRIMINALITY, having more than one boyfriend does not equal ASKING TO BE SHOT and all the other thoughts from 1906! Dang man, quit it already.

    Oh my god... I was joking but that essay actually WAS from 1908.... talk about blind luck.... or maybe it was obvious in the ridiculousness of the ideas....


  8. Well Damian you seem quite opinionated and claim not to have a reading definciency. So who do you see who done what? You claim others have missed vital information.... (and so on). How about you give us unfortunates that have become a bit lost a play by play summary.

    Basically the ones that have the most one sided opinion keep saying things that were already proven untrue (such as Chloe saying the autopsy showed the first bullet to the head was not a kill shot when it in fact WAS), this keeps happening and it frustrates the heck out of me. I dont mind differing opinions and a good debate as long as its not continuously diluted with untruths due to not reading the entire thread and discussion carefully enough and not getting all the facts (Im sure they are not purposefully spouting untruths just to be difficult). Its no wonder they have such strange opinions when they are not even reading all the same things as the rest of us.

    What do I think happened? I think the police officer acted criminally and should be punished accordingly.

    Myself I see the cop being guilty of murder and think its only the degree that needs to be worked out. I dont find favor in what he done but the contrution factors need to be extablished dont they.

    I am NOT ready to brand the cop a complete low life as just yet. From reading between the lines about the "ladies" character it could be just possible he was acting in self defence from her reaction after the first shots were fired

    After the first shots were fired? I dont get what you mean, the first shots were unprovoked but the later ones were? Even if she is as bad as some of you think, Leo hasnt had his character smeared and there doesnt seem to be any excuse for killing him... twice!


  9. Hmm...well, so are you saying that every girl who goes away from her boyfriend for a a month or so should immediatly become suspicious and assume that he is cheating? Sorry, but I have to disagree with that point. I have been away from my Thai boyfriend for a few months now...and as far as I know he's not cheating. Of course, I trust him. Trust is important in any "good" relationship. Anyway, I doubt a male chastity belt would have done much good in that case! He at least would have still spent the money. Personally, my advice..which is something I do...keep the money to YOURSELF. Unless your married to the guy, dont give him money (unless its like a measly 20 baht for dinner or something, haha...)

    You go away for MONTHS and really believe he innocently waits for you and only masturbates to keep himself satisfied in a country with an abundance of women and easier access to sex? Hmmmm..... Sorry for being a jerk but I truly believe you are going to get a big shock one day. Going away for a few weeks is acceptable, a few months is a ridiculous request of abstinance.

    The op is probably a troll, but to me if you treat someone like a whore they will act like one. I have never given ANYTHING to any Thai girlfriend (in my past). Maybe he did have a job, but I sincerely doubt it, this was a kept man and she encouraged his behaviour by giving him things in exchange for his love (if he's unemployed than his sole source of income was her and he worked his "job" to keep the money flowing), this is exactly the same mistake countless men make here.


  10. Ahh my post was deleted, I'll say what I wanted to say in a more non "making fun of way".

    It doesnt matter where the bullet enters, it is the path of travel and the exit spot that are important. People are assuming that an entrance wound of the cheek means the gun was held 90 degrees against the cheek and travelled straight through and out the other cheek I guess, in fact the bullet can enter the cheek and pass through the brain causing instant death which is what obviously happened here.


  11. Wait... you have the stereo already right? You simply want to connect your ipod directly to your stereo and play music from the ipod and through your powerful speakers/stereo? You were really looking for some official stand to hold the ipod?

    For about 30 baht you can buy a cable that connects the ipod to the back of your stereo and play your music that way (one end goes into your ipods earphone jack, the other end has a red and white connector to attach to stereos white and red input), you can buy the cable at any techie shop like Tukcom. Isnt this what you want? Or is it some sort of remote control function you were looking for?

    oops ya, like Hughden said.


  12. Wow, bunch of grumpy old men here....

    Anyway! This silly story reminds me my 2 friends from Canada that came to visit, they were Chinese blood but 100% Canadian. They had it firmly in their heads that Thailand was all Jungles and huts and that all Thais run around half naked chucking spears and whatnot. So I brought them to MBK...... they kept commenting on how there were so many "Japanese" at the mall (we were being squeezed from all sides by countless THAIS), they refused to accept that the mass of people were ACTUAL Thais shopping and living life as busy modern city dwellers. Same when I brought them to Sizzler, they assumed all the Thais eating western food there were actually foreign asian tourists.... ugh. No matter what I said they wouldnt accept it.


  13. What's your excuse for an off duty cop firing two shots into an unarmed rastafarian farang

    If the farang is trying to take the gun from him then what do you expect the results to be?

    The same would happen in any other country if someone tried to wrestle a gun from a policemans hand.


    What you really believe that propaganda about him accidentally firing a SECOND shot into a struggling CORPSE? The first shot was a kill shot, he was dead..... the second one was for what? And the third in a seperate target? Cmon.....


    The first was a killer? i thought the Canadian coroner said one was in the cheek, a little different from a fatal shot.

    As for the girl being shot i guess she was still acting herself.


    The first was a killer? i thought the Canadian coroner said one was in the cheek, a little different from a fatal shot.

    can't be bothered to search for the post but a news report claims the autopy stated that the first shot was a killer as was the second.

    and fyi location has nothing to do with who can post on this forum.

    Who cares, you try and take a gun from a cop and your going to get shot. Simple enough.


    "An autopsy carried out in Canada on the body of John 'Leo' Del Pinto, who was gunned down by a policeman in Pai earlier this month has revealed both shots would have been fatal.

    The Medical Examiner's office in Calgary, Alberta, has completed a report which says he was killed instantly by the bullet to his head.

    But the second shot pierced both his liver and kidney and would also have been fatal."

    Wow, ya dont bother you with something as irrelevant as the facts, that has nothing to do with how you obviously base your opinion. You were WRONG, due to your lack of reading skills since the coroners report said the first shot KILLED Leo which you missed and argued against. How about you dont bother arguing at all if you cant even be bothered to properly read the information posted here?

    Come to think of it, everyone arguing in favor of the cop has the same reading definciency and contiuously misses vital information, Permanent_Disorder, Barryman and you all do it, you only intake half the information and then start spouting untruths when the real information is posted for everyone to see clear as day.... strange. That's fine, but when someone points out the info you missed to contradict your statements you'd think you guys would be big enough to change what you were saying, but instead you just say "WHO CARES"!


  14. What's your excuse for an off duty cop firing two shots into an unarmed rastafarian farang

    If the farang is trying to take the gun from him then what do you expect the results to be?

    The same would happen in any other country if someone tried to wrestle a gun from a policemans hand.


    What you really believe that propaganda about him accidentally firing a SECOND shot into a struggling CORPSE? The first shot was a kill shot, he was dead..... the second one was for what? And the third in a seperate target? Cmon.....


  15. are you in it for justice or just for revenge? do you know the difference?
    Permanent Disorder - Seriously, get a life. Your posts are becoming ridiculous - please think before you post innane comments and references. Thank you.

    you are partly right, but where have you been when others prejudge, agitate against the local people you can not be trusted because 'they all lie like isaan hookers' and 'little pathetic thai men' and deliver other hate speech and stereotypes?

    and missing belongings is not robbery as the headline of the newspaper article called it. that is my point. there i could not resist to wrote a reply. dramatising it in the same way. you see the parallel?

    I certainly hope you arent implying I SAID those things (one of them is close to what I said but all twisted around). Stop lying, quote people honestly if you want to make a point. To answer your question, justice, but I don't for one second dream of actually seeing it.


  16. Come to think of it, this computer technician/expert of ours is the one to blame for of this. He installed copies and modded versions of the OS on all of the computers, installed a bloatware of an antivirus (McAfee) that he downloaded from a torrent site and locked everyone out by allowing us to use only a non-Admin account.

    Yeah you are right bkkperson... a "virus" is in our midst. : )

    Whaaaa?! Why doesnt he fix his mistakes?


  17. Barry Barry Barry.... what are we going to do with you hmm?! There are more police shootings of falangs than you think, and you really need to ask Thai people what they think of police... I do and not one has ever said anything nice if they said anything at all. I dont know what you keep basing your opinions on but they arent based in reality. I also feel its pretty tactless of you to talk to Danielle like that when you haven been actively working against her interests.


  18. The Canadian pathologist says Del Pinto died from gunshots to the cheek and abdomen. That's a little bit different then dying from "sharpshooter" bullets through the mouth and heart as we all thought happened due to the original reports

    "She said there was one bullet in the right cheek and one in the abdomen.

    Del Pinto's body arrived back in Canada early Saturday.

    On Jan. 6, Del Pinto and his friend Carly Reisig were returning home from a bar in Pai when an off-duty Thai police officer approached them.

    Del Pinto was shot in the head and chest and later died. Reisig was shot in the chest and is recovering in a Thai hospital."

    So in the same article they say abdomen and then chest...... UPPER abdomen perhaps? Still in the area of the heart?



    Slain frogman identified

    ........The victim Mr Orberson, 50, was rushed to Phuket International Hospital, where he was initially kept in the Intensive Care Unit for a gunshot wound to his shoulder.

    He was released on Saturday, before he could be questioned by police.

    Chalong Police say they know where Mr Oberson is and that they plan to question him soon. They will have to file murder charges against him as a matter of procedure, though they expect the charges to be dropped eventually because all of the available evidence indicates that he was acting in self-defense........

    From the Phuket Gazette

    Now substitute the name "Mr Orberson" for the name "Sgt Uthai" and re-read the above quote then the whole of this thread again.



    I said it before, he's not going to be punished at all, not even a transfer. The only thing that can be done is the Canadian government using pressure to get results but they are too weak and timid... makes me ashamed.


  19. Permanent Disorder: Im not going to get into everything just this which someone has already said: Carly was shot in the chest right beside her heart and then fell and lay still LIKE SHE WAS DEAD. She later came too AFTER. So saying the cop was nice by not trying to execute her is WRONG, anyone would have thought she WAS dead. I doubt Fuen was standing beside her, he probably ran for cover immediately like most people would.


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